Thread: BUG #16247: Cast error on integer

BUG #16247: Cast error on integer

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      16247
Logged by:          Dilip Tripathy
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 12.1
Operating system:   Windows 7 professional

I have defined a procedure with the following signature:

create or replace procedure eventattributes_getadd(
   _cust varchar(128),
   _site varchar(128),
   _devctrluid int,
   _dateid int,
   _fiveminprdid smallint,
   _metric varchar(128),
   _sd varchar(256),
   _value varchar(32))
language 'plpgsql'

When I execute the following call it succeeds.
   call eventattributes_getadd(
    _cust => 'cust'::varchar(128),
    _site => 'site'::varchar(128),
    _devctrluid => cast (-2147483648 as integer),
    _dateid => 20200206::int,
    _fiveminprdid => 1700::smallint,
    _metric => 'somebogusmetric'::varchar(128),
    _sd =>
    _value => '28'::varchar(32));

However, when I execute the following call I get: ERROR:  integer out of
range  SQL state: 22003 
   call eventattributes_getadd(
    _cust => 'cust'::varchar(128),
    _site => 'site'::varchar(128),
    _devctrluid => -2147483648::int,
    _dateid => 20200206::int,
    _fiveminprdid => 1700::smallint,
    _metric => 'somebogusmetric'::varchar(128),
    _sd =>
    _value => '28'::varchar(32));

The only difference between the two calls is how I'm casting the integer.
The second call is choking on "_devctrluid => -2147483648::int".  But, if I
change that value to "-2147483647"  the second call succeeds.

Re: BUG #16247: Cast error on integer

"David G. Johnston"
On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 2:44 PM PG Bug reporting form <> wrote:
The only difference between the two calls is how I'm casting the integer.

Not a bug - operator precedence:

David J.

Re: BUG #16247: Cast error on integer

Andres Freund

On 2020-02-06 21:43:41 +0000, PG Bug reporting form wrote:
> The only difference between the two calls is how I'm casting the integer. 
> The second call is choking on "_devctrluid => -2147483648::int".  But, if I
> change that value to "-2147483647"  the second call succeeds.

I don't think that's a bug. -2147483648::int is parsed as
-((2147483648)::int). 2147483648 gets parsed as an int8 (due to its
width), but then you're casting the result to an int4. And 2147483648 is
not representable as a signed 32bit integer.  It fails before getting to
negating the result of the cast.

For precedence see:

Whereas '-2147483648'::int4 gets read directly as int4, including the
sign. And wheras 2147483648 is not representable as an int4, -2147483648


Andres Freund