Thread: Pgpool-II 4.1.0 officially released.

Pgpool-II 4.1.0 officially released.

Bo Peng
Pgpool-II is a tool to add useful features to PostgreSQL, including
connection pooling, load balancing, automatic fail over and more.

Pgpool-II 4.1.0 is now officially relased.

V4.1.0 has new features:

* Statement level load balancing.
* Auto failback.
* Enhance performance in number of areas.
  - Shared relation cache allows to reuse relation cache among sessions 
    to reduce internal queries against PostgreSQL system catalogs.
  - Have separate SQL parser for DML statements to eliminate unnecessary parsing effort.
  - Load balancing control for specific queries.
* Reduce Internal Queries against System Catalogs.
* Import PostgreSQL 12 SQL parser.
* etc.

You can download it from:

Please see the release notes at:

Bo Peng <>
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan