Thread: distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels if restrictinfo contains volatile functions

distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels if restrictinfo contains volatile functions

Zhenghua Lyu
Hi all,
     consider the following SQL:

   gpadmin=# explain (verbose, costs off) 
     select * from t, 
                             (select a from generate_series(1, 1)a)x, 
                             (select a from generate_series(1, 1)a)y 
      where ((x.a+y.a)/4.0) > random();
                                       QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop
   Output: t.a, t.b, a.a, a_1.a
   ->  Nested Loop
         Output: a.a, a_1.a
         Join Filter: (((((a.a + a_1.a))::numeric / 4.0))::double precision > random())
         ->  Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series a
               Output: a.a
               Function Call: generate_series(1, 1)
         ->  Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series a_1
               Output: a_1.a
               Function Call: generate_series(1, 1)
   ->  Seq Scan on public.t
         Output: t.a, t.b
(13 rows)


        The where clause is "pushed down to the x,y" because it only references these two relations.

        The original query tree's join tree is like:       
FromExpr []
                RangeTblRef [rtindex=1]
                RangeTblRef [rtindex=4]
                RangeTblRef [rtindex=5]
                OpExpr [opno=674 opfuncid=297 opresulttype=16 opretset=false]
                        FuncExpr [funcid=1746 funcresulttype=701 funcretset=false funcvariadic=false      
                                OpExpr [opno=1761 opfuncid=1727 opresulttype=1700 opretset=false]
                                        FuncExpr [funcid=1740 funcresulttype=1700 funcretset=false funcvariadic=false 
                                                OpExpr [opno=551 opfuncid=177 opresulttype=23 opretset=false]
                                                        Var [varno=4 varattno=1 vartype=23 varnoold=4 varoattno=1]
                                                        Var [varno=5 varattno=1 vartype=23 varnoold=5 varoattno=1]
                                        Const [consttype=1700 constlen=-1 constvalue=94908966309104 constisnull=false 
                        FuncExpr [funcid=1598 funcresulttype=701 funcretset=false funcvariadic=false 
    It seems the semantics it wants to express is:   filter after join all the tables.

    Thus maybe a plan like 

Nested Loop 
 Join Filter: (((((a.a + a_1.a))::numeric / 4.0))::double precision > random())  
 ->  Nested Loop  
         ->  Function Scan on generate_series a  
         ->  Function Scan on generate_series a_1  
   ->  Seq Scan on t  (cost=0.00..32.60 rows=2260 width=8)
  May also be reasonable because it is just the direct translation from the original query tree.

   The above plans may have different property:
      * the first one, if we push down, can only produce 2 results: 0 rows, or 10 rows. No third possibility
      * the second one, will output 0 ~ 10 rows with equal probability.

    I am wondering if we should consider volatile functions in restrictinfo when try to distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels?

Zhenghua Lyu
Zhenghua Lyu <> writes:
>         The where clause is "pushed down to the x,y" because it only references these two relations.

Yeah.  I agree that it's somewhat unprincipled, but changing it doesn't
seem like a great idea.  There are a lot of users out there who aren't
terribly careful about marking their UDFs as non-volatile, but would be
unhappy if the optimizer suddenly crippled their queries because of
being picky about this.

Also, we specifically document that order of evaluation in WHERE clauses
is not guaranteed, so I feel no need to make promises about how often
volatile functions there will be evaluated.  (Volatiles in SELECT lists
are a different story.)

This behavior has stood for a couple of decades with few user complaints,
so why are you concerned about changing it?

            regards, tom lane

    Thanks for your reply.
    I find the problem in a distributed database based on Postgres (Greenplum). In distributed database
    there may be distributed tables:
         every single node only contain subpart of the data and combine them all will get the full data

    I think it may also be a problem for Postgres's parallel computing.
    1. What postgres planner do for parallel scan a table and then join a generate_series() function scan?
    2. What postgres planner do for parallel scan a table and then join a generate_series() function scan with a volatile filter?

    Thus running the SQL in the above case, since generate_series functions can can be taken as the same every where,
    And generate_series join generate_series also have this property: the data is complete in every single node. This property
    is very helpful in a distributed join: A distributed table join  generate_series function can just join in every local node and then  
    gather the result back to a single node.

    But things are different when there are volatile functions: volatile functions may be in where clause, targetlist and somewhere.
    That is why I come up with the above case and ask here.

    To be honest, I do not care the push down so much. It is not normal usage to writing volatile functions in where clause.
    I just find it lose the property.

Zhenghua Lyu


From: Tom Lane <>
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 10:10 PM
To: Zhenghua Lyu <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels if restrictinfo contains volatile functions
Zhenghua Lyu <> writes:
>         The where clause is "pushed down to the x,y" because it only references these two relations.

Yeah.  I agree that it's somewhat unprincipled, but changing it doesn't
seem like a great idea.  There are a lot of users out there who aren't
terribly careful about marking their UDFs as non-volatile, but would be
unhappy if the optimizer suddenly crippled their queries because of
being picky about this.

Also, we specifically document that order of evaluation in WHERE clauses
is not guaranteed, so I feel no need to make promises about how often
volatile functions there will be evaluated.  (Volatiles in SELECT lists
are a different story.)

This behavior has stood for a couple of decades with few user complaints,
so why are you concerned about changing it?

                        regards, tom lane