Thread: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Richard Guo
Hi All,

Currently we will not consider EXPR_SUBLINK when pulling up sublinks and
this would cause performance issues for some queries with the form of:
'a > (SELECT agg(b) from ...)' as described in [1].

So here is a patch as an attempt to pull up EXPR SubLinks. The idea,
which is based on Greenplum's implementation, is to perform the
following transformation.

For query:

select * from foo where foo.a >
    (select avg(bar.a) from bar where foo.b = bar.b);

we transform it to:

select * from foo inner join
    (select bar.b, avg(bar.a) as avg from bar group by bar.b) sub
on foo.b = sub.b and foo.a > sub.avg;

To do that, we recurse through the quals in sub-select and extract quals
of form 'foo(outervar) = bar(innervar)' and then according to innervars
we make new SortGroupClause items and TargetEntry items for sub-select.
And at last we pull up the sub-select into upper range table.

As a result, the plan would change as:


               QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on foo
   Filter: ((a)::numeric > (SubPlan 1))
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Aggregate
           ->  Seq Scan on bar
                 Filter: (foo.b = b)
(6 rows)


                    QUERY PLAN
 Hash Join
   Hash Cond: (foo.b = bar.b)
   Join Filter: ((foo.a)::numeric > (avg(bar.a)))
   ->  Seq Scan on foo
   ->  Hash
         ->  HashAggregate
               Group Key: bar.b
               ->  Seq Scan on bar
(8 rows)

The patch works but still in draft stage. Post it here to see if it is
the right thing we want.


Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Andy Fan

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 2:35 PM Richard Guo <> wrote:
Hi All,

Currently we will not consider EXPR_SUBLINK when pulling up sublinks and
this would cause performance issues for some queries with the form of:
'a > (SELECT agg(b) from ...)' as described in [1].

So here is a patch as an attempt to pull up EXPR SubLinks. The idea,
which is based on Greenplum's implementation, is to perform the
following transformation.

For query:

select * from foo where foo.a >
    (select avg(bar.a) from bar where foo.b = bar.b);

we transform it to:

select * from foo inner join
    (select bar.b, avg(bar.a) as avg from bar group by bar.b) sub
on foo.b = sub.b and foo.a > sub.avg;

Glad to see this.  I think the hard part is this transform is not *always* 
good.  for example foo.a only has 1 rows, but bar has a lot  of rows, if so 
the original would be the better one.  doss this patch consider this problem? 


Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Richard Guo

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 3:02 PM Andy Fan <> wrote:

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 2:35 PM Richard Guo <> wrote:
Hi All,

Currently we will not consider EXPR_SUBLINK when pulling up sublinks and
this would cause performance issues for some queries with the form of:
'a > (SELECT agg(b) from ...)' as described in [1].

So here is a patch as an attempt to pull up EXPR SubLinks. The idea,
which is based on Greenplum's implementation, is to perform the
following transformation.

For query:

select * from foo where foo.a >
    (select avg(bar.a) from bar where foo.b = bar.b);

we transform it to:

select * from foo inner join
    (select bar.b, avg(bar.a) as avg from bar group by bar.b) sub
on foo.b = sub.b and foo.a > sub.avg;

Glad to see this.  I think the hard part is this transform is not *always* 
good.  for example foo.a only has 1 rows, but bar has a lot  of rows, if so 
the original would be the better one.

Yes exactly. TBH I'm not sure how to achieve that. Currently in the
patch this transformation happens in the stage of preprocessing the
jointree. We do not have enough information at this time to tell which
is better between the transformed one and untransformed one.

If we want to choose the better one by cost comparison, then we need to
plan the query twice, one for the transformed query and one for the
untransformed query. But this seems infeasible in current optimizer's

Any ideas on this part?


Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Tom Lane
Richard Guo <> writes:
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 3:02 PM Andy Fan <> wrote:
>> Glad to see this.  I think the hard part is this transform is not *always*
>> good.  for example foo.a only has 1 rows, but bar has a lot  of rows, if
>> so the original would be the better one.

> Yes exactly. TBH I'm not sure how to achieve that.

