Thread: High-Performance SQL Cluster Engine PGSpider released

High-Performance SQL Cluster Engine PGSpider released

Mototaka Kanematsu
We have just released first version of PGSpider.

PGSpider is High-Performance SQL Cluster Engine for distributed big data. PGSpider can access a number of data sources
usingForeign Data Wrapper(FDW) and retrieves the distributed data source vertically.
PGSpider source code is patch for PostgreSQL. You should apply this to PostgreSQL source code if you want to use
PGSpider.Usage of PGSpider is the same as PostgreSQL. You can use any client applications such as libpq and psql.

This release can work with PostgreSQL 11.6
This release supports following features :

Multi-Tenant :
User can get records in multi tables by one SQL easily. If there are tables with similar schema in each data source,
PGSpidercan view them as a single virtual table: We call it as Multi-Tenant table.

Parallel processing :
PGSpider executes queries and fetches results from child nodes in parallel.
PGSpider expands Multi-Tenant table to child tables, creates new threads for each child table to access corresponding

Pushdown :
WHERE clause and aggregation functions are pushed down to child nodes. Pushdown to Multi-tenant tables occur error when
AVG,STDDEV and VARIANCE are used. PGSPider improves this error, PGSpider can execute them.

This is developed by Toshiba Software Engineering & Technology Center.
Please see the repository for details, and tell us feedback.

Source repository :

Best Regards,