Thread: bug in psql?

bug in psql?

"Aleksey M Boltenkov"
Is this a bug?

Executing of malformed (quote symbols) select in psql results in unexpected behaviour:

pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_buffercache │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_stat_statements │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │

Aleksey M Boltenkov.

Re: bug in psql?

Pavel Stehule

so 15. 8. 2020 v 7:35 odesílatel Aleksey M Boltenkov <> napsal:
Is this a bug?

Executing of malformed (quote symbols) select in psql results in unexpected behaviour:

pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_buffercache │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_stat_statements │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │

I tested psql-12 and psql-14 and I don't see this issue


Aleksey M Boltenkov.

Re: bug in psql?

Tom Lane
"Aleksey M Boltenkov" <> writes:
> Is this a bug?

> pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;

No.  The "\d+;" is taken as a backslash command, and is executed.
The rest of what you typed is still waiting in the query buffer.

It's bit weird perhaps, since \d seems like a "do-something"
command rather than a query buffer editing command.  But
psql uses the same rules for both cases.

            regards, tom lane

RE: bug in psql?

"Aleksey M Boltenkov"
eksey M Boltenkov.

15.08.2020, 08:39, Pavel Stehule <>

so 15. 8. 2020 v 7:35 odesílatel Aleksey M Boltenkov <> napsal:
Is this a bug?

Executing of malformed (quote symbols) select in psql results in unexpected behaviour:

pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_buffercache │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_stat_statements │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │

I tested psql-12 and psql-14 and I don't see this issue


Aleksey M Boltenkov.

You must have relations in search path, ifaiu.

engineer@pg02:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 kaad
Timing is on.
Null display is "¤".
Line style is unicode.
Unicode border line style is "single".
Unicode column line style is "single".
Unicode header line style is "double".
Output format is wrapped.
Time: 0.234 ms
Time: 0.206 ms
psql (12.4 (Ubuntu 12.4-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
2020-08-15 09:29:18 localhost:5432 postgres@kaad=# select version();
PostgreSQL 12.4 (Ubuntu 12.4-1.pgdg18.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0, 64-bit
(1 row)
Time: 6.682 ms
2020-08-15 09:29:24 localhost:5432 postgres@kaad=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │
(5 rows)
[more] - > ; -- semicolon is manually added
ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "any"
LINE 1: select 'any expression'any expression
LOCATION: scanner_yyerror, scan.l:1149
Time: 0.530 ms

Aleksey M Boltenkov.

RE: bug in psql?

"Aleksey M Boltenkov"
15.08.2020, 08:56, Tom Lane <>
"Aleksey M Boltenkov" <> writes:
> Is this a bug?

> pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;

No.   The "\d+;" is taken as a backslash command, and is executed.
The rest of what you typed is still waiting in the query buffer.

It's bit weird perhaps, since \d seems like a "do-something"
command rather than a query buffer editing command.   But
psql uses the same rules for both cases.

                          regards, tom lane
Yes, i have used it for a long, but it was always wellformed, so malformed query was some kind of surprise.

select format('insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select val, ... from %I.%I on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y*', (regexp_match(tablename, '\d[\d_]+$'))[1], schemaname, tablename) from pg_tables where schemaname = 'x' and tablename ~ '^y' order by 1;

insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select '2020_07_29'::date, field, ... from x.y_archive_2020_07_29 on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y_new_scheme*
insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select '2020_08_05'::date, field, ... from x.y_archive_2020_08_05 on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y_new_scheme*
insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select '2020_08_12'::date, field, ... from x.y_archive_2020_08_12 on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y_new_scheme*


Aleksey M Boltenkov.

Re: bug in psql?

Pavel Stehule

so 15. 8. 2020 v 8:35 odesílatel Aleksey M Boltenkov <> napsal:
eksey M Boltenkov.

15.08.2020, 08:39, Pavel Stehule <>

so 15. 8. 2020 v 7:35 odesílatel Aleksey M Boltenkov <> napsal:
Is this a bug?

Executing of malformed (quote symbols) select in psql results in unexpected behaviour:

pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_buffercache │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_stat_statements │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │

I tested psql-12 and psql-14 and I don't see this issue


Aleksey M Boltenkov.