Yeah, I was about to make the same objection when I saw Andy already had.
Without some moderately-reliable way of estimating whether the change
is actually a win, I think we're better off leaving it out.  The user
can always rewrite the query for themselves if the grouped implementation
would be better -- but if the planner just does it blindly, there's no
recourse when it's worse.

> Any ideas on this part?

I wonder whether it'd be possible to rewrite the query, but then
consider two implementations, one where the equality clause is
pushed down into the aggregating subquery as though it were LATERAL.
You'd want to be able to figure out that the presence of that clause
made it unnecessary to do the GROUP BY ... but having done so, a
plan treating the aggregating subquery as LATERAL ought to be pretty
nearly performance-equivalent to the current way.  So this could be
mechanized in the current planner structure by treating that as a
parameterized path for the subquery, and comparing it to unparameterized
paths that calculate the full grouped output.

Obviously it'd be a long slog from here to there, but it seems like
maybe that could be made to work.  There's a separate question about
whether it's really worth the trouble, seeing that the optimization
is available today to people who rewrite their queries.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Richard Guo
On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 11:35 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
Richard Guo <> writes:
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 3:02 PM Andy Fan <> wrote:
>> Glad to see this.  I think the hard part is this transform is not *always*
>> good.  for example foo.a only has 1 rows, but bar has a lot  of rows, if
>> so the original would be the better one.

> Yes exactly. TBH I'm not sure how to achieve that.

Yeah, I was about to make the same objection when I saw Andy already had.
Without some moderately-reliable way of estimating whether the change
is actually a win, I think we're better off leaving it out.  The user
can always rewrite the query for themselves if the grouped implementation
would be better -- but if the planner just does it blindly, there's no
recourse when it's worse.

Yes, that makes sense.

> Any ideas on this part?

I wonder whether it'd be possible to rewrite the query, but then
consider two implementations, one where the equality clause is
pushed down into the aggregating subquery as though it were LATERAL.
You'd want to be able to figure out that the presence of that clause
made it unnecessary to do the GROUP BY ... but having done so, a
plan treating the aggregating subquery as LATERAL ought to be pretty
nearly performance-equivalent to the current way.  So this could be
mechanized in the current planner structure by treating that as a
parameterized path for the subquery, and comparing it to unparameterized
paths that calculate the full grouped output.

I suppose this would happen in/around function set_subquery_pathlist.
When we generate access paths for the subquery, we try to push down the
equality clause into subquery, remove the unnecessary GROUP BY, etc.
and then perform another run of subquery_planner to generate the
parameterized path, and add it to the RelOptInfo for the subquery. So
that we can do comparison to unparameterized paths.

Am I understanding it correctly?

Obviously it'd be a long slog from here to there, but it seems like
maybe that could be made to work.  There's a separate question about
whether it's really worth the trouble, seeing that the optimization
is available today to people who rewrite their queries.

If I understand correctly as above, yes, this would take quite a lot of
effort. Not sure if it's still worth doing.


Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Andy Fan
Actually I have a different opinion to handle this issue,  to execute the
a > (select avg(a) from tinner where x = touer.x);  The drawback of current 
path is because it may calculates the same touer.x value multi-times. So
if we cache the values we have calculated before, we can avoid the cost. 
Material path may be the one we can reference but it assumes all the tuples
in the tuplestore matches the input params, which is not the fact here. 

But what if the input params doesn't change?  If so we can use Material path
to optimize this case.  But since we don't know if the if the input params changed
or not during plan time,  we just add the path (let's assume we can add it with some
rules or cost calculation).  If the input params is not changed, we use the cached
values,  if the input params changed,  we can ReScan the Material node.  To optimize
the the cache invalidation frequent issue like (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2) case, we may consider
a sort path to change the input values to (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2).  But overall it is a big effort.

As a independent small optimization maybe if the input params doesn't change, we
can use the tuples in the Material node again. Suppose it will not demage our current
framework if we can add the material path by either rules based or cost based. 

