Thread: BUG #16375: Error in pgAdmin 4.20 when trying to script a function to Query Tool

BUG #16375: Error in pgAdmin 4.20 when trying to script a function to Query Tool

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      16375
Logged by:          Paul Marceau
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: Unsupported/Unknown
Operating system:   Windows 10 Pro

connect pgAdmin version 4.20 (recently installed) to the DB.  
Expand the list of functions in the left hand window.
right click a function and select "scripts"==> "CREATE Script"
an alert window pops up with an error stating something about a
pr.proleakproof does not exist LINE 4:

this is on PostgreSQL 9.1.24, windows 10 Pro for client and Ubuntu on AWS.

Re: BUG #16375: Error in pgAdmin 4.20 when trying to script afunction to Query Tool

"David G. Johnston"
On Friday, April 17, 2020, PG Bug reporting form <> wrote:
connect pgAdmin version 4.20 (recently installed) to the DB. 

this is on PostgreSQL 9.1.24, windows 10 Pro for client and Ubuntu on AWS.

This list isn’t for the independent pgAdmin project.  That said the features page on their site:

Says it only support,PostgreSQL version 9.5+

And the PostgreSQL project currently only supports back to version 9.4

David J.