Thread: Having more than one constraint trigger on a table
I have the following schema (question at bottom):
CREATE TABLE company(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id INTEGER REFERENCES company(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED , name VARCHAR NOT NULL, duns_number VARCHAR, fts_all tsvector, t_updated BOOLEAN); CREATE or replace FUNCTION update_company_fts(p_company_id integer) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE company comp SET fts_all = to_tsvector('simple' , || ' ' || coalesce(comp.duns_number, '') ) WHERE = p_company_id; raise notice 'Running update of %', p_company_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- re-index all: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION index_company() RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_company_id INTEGER; begin FOR v_company_id IN (SELECT id FROM company) LOOP perform update_company_fts(v_company_id); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; create or replace function update_company_fts_tf() returns TRIGGER AS $$ declare v_company_id INTEGER; BEGIN v_company_id :=; perform update_company_fts(v_company_id); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- General cleanup functions for constraint triggers CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_function_set_updated() returns TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN update company set t_updated = TRUE WHERE id =; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_function_clear_updated() returns TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN update company set t_updated = NULL WHERE id =; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_1_update_fts AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE of name, duns_number ON company DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updated IS NULL) EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_company_fts_tf(); CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_2 AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE of name, duns_number, parent_id ON company -- NOT DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updated IS NULL) EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_function_set_updated(); CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_3 AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OF t_updated ON company DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updated) EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_function_clear_updated(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION company_parent_no_cycle() returns TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF (WITH recursive tr (id, parent_id, all_ids, cycle) AS ( SELECT id, parent_id, ARRAY [id], false FROM company tr WHERE id = UNION ALL SELECT, t.parent_id, all_ids ||, = ANY (all_ids) FROM company t JOIN tr ON t.parent_id = AND NOT cycle) SELECT count(*) FROM tr where cycle = true) > 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot have cyclic parent relations for company' USING SCHEMA = TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE = TG_TABLE_NAME, CONSTRAINT = TG_NAME , ERRCODE = '23514'/*check_violation*/, COLUMN = 'parent_id'; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_1_check_nocycle AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE of parent_id ON company DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updated IS NULL) EXECUTE PROCEDURE company_parent_no_cycle();
What I'm after is to have 2 "logical constraint-triggers" perform logic only once (each) on the "company"-table.
To make constraint-triggers fire only once (in PostgreSQL) a common method is to have a schema with 3 triggers, and a "magic" t_updated column, and they must be named so they (the triggers, not the trigger-functions) are fired in lexical order (alphabetically). And it's important that the 2nd. trigger (here "trigger_2") is NOT deferred.
In my schema above I have 2 "logical chuchks" which each perform some stuff and shall only do it once per row at commit-time.
The first "main" trigger-function is update_company_fts_tf() and it updates a column (fts_all) of type tsvector. This is done in a trigger so that it may add stuff (customer-number etc.) from other tables as needed (which is not possible with PG-12's new STORED-columns).
The second "main" trigger-function is company_parent_no_cycle() and assures there are no parent/child-cycles.
1. I have "re-used" trigger_2 and trigger_3, and trigger_2's "...OR UPDATE OF"-list is the sum of all columns updated(used) in the 2 main-triggers, that is "name", "duns_number" and parent_id. trigger_3 only checks t_updated.
Is this correct usage, can I assume this will work correctly?
2. If I need a 3rd "logical trigger", is it enough to add another trigger named accordingly, for instance "trigger_1_someotherstuff", and add it's column to the "UPDATE OF"-list of "trigger_2" (it it uses a column not already listed there)?