Suppose we have the following data:

demo=#  select * from j1 limit 10;
 i  | im5 | im100 | im1000
  1 |   1 |     1 |      1
  2 |   2 |     2 |      2
  3 |   3 |     3 |      3
  4 |   4 |     4 |      4
  5 |   0 |     5 |      5
  6 |   1 |     6 |      6
  7 |   2 |     7 |      7
  8 |   3 |     8 |      8
  9 |   4 |     9 |      9
 10 |   0 |    10 |     10
(10 rows)

totally we have j1 = 10,000,002 rows, the extra 2 rows because we have 3 rows for i=1 
demo=#  select * from j1 where i = 1;
 i | im5 | im100 | im1000
 1 |   1 |     1 |      1
 1 |   1 |     1 |      1
 1 |   1 |     1 |      1
(3 rows)

Then  select * from j1 j1o where im5 = (select avg(im5) from j1 where im5 = j1o.im5) and i = 1;
will hit our above optimizations. The plan is

                  QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using j1_idx1 on j1 j1o
   Index Cond: (i = 1)
   Filter: ((im5)::numeric < (SubPlan 1))
   SubPlan 1
     ->  Materialize
           ->  Aggregate
                 ->  Seq Scan on j1
                       Filter: (im5 = j1o.im5)
(8 rows)

and the Aggregate is just executed once (execution time dropped from 8.x s 
to 2.6s). 

The attached is a very PoC patch,  but it can represent my idea for 
current discuss, Some notes about the implementation. 

1.  We need to check if the input params is really not changed.  Currently I just
comment it out for quick test. 

-               planstate->chgParam = bms_add_member(planstate->chgParam, paramid);
+               // planstate->chgParam = bms_add_member(planstate->chgParam, paramid);

Looks we have a lot of places to add a params 
to chgParam without checking the actual value. The place I found this case is
during ExecNestLoop.  So we may need a handy and efficient way to do the
check for all the places. However it is not a must for current case

2.   I probably misunderstand the the usage of MaterialState->eflags.  since I don't
know why the eflag need to be checked ExecMaterial.  and I have to remove it to 
let my PoC work. 

-       if (tuplestorestate == NULL && node->eflags != 0)
+       if (tuplestorestate == NULL)

3.  I added the material path in a very hacked way, the if check  just to make 
sure it take effect on my test statement only.  If you want to test this patch locally,
you need to change the oid for your case. 

+       if (linitial_node(RangeTblEntry, root->parse->rtable)->relid == 25634)
+               best_path = (Path *) create_material_path(final_rel, best_path);

But when we take this action to production case, how to cost this strategy is 
challenge since it can neither reduce the total_cost nor result in a new PathKey.
I will check other place to see how this kind can be added.

