Thread: move postgrest installation

move postgrest installation


Hello all,


First of all, Thanks you to community, help me with another questions before.

I have installed postgresql:10 on redhat 8 in this path (/var/lib/pgsql/data) default installation path, mounted on /var.

I need to change the location due to storage issues to another FS (/datos/postgres), how i can do it?

Or it’s more save to install again (creating a FS mount on /var/lib/pgsql/data)

I configured a replica with Wall streaming, How do this change of path  affect the replica?


Thanks in advance.


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Re: move postgrest installation

PostgreSQL is a set of programs which get installed.  The databases are created and then populated with your data.

Are you really asking about how to move the databases?  If so, then (first shut down postgres, of course), copy the files in /var/lib/pgsql/data to /datos/postgres and then update postgresql.conf, and whatever startup file defines PGDATA.

On 7/2/20 6:40 AM, CRISTINA ASENJO CUELLAR wrote:

Hello all,


First of all, Thanks you to community, help me with another questions before.

I have installed postgresql:10 on redhat 8 in this path (/var/lib/pgsql/data) default installation path, mounted on /var.

I need to change the location due to storage issues to another FS (/datos/postgres), how i can do it?

Or it’s more save to install again (creating a FS mount on /var/lib/pgsql/data)

I configured a replica with Wall streaming, How do this change of path  affect the replica?

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