3. Is there some easier way to do this?
Is it clear what I'm asking about? :-)
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Andreas Joseph Krogh
On 10/22/19 7:54 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote: > Hi. > I have the following schema (question at bottom): > ============================== > > CREATE TABLE company(idSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_idINTEGER REFERENCES company(id)DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED ,name VARCHARNOT NULL, duns_numberVARCHAR, fts_alltsvector, t_updatedBOOLEAN); > > CREATE or replace FUNCTION update_company_fts(p_company_idinteger)RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE company comp > SET fts_all =to_tsvector('simple' , > || ' ' || coalesce(comp.duns_number,'') > ) > WHERE = p_company_id; > > raise notice 'Running update of %', p_company_id; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; > > -- re-index all: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION index_company()RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE v_company_idINTEGER; > begin FOR v_company_idIN (SELECT idFROM company) > LOOP perform update_company_fts(v_company_id); > END LOOP; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; > > create or replace function update_company_fts_tf()returns TRIGGER AS $$ declare v_company_idINTEGER; > BEGIN v_company_id; > perform update_company_fts(v_company_id); > RETURN NULL; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; > > > -- General cleanup functions for constraint triggers CREATE OR REPLACE > FUNCTION trigger_function_set_updated()returns TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN update company set t_updated =TRUE WHERE id; > RETURN NULL; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; > > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_function_clear_updated()returns TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN update company set t_updated =NULLWHERE id; > RETURN NULL; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; > > CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_1_update_fts > AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE of name, duns_number > ON company DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updatedIS NULL) > EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_company_fts_tf(); > > CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_2 > AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE of name, duns_number, parent_id > ON company -- NOT DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updatedIS NULL) > EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_function_set_updated(); > > CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_3 > AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OF t_updated > ON company DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updated) > EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_function_clear_updated(); > > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION company_parent_no_cycle()returns TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF (WITH recursive tr (id, parent_id, all_ids,cycle)AS( > SELECT id, parent_id,ARRAY [id],false FROM company tr > WHERE id UNION ALL SELECT, t.parent_id, all_ids||, =ANY (all_ids) > FROM company t > JOIN trON t.parent_id = AND NOT cycle) > SELECT count(*) > FROM tr > where cycle =true) >0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot have cyclic parent relations for company' > USING SCHEMA = TG_TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE = TG_TABLE_NAME,CONSTRAINT = TG_NAME > ,ERRCODE ='23514'/*check_violation*/,COLUMN ='parent_id'; > END IF; > RETURN NULL; > END; > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; > > CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_1_check_nocycle > AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE of parent_id > ON company DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.t_updatedIS NULL) > EXECUTE PROCEDURE company_parent_no_cycle(); > > ============================== > What I'm after is to have 2 "logical constraint-triggers" perform logic > /only once (each)/ on the "company"-table. > To make constraint-triggers fire only once (in PostgreSQL) a common > method is to have a schema with 3 triggers, and a "magic" t_updated > column, and they must be named so they (the triggers, not the > trigger-functions) are fired in lexical order (alphabetically). And > it's important that the 2nd. trigger (here "trigger_2") is NOT deferred. > In my schema above I have 2 "logical chuchks" which each perform some > stuff and shall only do it once per row at commit-time. > The first "main" trigger-function is /update_company_fts_tf()/ and it > updates a column (fts_all) of type tsvector. This is done in a trigger > so that it may add stuff (customer-number etc.) from other tables as > needed (which is not possible with PG-12's new STORED-columns). > The second "main" trigger-function is /company_parent_no_cycle()/ > and assures there are no parent/child-cycles. > Question: > 1. I have "re-used" trigger_2 and trigger_3, and trigger_2's "...OR > UPDATE OF"-list is the sum of all columns updated(used) in the 2 > main-triggers, that is "name", "duns_number" and parent_id. trigger_3 > only checks t_updated. > Is this correct usage, can I assume this will work correctly? > 2. If I need a 3rd "logical trigger", is it enough to add another > trigger named accordingly, for instance "trigger_1_someotherstuff", and > add it's column to the "UPDATE OF"-list of "trigger_2" (it it uses a > column not already listed there)? > 3. Is there some easier way to do this? > Is it clear what I'm asking about? :-) No. When I sort the triggers I get: test=# create table trg_str(fld_1 varchar); CREATE TABLE test=# insert into trg_str values ('trigger_1_update_fts'), ('trigger_2'), ('trigger_3'), ('trigger_1_check_nocycle'); INSERT 0 4 test=# select * from trg_test order by fld_1 ; id | fld_1 ----+------- (0 rows) test=# select * from trg_str order by fld_1 ; fld_1 ------------------------- trigger_1_check_nocycle trigger_1_update_fts trigger_2 trigger_3 Is this how you want them to fire as it does not match what you say above?: "The first "main" trigger-function is update_company_fts_tf() ... The second "main" trigger-function is company_parent_no_cycle()" It might be easier to understand if sketch out a schematic version of what you are trying to achieve. > Thanks. > -- > Andreas Joseph Krogh -- Adrian Klaver
På tirsdag 22. oktober 2019 kl. 17:12:59, skrev Adrian Klaver <>:
When I sort the triggers I get:
test=# create table trg_str(fld_1 varchar);
test=# insert into trg_str values ('trigger_1_update_fts'),
('trigger_2'), ('trigger_3'), ('trigger_1_check_nocycle');
test=# select * from trg_test order by fld_1 ;
id | fld_1
(0 rows)
test=# select * from trg_str order by fld_1 ;
Is this how you want them to fire as it does not match what you say above?:
(I know they were not declared in that order, but..)
Yes, all "trigger_1_*" are the "actuall triggers triggering the logic", trigger_2 and trigger_3 are only there as part of the "make constraint-triggers fire only once"-mechanism, in which the function in the first trigger is the function performing the actual logic.
So, being I want 2 "logical chunks" to happen I have two "trigger_1"-triggers (there is no established terminilogy for this AFAIK), each calling a function performing the logick which is to happen only once (per row).
"The first "main" trigger-function is update_company_fts_tf() ... The
second "main" trigger-function is company_parent_no_cycle()"
It might be easier to understand if sketch out a schematic version of
what you are trying to achieve.
The point is; I want to functions to be called
- update_company_fts_tf()
- company_parent_no_cycle()
, each only once, as constraint-triggers on the same table. So they are called by the "level 1 triggers" which must fire first.
Is it clearer now what I'm trying to achieve?
