Thread: PostgreSQL@SCaLE: Call for Presentations

PostgreSQL@SCaLE: Call for Presentations

Joe Conway
PostgreSQL@SCaLE: Call for Presentations

PostgreSQL Users -
PostgreSQL@SCaLE is a two day, two track event which takes place on
March 5-6, 2020, at Pasadena Convention Center, as part of SCaLE 18x.

SCaLE is a completely volunteer-driven event, and in the last decade it
has grown into the largest volunteer-run Linux/FOSS event in North
America. SCaLE 18x takes place on March 5-8, 2020.

We’re looking for presentations surrounding experiences, tools and
technical details of how you use PostgreSQL.

Upcoming Deadline for Submissions is: 30 November, 2019

Who Should Submit?
Anyone and everyone in the community is encouraged to submit! Presenters
and talks should be technical in nature, not sales/marketing. Talks
should primarily focus on open source technologies. If you’re working
with PostgreSQL, we want to hear from you.

Interested? Here’s what to do next:
Simply go to the SCaLE website, create or login to your account, and
walk through the steps of the CFP interface:

*** Be sure to select "PostgreSQL" as your submission's Topic ***

We look forward to seeing you in March!

2020 PostgreSQL@SCaLE Program Committee:

* Abdullah Alger
* Darren Douglas
* Gabrielle Roth
* Joe Conway
* Mark Wong
* Rene Phillips
