Thread: Shrinking SVG (Again)

Shrinking SVG (Again)

Jürgen Purtz
Our current policy says that we use the two tools Graphviz (drawing 
Graphs) and Ditaa (drawing ascii art) to generate SVG. The two tools are 
highly specialized and bound to their original purpose. I strongly 
believe that we will not be able to visualize more complex situations 
like this 
or that: 
without using other tools, which are more flexible.

In the past, we had many discussions on this topic and didn't come to a 
final decision in favor on one single or a few number of such tools. 
However, we came to the important and very helpful conclusion to store 
two files per graphic: the original tool-specific (simple to read, 
diff-able) and the generated SVG version.

Out in the wild there is the open source tool SVGO Its purpose is the generation of a small, 
easy to read SVG file out of any other SVG file by removing all the 
clutter, tools typically generate. In my opinion it's not perfect, but 
it has some strong advantages: the generated files are really small and 
nearly free of unnecessary information; it is flexible because a lot of 
parameters control the degree of optimization; it is extensible: missing 
features may be added by ourselves.

The SVGO tool is a node.js application. At Ubuntu you can install it:
   sudo apt install npm nodejs
   sudo npm install -g svgo
run it, e.g.:
   svgo test1_ink.svg --pretty --indent=2 --precision=2 --multipass 
--disable=removeComments  \
                      --output test1_svgo.svg
Please test it with your own examples.

In contrast to our previous policy the generated file is the diff-able, 
whereas the original one is hard to read.

Jürgen Purtz


Re: Shrinking SVG (Again)

Jürgen Purtz
I plan to deliver 3 more graphics, see attachment. When creating their 
textual description in the SGML files I faced a problems: The patch of 

is not yet committed. But this chapter is a good place for the graphics. 
Will the GSoD patch become part of the documentation?

Furthermore in the last weeks we have seen some initiatives to uniform 
the wording of our documentation. I appreciate such activities and will 
deliver a glossary of terms which are used in the description of the 
graphics. This glossary will focus on PG-specific terms. Well known 
terms like SQL key words are left out.

Any comments? Errors in the graphics? Suggestions? What's about the GSoD 

Jürgen Purtz


Re: Shrinking SVG (Again)

Laurenz Albe
On Wed, 2020-01-15 at 14:56 +0100, Jürgen Purtz wrote:
> I plan to deliver 3 more graphics, see attachment. When creating their 
> textual description in the SGML files I faced a problems: The patch of 
> GSoD 

> is not yet committed. But this chapter is a good place for the graphics. 
> Will the GSoD patch become part of the documentation?

Both Tom and me showed interest, and the feedback was that some things
could be improved.  I have not heard back from the author since;
I hope she didn't get discouraged.

There were definitely some things there that shouldn't go to waste.

> Any comments? Errors in the graphics? Suggestions? What's about the GSoD 
> patch?

I particularly like the first image with the memory and process architecture.

Some mistakes:

- wal_buffers is shared memory, but it is not a part of shared_buffers

- The process that performs most of the writes to the data files is
  the checkpointer.  Sometimes backends also have to write to data

Minor quibbles:

- The "server process" is traditionally called "backend process"

- "Special purpose memory" is strange.
  I thing "private memory" would be better.
  I don't know how it could be depicted that each of the backends
  has his own.

I liked the "cluster / database / schema" image less.

Some problems:

- No user data should be stored in the "postgres" database.

- "template0" has *no* other schemas or tables.
  It must be absolutely empty.

- I am missing the global objects like roles and tablespaces
  "outside" the databases.

I am fine with the directory layout image, but I wonder what
"fluctuating states" may be.

Laurenz Albe

Re: Shrinking SVG (Again)

Jürgen Purtz

This patch deals with two different topics. First, it creates a glossary with basic PG-terms and second, it supplies new figures with explanations.

a) In our documentation we name some objects inconsistently (e.g.: WAL, WAL file, WAL log, log segment file, WAL segment file, segment file - whereas a 'file segment' is a very different thing) and often without a definition of its meaning. For experienced users this is not a problem, but novice users can get confused easily. In the last months we have seen some more initiatives to clarify the situation. My attempt to introduce such a glossary is focused on fundamental PG-related terms such as CLUSTER or POSTMASTER. Terms with a consistent usage in the database community, such as SELECT, are not part of it.

b) The figures and their explanations are summed up in a new chapter, which is intended as an introduction to the PG architecture directly after the 'Getting Started' chapter. The text makes heavy use of the glossary. Therefore the glossary must be applied before or together with the figures.

The source of the figures do not completely comply to our guidelines and the opinion of the community, which says, that we should use tools (actually ditaa and graphviz) to create SVG files. However, this figures are too complex for the two tools. I provide each figure in 3 variants using a certain name convention: xxx-raw.svg (created in a text- or XML-editor), xxx-ink.svg (created with Inkscape by reading xxx-raw.svg), and xxx-ink-svgo.svg (created out of xxx-ink.svg with the tool SVGO). The 3 variants render to the same output. My personal favorite is 'raw'. If the community prefers 'ink' or 'ink-svgo' it's ok for me. 'ink-svgo' has the advantage over 'ink' that it does not contain Inkscape specific namespaces, elements, or attributes; other elements are reduced in their size (measured in characters). 'ink-svgo' is notable smaller that the original Inkscape file - especially in such situations, where files are really created with the use of Inkscape. The size reduction acts very efficient. Generate the reduced file with:

# disable 'mergePaths' is necessary (bug); 'config' is helpful for readability
svgo xxx-ink.svg --output=xxx-ink-svgo.svg  \     --pretty --indent=2 --precision=2 --multipass  \     --disable=removeTitle,mergePaths,convertColors,removeViewBox   \     --config '{ "plugins": [ { "cleanupIDs": { "force": true, "minify": false} }] }' 

The describing sgml files use two different 'role' attributes for 'imageobject' elements. This is necessary in order to keep rendering of font sizes of HTML-text and text inside SVG in correlation when you choose different screen resolutions in the browser.

J. Purtz


Re: Shrinking SVG (Again)

Jürgen Purtz
The attached patch extends the previous one by one more figure, a rework 
of the old explanations plus additional explanations.

J. Purtz


Re: Shrinking SVG (Again)

Alvaro Herrera
On 2020-Feb-14, Jürgen Purtz wrote:

> The attached patch extends the previous one by one more figure, a rework of
> the old explanations plus additional explanations.

So now we have two glossaries being proposed [1] [2], and they don't
have much in common with each other.  What to do now?  If we can get the
authors to agree on what patch to submit, we can move forward.

I suggest to make a glossary be 0001, and then the other patches can be
0002 or further.

(I also CC Liudmila, who mentioned the topic of a glossary in [3]).


Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: Shrinking SVG (Again)

Jürgen Purtz
> So now we have two glossaries being proposed [1] [2], and they don't
> have much in common with each other.  What to do now?  If we can get the
> authors to agree on what patch to submit, we can move forward.
> I suggest to make a glossary be 0001, and then the other patches can be
> 0002 or further.

Yes, we should work on the glossary with priority because other things 
depend on it, not only the explanation of figures.

The two proposals differs in their nature: [1] is focused on PG-specific 
terms like WAL, Background Writer, Background Worker, ... and such terms 
that are broadly used but may differ from the meaning in other DBMS like 
Segment or Data Dictionary. It's only a starting point. Currently it 
misses the terms of important features like MVCC, Backup, Replication, 
... .  [2] also contains fundamental terms but is focused on universal 
terms of the DBMS community like SELECT, Null, Rollback, ... .

It's important to check, whether the existing documentation starts with 
something like "A <glossary-term> is a ...". In my opinion such 
redundancies aren't a problem as long as they don't contradict each 
other. On the contrary, I support this approach.

J. Purtz