Best Regards
Andy Fan


Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Dilip Kumar
On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 8:56 AM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> Actually I have a different opinion to handle this issue,  to execute the
> a > (select avg(a) from tinner where x = touer.x);  The drawback of current
> path is because it may calculates the same touer.x value multi-times. So
> if we cache the values we have calculated before, we can avoid the cost.
> Material path may be the one we can reference but it assumes all the tuples
> in the tuplestore matches the input params, which is not the fact here.
> But what if the input params doesn't change?  If so we can use Material path
> to optimize this case.  But since we don't know if the if the input params changed
> or not during plan time,  we just add the path (let's assume we can add it with some
> rules or cost calculation).  If the input params is not changed, we use the cached
> values,  if the input params changed,  we can ReScan the Material node.  To optimize
> the the cache invalidation frequent issue like (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2) case, we may consider
> a sort path to change the input values to (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2).  But overall it is a big effort.
> As a independent small optimization maybe if the input params doesn't change, we
> can use the tuples in the Material node again. Suppose it will not demage our current
> framework if we can add the material path by either rules based or cost based.
> Suppose we have the following data:
> demo=#  select * from j1 limit 10;
>  i  | im5 | im100 | im1000
> ----+-----+-------+--------
>   1 |   1 |     1 |      1
>   2 |   2 |     2 |      2
>   3 |   3 |     3 |      3
>   4 |   4 |     4 |      4
>   5 |   0 |     5 |      5
>   6 |   1 |     6 |      6
>   7 |   2 |     7 |      7
>   8 |   3 |     8 |      8
>   9 |   4 |     9 |      9
>  10 |   0 |    10 |     10
> (10 rows)
> totally we have j1 = 10,000,002 rows, the extra 2 rows because we have 3 rows for i=1
> demo=#  select * from j1 where i = 1;
>  i | im5 | im100 | im1000
> ---+-----+-------+--------
>  1 |   1 |     1 |      1
>  1 |   1 |     1 |      1
>  1 |   1 |     1 |      1
> (3 rows)
> Then  select * from j1 j1o where im5 = (select avg(im5) from j1 where im5 = j1o.im5) and i = 1;
> will hit our above optimizations. The plan is
>                   QUERY PLAN
> -----------------------------------------------
>  Index Scan using j1_idx1 on j1 j1o
>    Index Cond: (i = 1)
>    Filter: ((im5)::numeric < (SubPlan 1))
>    SubPlan 1
>      ->  Materialize
>            ->  Aggregate
>                  ->  Seq Scan on j1
>                        Filter: (im5 = j1o.im5)
> (8 rows)
> and the Aggregate is just executed once (execution time dropped from 8.x s
> to 2.6s).
> ----
> The attached is a very PoC patch,  but it can represent my idea for
> current discuss, Some notes about the implementation.
> 1.  We need to check if the input params is really not changed.  Currently I just
> comment it out for quick test.
> -               planstate->chgParam = bms_add_member(planstate->chgParam, paramid);
> +               // planstate->chgParam = bms_add_member(planstate->chgParam, paramid);
> Looks we have a lot of places to add a params
> to chgParam without checking the actual value. The place I found this case is
> during ExecNestLoop.  So we may need a handy and efficient way to do the
> check for all the places. However it is not a must for current case
> 2.   I probably misunderstand the the usage of MaterialState->eflags.  since I don't
> know why the eflag need to be checked ExecMaterial.  and I have to remove it to
> let my PoC work.
> -       if (tuplestorestate == NULL && node->eflags != 0)
> +       if (tuplestorestate == NULL)
> 3.  I added the material path in a very hacked way, the if check  just to make
> sure it take effect on my test statement only.  If you want to test this patch locally,
> you need to change the oid for your case.
> +       if (linitial_node(RangeTblEntry, root->parse->rtable)->relid == 25634)
> +               best_path = (Path *) create_material_path(final_rel, best_path);

Can we just directly add the material path on top of the best path?  I
mean there are possibilities that we might not get any benefit of the
material because there is no duplicate from the outer node but we are
paying the cost of materialization right?   The correct idea would be
that we should select this based on the cost comparison.  Basically,
we can consider how many duplicates we have from the outer table
variable no?

Dilip Kumar

Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Andy Fan

> 3.  I added the material path in a very hacked way, the if check  just to make
> sure it take effect on my test statement only.  If you want to test this patch locally,
> you need to change the oid for your case.
> +       if (linitial_node(RangeTblEntry, root->parse->rtable)->relid == 25634)
> +               best_path = (Path *) create_material_path(final_rel, best_path);
Can we just directly add the material path on top of the best path?  I
mean there are possibilities that we might not get any benefit of the
material because there is no duplicate from the outer node but we are
paying the cost of materialization right?   The correct idea would be
that we should select this based on the cost comparison.  Basically,
we can consider how many duplicates we have from the outer table
variable no?

Thanks for interesting of it. Of course we can't add the material path on best path, 
that's why I say it is a  very hacked way.  and say "how to cost this strategy is 
challenge "  (the part you striped when you reply the email).   But we have to 
test a path first (it must  be helpful on some case at least) and the result is correct,  
then we think about how to cost it. The purpose of my writing is about the first step
and see what people think about it. 

As for how to cost it,  I'm agreed with your suggestion,  but we may need more
than that,  like.  (1, 2, 1) and (1, 1, 2) is same for your suggestion, but they
are not  different in this path.  and we also may be  think about if we can 
get a lower cost if we add a new sort path. 

