Thread: Upgrade question

Upgrade question

Hi All,

Newbie here with a request for info and caveats for upgrading a 9.22 version of postgres to 12.

I am primarily a Windows admin so don't currently have the bandwidth to move this to a Linux environment.  I know it would be better, but that will be a future step.

I recently moved everything from a 2012 R2 server to 2019 but did not upgrade Postgres.  It appears the move of the DB left out some queries or 'views'.   

Am not sure if 9.2.2 is stable on server 2019.  I probably just need to go through another backup and restore.

However, an upgrade seems to be in order as well.

Question:  Do I upgrade Postgres on the 2012 server and then move the DB, or can I upgrade Postgres on the new server directly.  Maybe it does not matter, but your experience in answering this question is appreciated.


Re: Upgrade question

"David G. Johnston"
On Sunday, October 11, 2020, ROBERT SCHULTZE <> wrote:
Newbie here with a request for info and caveats for upgrading a 9.22 version of postgres to 12.

Read the 20 minor release notes for 9.2.3 to 9.2.24 and then the major release notes, looking at compatibility issues, for the initial major releases subsequent to that.

I am primarily a Windows admin so don't currently have the bandwidth to move this to a Linux environment.  I know it would be better, but that will be a future step.

I recently moved everything from a 2012 R2 server to 2019 but did not upgrade Postgres.  It appears the move of the DB left out some queries or 'views'.   

When you backup and restore on the same server do you get different results?

Am not sure if 9.2.2 is stable on server 2019.  I probably just need to go through another backup and restore.

Depends on how you want to define “stable”.  The latest 9.2 release was already 2 years out of support in 2019 and 9.2.2 was released something like 5 years before that.
Question:  Do I upgrade Postgres on the 2012 server and then move the DB, or can I upgrade Postgres on the new server directly.  Maybe it does not matter, but your experience in answering this question is appreciated.

If you can solve your version problem without changing the operating system first I would advise doing that.  Change as few things simultaneously as possible.  Also consider multiple smaller upgrades, maybe to v9.5 on 2012 then move that to 2019 then upgrade to v12.

David J.