You must have relations in search path, ifaiu.

engineer@pg02:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 kaad
Timing is on.
Null display is "¤".
Line style is unicode.
Unicode border line style is "single".
Unicode column line style is "single".
Unicode header line style is "double".
Output format is wrapped.
Time: 0.234 ms
Time: 0.206 ms
psql (12.4 (Ubuntu 12.4-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
2020-08-15 09:29:18 localhost:5432 postgres@kaad=# select version();
PostgreSQL 12.4 (Ubuntu 12.4-1.pgdg18.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0, 64-bit
(1 row)
Time: 6.682 ms
2020-08-15 09:29:24 localhost:5432 postgres@kaad=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │
(5 rows)
[more] - > ; -- semicolon is manually added
ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "any"
LINE 1: select 'any expression'any expression
LOCATION: scanner_yyerror, scan.l:1149
Time: 0.530 ms

it is expected result from my perspective

there is same error if you run your query without \d

postgres=# select 'any expression 'any expression;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "any"
LINE 1: select 'any expression 'any expression;

Aleksey M Boltenkov.

RE: bug in psql?

"Aleksey M Boltenkov"
15.08.2020, 09:46, Aleksey M Boltenkov <>
15.08.2020, 08:56, Tom Lane <>
"Aleksey M Boltenkov" <> writes:
> Is this a bug?

> pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;

No.   The "\d+;" is taken as a backslash command, and is executed.
The rest of what you typed is still waiting in the query buffer.

It's bit weird perhaps, since \d seems like a "do-something"
command rather than a query buffer editing command.   But
psql uses the same rules for both cases.

                          regards, tom lane
Yes, i have used it for a long, but it was always wellformed, so malformed query was some kind of surprise.

select format('insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select val, ... from %I.%I on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y*', (regexp_match(tablename, '\d[\d_]+$'))[1], schemaname, tablename) from pg_tables where schemaname = 'x' and tablename ~ '^y' order by 1;

insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select '2020_07_29'::date, field, ... from x.y_archive_2020_07_29 on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y_new_scheme*
insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select '2020_08_05'::date, field, ... from x.y_archive_2020_08_05 on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y_new_scheme*
insert into x.y ( field, ... ) select '2020_08_12'::date, field, ... from x.y_archive_2020_08_12 on conflict ( constraint ) do nothing;\dti+ x.y_new_scheme*


Aleksey M Boltenkov.

Sorry, \gexec does not work, copy and paste.

Aleksey M Boltenkov.

RE: bug in psql?

"Aleksey M Boltenkov"
15.08.2020, 09:49, Pavel Stehule <>

so 15. 8. 2020 v 8:35 odesílatel Aleksey M Boltenkov <> napsal:
eksey M Boltenkov.

15.08.2020, 08:39, Pavel Stehule <>

so 15. 8. 2020 v 7:35 odesílatel Aleksey M Boltenkov <> napsal:
Is this a bug?

Executing of malformed (quote symbols) select in psql results in unexpected behaviour:

pg01:5432 postgres@db=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_buffercache │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ pg_stat_statements │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │

I tested psql-12 and psql-14 and I don't see this issue


Aleksey M Boltenkov.

You must have relations in search path, ifaiu.

engineer@pg02:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 kaad
Timing is on.
Null display is "¤".
Line style is unicode.
Unicode border line style is "single".
Unicode column line style is "single".
Unicode header line style is "double".
Output format is wrapped.
Time: 0.234 ms
Time: 0.206 ms
psql (12.4 (Ubuntu 12.4-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
2020-08-15 09:29:18 localhost:5432 postgres@kaad=# select version();
PostgreSQL 12.4 (Ubuntu 12.4-1.pgdg18.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0, 64-bit
(1 row)
Time: 6.682 ms
2020-08-15 09:29:24 localhost:5432 postgres@kaad=# select 'any expression'any expression\d+;
List of relations
Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Size │ Description
public │ geography_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ geometry_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_columns │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ raster_overviews │ view │ postgres │ 0 bytes │
public │ spatial_ref_sys │ table │ postgres │ 4616 kB │
(5 rows)
[more] - > ; -- semicolon is manually added
ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "any"
LINE 1: select 'any expression'any expression
LOCATION: scanner_yyerror, scan.l:1149
Time: 0.530 ms

it is expected result from my perspective

there is same error if you run your query without \d

postgres=# select 'any expression 'any expression;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "any"
LINE 1: select 'any expression 'any expression;

Aleksey M Boltenkov.

Thank you, i just was impressed by execution of part of malformed select expression by psql as cli part.

Aleksey M Boltenkov.