Thread: pglogical 2.3.2 on 9.4 --> 12.3 CONFLICT: remote DELETE (tuple not found). Resolution: skip.

Configured pglogical source is 9.4 target is 12.3

a table has PK from multiple column (varchar(50),char(2),char(1)).

initial syncronization is OK, but when at source there is delete , but got error at target...

LOG:  CONFLICT: remote DELETE on relation public.a_XXXX replica identity index a_XXX_pk (tuple not found). Resolution: skip.

replica identity was set to default for the table so yes there is old image on those 3 columns:

but why delete was error at target?
collation exactly same on all GUC.

any direction to print debug verbosity on why delete on target didnt find row and skipped?


replication identity correctly displayed on detail after resolution message:

  LOG:  CONFLICT: remote DELETE on relation public.a_XXXX replica identity index a_XXX_pk (tuple not found). Resolution: skip. 

DETAIL:  remote tuple {created_by[int8]:(null) created_date[timestamp]:(null) updated_by[int8]:(null) updated_date[timestamp]:(null)
pk_col_1[varchar]:ZZZ100008 pk_col_2[bpchar]:12 pk_col_3[bpchar]:G   << this is oldval
status_data[varchar]:(null)} in xact origin=2,timestamp=2020-08-12 08:06:33.956683+08,commit_lsn=0/CA6499D0

I am curious about  bpchar in log DETAILS.
Is it the correct error message for the data type char?

On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 10:50 AM milist ujang <> wrote:
Configured pglogical source is 9.4 target is 12.3

a table has PK from multiple column (varchar(50),char(2),char(1)).

initial syncronization is OK, but when at source there is delete , but got error at target...

LOG:  CONFLICT: remote DELETE on relation public.a_XXXX replica identity index a_XXX_pk (tuple not found). Resolution: skip.

replica identity was set to default for the table so yes there is old image on those 3 columns:

but why delete was error at target?
collation exactly same on all GUC.

any direction to print debug verbosity on why delete on target didnt find row and skipped?