Best Regards
Andy Fan

Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Dilip Kumar
On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 2:42 PM Andy Fan <> wrote:
>> > 3.  I added the material path in a very hacked way, the if check  just to make
>> > sure it take effect on my test statement only.  If you want to test this patch locally,
>> > you need to change the oid for your case.
>> >
>> > +       if (linitial_node(RangeTblEntry, root->parse->rtable)->relid == 25634)
>> > +               best_path = (Path *) create_material_path(final_rel, best_path);
>> Can we just directly add the material path on top of the best path?  I
>> mean there are possibilities that we might not get any benefit of the
>> material because there is no duplicate from the outer node but we are
>> paying the cost of materialization right?   The correct idea would be
>> that we should select this based on the cost comparison.  Basically,
>> we can consider how many duplicates we have from the outer table
>> variable no?
> Thanks for interesting of it. Of course we can't add the material path on best path,
> that's why I say it is a  very hacked way.  and say "how to cost this strategy is
> challenge "  (the part you striped when you reply the email).

Right, I see that now.  Thanks for pointing it out.

   But we have to
> test a path first (it must  be helpful on some case at least) and the result is correct,
> then we think about how to cost it. The purpose of my writing is about the first step
> and see what people think about it.


> As for how to cost it,  I'm agreed with your suggestion,  but we may need more
> than that,  like.  (1, 2, 1) and (1, 1, 2) is same for your suggestion, but they
> are not  different in this path.

Valid point.

Dilip Kumar

Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

David Rowley
On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 at 15:26, Andy Fan <> wrote:
> Actually I have a different opinion to handle this issue,  to execute the
> a > (select avg(a) from tinner where x = touer.x);  The drawback of current
> path is because it may calculates the same touer.x value multi-times. So
> if we cache the values we have calculated before, we can avoid the cost.
> Material path may be the one we can reference but it assumes all the tuples
> in the tuplestore matches the input params, which is not the fact here.
> But what if the input params doesn't change?  If so we can use Material path
> to optimize this case.  But since we don't know if the if the input params changed
> or not during plan time,  we just add the path (let's assume we can add it with some
> rules or cost calculation).  If the input params is not changed, we use the cached
> values,  if the input params changed,  we can ReScan the Material node.  To optimize
> the the cache invalidation frequent issue like (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2) case, we may consider
> a sort path to change the input values to (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2).  But overall it is a big effort.

This does not seem quite right to me. What you need is some sort of
parameterized materialize. Materialize just reads its subnode and
stores the entire thing input and reuses it any time that it

You likely need something more like what is mentioned in [1]. There's
also a bunch of code from Heikki in the initial email in that thread.
Heikki put it in nodeSubplan.c. I think it should be a node of its



Re: Trying to pull up EXPR SubLinks

Andy Fan

On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 5:24 PM David Rowley <> wrote:
On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 at 15:26, Andy Fan <> wrote:
> Actually I have a different opinion to handle this issue,  to execute the
> a > (select avg(a) from tinner where x = touer.x);  The drawback of current
> path is because it may calculates the same touer.x value multi-times. So
> if we cache the values we have calculated before, we can avoid the cost.
> Material path may be the one we can reference but it assumes all the tuples
> in the tuplestore matches the input params, which is not the fact here.
> But what if the input params doesn't change?  If so we can use Material path
> to optimize this case.  But since we don't know if the if the input params changed
> or not during plan time,  we just add the path (let's assume we can add it with some
> rules or cost calculation).  If the input params is not changed, we use the cached
> values,  if the input params changed,  we can ReScan the Material node.  To optimize
> the the cache invalidation frequent issue like (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2) case, we may consider
> a sort path to change the input values to (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2).  But overall it is a big effort.

This does not seem quite right to me. What you need is some sort of
parameterized materialize. Materialize just reads its subnode and
stores the entire thing input and reuses it any time that it

You likely need something more like what is mentioned in [1]. There's
also a bunch of code from Heikki in the initial email in that thread.
Heikki put it in nodeSubplan.c. I think it should be a node of its

Glad to see your feedback, David:).   Actually I thought about this idea some
time ago, but since we have to implement a new path and handle 
the cached data is too huge case,  I gave it up later.  When I am working 
on some other stuff,  I found Material path with some chgParam change may 
get a no harmful improvement with less effort, based on we know how to 
add the material path and we can always get  a correct result. 

I will check the link you provide when I get time,  It's a nice feature and it will be a
good place to continue working on that feature.

Best Regards
Andy Fan