Thread: Postgres AssertFailedException Exception

Postgres AssertFailedException Exception

"Patil, Prashant"

Hi Team,


We are receiving following AssertFailedException exception while executing pgrouting query listed below. Anyone have idea about this exception? Is this known bug? Possible fix?

Server details -

Postgresql 9.3.25

Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS

Pgrouting 2.6.0


2019-12-16 19:31:55 EST Passenger AppPreloader: /var/ (forking...) [41329-3] postgres@odw ERROR:  AssertFailedException: p1.tot_cost() == p2.tot_cost() at /build/pgrouting-Prt6v2/pgrouting-2.6.0/include/yen/pgr_ksp.hpp:63

               *** Execution path***

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ff5fd368b7c]

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ff5fd3d2bbd]

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ff5fd3d2dae]

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ff5fd3e2251]

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ff5fd3e288b]

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ff5fd3e5f84]

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ff5fd3ced4e]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(ExecMakeTableFunctionResult+0x19c) [0x55625ab1dcbc]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(+0x1dc116) [0x55625ab31116]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(ExecScan+0x2c9) [0x55625ab1feb9]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(ExecProcNode+0x1a8) [0x55625ab187e8]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(standard_ExecutorRun+0x10e) [0x55625ab15c6e]

               [bt]/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/lib/ [0x7ffa2048a4a5]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(+0x2a8717) [0x55625abfd717]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(PortalRunFetch+0x180) [0x55625abff0a0]

               [bt]postgres: postgres odw SELECT(+0x1e423d) [0x55625ab3923d]


2019-12-16 19:31:55 EST Passenger AppPreloader: /var/ (forking...) [41329-4] postgres@odw HINT: 

2019-12-16 19:31:55 EST Passenger AppPreloader: /var/ (forking...) [41329-5] postgres@odw CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function pgr_ksp(text,bigint,bigint,integer,boolean,boolean) line 4 at RETURN QUERY

               PL/pgSQL function nn_candidate_routes_from_and_to_latlon(geometry,geometry[]) line 75 at RETURN QUERY

2019-12-16 19:31:55 EST Passenger AppPreloader: /var/ (forking...) [41329-6] postgres@odw STATEMENT: 

                       select st_multi(st_union(geom)) as geom,return_target_seq,path_id,st_length(st_union(st_transform(geom,2163))) as distance

                        from nn_candidate_routes_from_and_to_latlon(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-117.99466873924484,33.92814775576908),4326), ARRAY(

                       select geom from (

                       select geom, st_distance(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-117.99466873924484,33.92814775576908),4326),geom)

                       from (



                        from (select * from staging_dw_cables where upper(owner) ~ 'OWNED' and start_ne_dw_enclosure_id is not null and end_ne_dw_enclosure_id is not null and pop_cable_tf = true

                        and wkt_geometry && st_transform(st_buffer(st_transform(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-117.99466873924484,33.92814775576908),4326),2163),50000),4326)

                        order by st_distance(st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-117.99466873924484,33.92814775576908),4326),wkt_geometry) limit 15) cables) sq order by 2 asc limit 15) sq

                        )) where geom is not null group by return_target_seq,path_id order by distance asc limit 25






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Re: Postgres AssertFailedException Exception

Tom Lane
"Patil, Prashant" <> writes:
> We are receiving following AssertFailedException exception while executing pgrouting query listed below. Anyone have
ideaabout this exception? Is this known bug? Possible fix? 

The stack trace shows the exception is well down inside libpgrouting,
so you'd need to talk to the author(s) of that extension.  I dunno
who they are or whether they read this list, but in any case they
probably would prefer some other method for submitting trouble reports.

> Server details -
> Postgresql 9.3.25

Hm, you realize of course that 9.3.x has been out of support for a year.
I rather imagine that the libpgrouting people wouldn't want to provide
bug fixes for that branch either :-(

            regards, tom lane