Hi All,
prologue of pg_dump.c says
* Note that pg_dump runs in a transaction-snapshot mode transaction,
* so it sees a consistent snapshot of the database including system
* catalogs. However, it relies in part on various specialized backend
* functions like pg_get_indexdef(), and those things tend to look at
* the currently committed state. So it is possible to get 'cache
* lookup failed' error if someone performs DDL changes while a dump is
* happening. The window for this sort of thing is from the acquisition
* of the transaction snapshot to getSchemaData() (when pg_dump acquires
* AccessShareLock on every table it intends to dump). It isn't very large,
* but it can happen.
But this possible failure has not been documented at
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/app-pgdump.html. Although the
window for failure is small, it's not impossible.Should we document
this kind of failure?
Best Wishes,
Ashutosh Bapat