Thread: pg_probackup 2.2.5 released

pg_probackup 2.2.5 released

Grigory Smolkin

Postgres Professional are proud to announce the release of pg_probackup 2.2.5.

pg_probackup is a utility to manage backup and recovery of PostgreSQL database cluster. It is designed to perform periodic full and incremental page-level backups of the PostgreSQL instance that enable you to restore the server in case of a failure.

Notable changes since 2.2.4

* fix buffer overflow for old compilers. Reported by Leonid Kraubner
* the "wal_bytes" attribute for ARCHIVE backups is calculated correctly now
* total size of WAL data and backup data to delete during retention purge are calculated correctly now
* the value for "Zratio" field in "show --archive --format=plain" output is calculated correctly now
* now the argument of "--restore-command" option is always added to recovery config as "restore_command" setting when restoring STREAM backup

* PostgreSQL 12 is supported, packages are available in the repository
* packages for Oracle Linux 8 are available in the repository

For more details can be found in the release notes:


Grigory Smolkin
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company