Thread: pgnodemx: host metric collection for containers

pgnodemx: host metric collection for containers

Joe Conway
Crunchy Data is pleased to announce the initial release of pgnodemx, available
open source under an Apache 2.0 license. You can view the project details below:

pgnodemx provides a set of functions facilitating the collection of host-node
level operational metrics. In particular, pgnodemx has support for capturing
metrics related to cgroups (one of the Linux kernel facilities underlying the
various Container technologies) and the Kubernetes Downward API.

It also allows capture of certain critical host information from the Linux
kernel via virtual files and kernel syscalls.

Through simple SQL queries, you can pull out information about the underlying
system that your PostgreSQL instance is running on. It was developed primarily
in order to efficiently capture metrics for the purposes of monitoring and
alerting in modern DevOps environments.

Features include:

- Functions that extract information from cgroups
  available on the system PostgreSQL is running on
- Functions that can detail meta information about the
  file system available to PostgreSQL
- Integration with the Kubernetes Downward API
- Support for cgroups v1 and v2 and traditional UNIX


- Project Repo:

- Documentation:

Crunchy Data is proud to support the development and maintenance of pgnodemx.

Joe Conway
Crunchy Data -
PostgreSQL Support for Secure Enterprises
Consulting, Training, & Open Source Development