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Andreas Joseph Krogh
On 10/22/19 8:26 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote: > På tirsdag 22. oktober 2019 kl. 17:12:59, skrev Adrian Klaver > < <>>: > > [snip] > No. > When I sort the triggers I get: > > test=# create table trg_str(fld_1 varchar); > CREATE TABLE > test=# insert into trg_str values ('trigger_1_update_fts'), > ('trigger_2'), ('trigger_3'), ('trigger_1_check_nocycle'); > INSERT 0 4 > test=# select * from trg_test order by fld_1 ; > id | fld_1 > ----+------- > (0 rows) > > test=# select * from trg_str order by fld_1 ; > fld_1 > ------------------------- > trigger_1_check_nocycle > trigger_1_update_fts > trigger_2 > trigger_3 > > Is this how you want them to fire as it does not match what you say > above?: > > (I know they were not /declared/ in that order, but..) > Yes, all "trigger_1_*" are the "actuall triggers triggering the logic", > trigger_2 and trigger_3 are only there as part of the "make > constraint-triggers fire only once"-mechanism, in which the function in > the first trigger is the function performing the actual logic. > So, being I want 2 "logical chunks" to happen I have two > "trigger_1"-triggers (there is no established terminilogy for this > AFAIK), each calling a function performing the logick which is to happen > only once (per row). > > "The first "main" trigger-function is update_company_fts_tf() ... The > second "main" trigger-function is company_parent_no_cycle()" > > It might be easier to understand if sketch out a schematic version of > what you are trying to achieve. > > The point is; I want to functions to be called > - update_company_fts_tf() > - company_parent_no_cycle() > , each only once, as constraint-triggers on the same table. So they are > called by the "level 1 triggers" which must fire first. To be clear the order they fire relative to each other is not important? > Is it clearer now what I'm trying to achieve? Sort of, though I am still not entirely what the whole process is trying to achieve. What the mix of deferred and un-deferred triggers and 'logical' and housekeeping functions are doing is not clear to me. That is why I suggested a schematic representation of the trigger flow would be helpful. Leave out the fine details and create a flow chart of what you want to happen. > -- > Andreas Joseph Krogh -- Adrian Klaver
På torsdag 24. oktober 2019 kl. 16:59:42, skrev Adrian Klaver <>:
On 10/22/19 8:26 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
> På tirsdag 22. oktober 2019 kl. 17:12:59, skrev Adrian Klaver
> < <>>:
> [snip]
> No.
> When I sort the triggers I get:
> test=# create table trg_str(fld_1 varchar);
> test=# insert into trg_str values ('trigger_1_update_fts'),
> ('trigger_2'), ('trigger_3'), ('trigger_1_check_nocycle');
> INSERT 0 4
> test=# select * from trg_test order by fld_1 ;
> id | fld_1
> ----+-------
> (0 rows)
> test=# select * from trg_str order by fld_1 ;
> fld_1
> -------------------------
> trigger_1_check_nocycle
> trigger_1_update_fts
> trigger_2
> trigger_3
> Is this how you want them to fire as it does not match what you say
> above?:
> (I know they were not /declared/ in that order, but..)
> Yes, all "trigger_1_*" are the "actuall triggers triggering the logic",
> trigger_2 and trigger_3 are only there as part of the "make
> constraint-triggers fire only once"-mechanism, in which the function in
> the first trigger is the function performing the actual logic.
> So, being I want 2 "logical chunks" to happen I have two
> "trigger_1"-triggers (there is no established terminilogy for this
> AFAIK), each calling a function performing the logick which is to happen
> only once (per row).
> "The first "main" trigger-function is update_company_fts_tf() ... The
> second "main" trigger-function is company_parent_no_cycle()"
> It might be easier to understand if sketch out a schematic version of
> what you are trying to achieve.
> The point is; I want to functions to be called
> - update_company_fts_tf()
> - company_parent_no_cycle()
> , each only once, as constraint-triggers on the same table. So they are
> called by the "level 1 triggers" which must fire first.
To be clear the order they fire relative to each other is not important?
Correct, these main functions may fire in any order.
> Is it clearer now what I'm trying to achieve?
Sort of, though I am still not entirely what the whole process is trying
to achieve. What the mix of deferred and un-deferred triggers and
'logical' and housekeeping functions are doing is not clear to me. That
is why I suggested a schematic representation of the trigger flow would
be helpful. Leave out the fine details and create a flow chart of what
you want to happen.
Normally, CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs will fire once for each UPDATE. That means, if you do CREATE, the 2 UPDATES, then the trigger(s) will fire 3 times for each row. I'm trying to make these triggers fire only ONCE per row, and at COMMIT (being CONSTRAINT TRIGGER).
I'm using the trick mentioned here to achieve this:
But I'm trying to have more than one CONSTRAINT TRIGGER on the same table, each one doing dirfferent things and reacting (triggering) on different columns, and I'm wondering if I can "re-use" the "cleanup-triggers" 2 and 3 as I mentioned, having trigger 2 firing on the sum of all involved COLUMNS (name, duns_number, parent_id) ?
Andreas Joseph Krogh
CTO / Partner - Visena AS
Mobile: +47 909 56 963