Thread: sizing / capacity planning tipps related to expected request or transactions per second


are there any nice rules of thumb about capacity planning in relation the expected
amount of transactions or request per second?

For example, if I have around 100 000 transactions per second on a 5 TB database.
With what amount of Memory and CPUs/Cores and which settings would you basically
Start to evaluate the performance.

Or are there any other recommendations or experiences here?

Thanks and best regards


Hi Dirk,

There are a bunch of other things to consider besides just TPS and size 
of database.  Since PG is process-bound, I would consider connection 
activity: How many active connections at any one time?  This greatly 
affects your CPUs.  SQL workload is another big factor: a lot of complex 
queries may use up or want to use up large amounts of work_mem, which 
greatly affects your memory capacity.

Bunch of other stuff, but these are my top 2.

Michael Vitale

Dirk Krautschick wrote on 8/24/2020 12:39 PM:
> Hi,
> are there any nice rules of thumb about capacity planning in relation the expected
> amount of transactions or request per second?
> For example, if I have around 100 000 transactions per second on a 5 TB database.
> With what amount of Memory and CPUs/Cores and which settings would you basically
> Start to evaluate the performance.
> Or are there any other recommendations or experiences here?
> Thanks and best regards
> Dirk


po 24. 8. 2020 v 18:40 odesílatel Dirk Krautschick <> napsal:

are there any nice rules of thumb about capacity planning in relation the expected
amount of transactions or request per second?

For example, if I have around 100 000 transactions per second on a 5 TB database.
With what amount of Memory and CPUs/Cores and which settings would you basically
Start to evaluate the performance.

You have to know the duration of a typical query - if it is 1ms, then one cpu can do 1000 tps and you need 100 cpu. If duration is 10 ms, then you need 1000 cpu.

as minimum RAM for OLTP is 10% of database size, in your case 500GB RAM.

Any time, when I see a request higher than 20-30K tps, then it is good to think about horizontal scaling or about sharding.



Or are there any other recommendations or experiences here?

Thanks and best regards
