Thread: LogicalReplicationTest pg_replication_slots status check

LogicalReplicationTest pg_replication_slots status check

Hello, Team:

We will report the condition judgment that seems to be inappropriate in the test code of LogicalReplicationTest.
This issue does not affect the behavior of the JDBC Driver, but we would appreciate it if you could consider fixing

The conditions for the replication slot status check are opposite.

The current code is to wait for 2 seconds if the value of is false.
Originally, if the value of is true, you need to wait for 2 seconds.

This can be worked around by modifying "!isActive" at line 367 in the source code below to "isActive".

Target source code:
Line 367
363    replConnection.close();
365    boolean isActive = isActiveOnView();
366    //we doesn't wait replay from server about stop connection that why some delay exists on update view and should
waitsome time before check view
367    if (!isActive) {
368      TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(2L);
369      isActive = isActiveOnView();
370    }
372    assertThat(
373        "Execute close method on Connection should lead to stop replication as fast as possible, "
374            + "as result we wait that
375         isActive, equalTo(false)
376    );

In the original code, the following error could occur when tested on a slow machine.
(Failure did not occur on the high performance machines, probably because the replication slots would soon become

Test Error Messages:
 > Task :postgresql:test

Gradle Test Executor 3 STANDARD_OUT
     Configuration file /var/lib/pgsql/postgresql-jdbc-42.2-14.src/pgjdbc/../ does not exist.
Consideradding it to specify test db host and login
     Configuration file /var/lib/pgsql/postgresql-jdbc-42.2-14.src/pgjdbc/../ does not exist.
Consideradding it to specify test db host and login
     enableSslTests is null, skipping SSL tests

LogicalReplicationTest > testReplicationRestartFromLastFeedbackPositionParallelTransaction STANDARD_OUT
     Configuration file /var/lib/pgsql/postgresql-jdbc-42.2-14.src/pgjdbc/../ does not exist.
Consideradding it to specify test db host and login
FAILURE   2.0sec, org.postgresql.replication.LogicalReplicationTest >
     java.lang.AssertionError: Execute close method on Connection should lead to stop replication as fast as possible,
asresult we wait that on view pg_replication_slots status for slot will change to no active
     Expected: <false>
          but: was <true>
         at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(
         at org.junit.Assert.assertThat(

JDBC Driver 42.2.14
PostgreSQL 12.3
CentOS 7.1

Best Regard.

Kenichi Nakamura