Thread: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      16031
Logged by:          David Raymond
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 11.5
Operating system:   Windows 10

I have a large table which I'm running a query on, grouping on a single
field, and returning only that 1 field, filtered with a HAVING clause. The
results that I'm getting back however contain a duplicate entry for one of
the returned values, which I believe should never be able to happen.
I'm working on dropping as many extra fields and records as I can to still
get the bad result from something small enough to send as a test case, but
figured I'd post this while I'm at it to get any advice. I've done a dump of
the table and then restored it to a new table, and still get the same weird
results. On the original version of the table I had clustered it on the
index that starts with the field being grouped on, but it's still giving the
bad groups after a dump and restore.
I'm running 11.5 on Windows 10 (Enterprise DB installer) and unfortunately
don't have the resources to build a new version myself if you come up with a
patch (also why I'm hoping to shrink it down to where others can test it)

Here's output from psql:

testing=> select version();
 PostgreSQL 11.5, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit
(1 row)

Time: 0.272 ms

testing=> \d+ big_table
                                         Table "name_stuff.big_table"
   Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default |
Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id_1        | uuid                   |           | not null |         |
plain    |              |
 field_2     | uuid                   |           |          |         |
plain    |              |
 name        | character varying(254) |           | not null |         |
extended |              |
 field_4     | character varying(254) |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 field_5     | numeric(2,0)           |           | not null |         |
main     |              |
 field_6     | character varying(4)   |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 field_7     | character varying(3)   |           | not null |         |
extended |              |
 field_8     | character varying(3)   |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 arr_field_1 | character varying(254) |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 arr_field_2 | character varying(254) |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 arr_field_3 | character varying(254) |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 arr_field_4 | character varying(254) |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 arr_field_5 | character varying(254) |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 arr_field_6 | character varying(254) |           |          |         |
extended |              |
 field_15    | boolean                |           |          |         |
plain    |              |
 field_16    | boolean                |           |          |         |
plain    |              |
 id_2        | text                   |           | not null |         |
extended |              |
    "big_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id_1, id_2)
    "big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx" btree (name, id_1, id_2)

testing=> select count(*) from big_table;
(1 row)

Time: 273770.205 ms (04:33.770)

testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary) create
table bad_groups_1 as select name from big_table group by name having
count(distinct array[arr_field_1, arr_field_2, arr_field_3, arr_field_4,
arr_field_5, arr_field_6]) > 1;

      QUERY PLAN                                       

 GroupAggregate  (cost=29317810.81..30149735.19 rows=487417 width=22)
(actual time=758501.326..895894.082 rows=745024 loops=1)
   Output: name
   Group Key:
   Filter: (count(DISTINCT ARRAY[big_table.arr_field_1,
big_table.arr_field_2, big_table.arr_field_3, big_table.arr_field_4,
big_table.arr_field_5, big_table.arr_field_6]) > 1)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 80610652
   Buffers: shared hit=2325 read=1515081, temp read=2464481
   ->  Sort  (cost=29317810.81..29589026.23 rows=108486168 width=57) (actual
time=758493.476..819035.136 rows=108565086 loops=1)
         Output: name, arr_field_1, arr_field_2, arr_field_3, arr_field_4,
arr_field_5, arr_field_6
         Sort Key:
         Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 4174488kB
         Buffers: shared hit=2317 read=1515081, temp read=2464481
         ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.big_table  (cost=0.00..2602259.68
rows=108486168 width=57) (actual time=23.216..119113.708 rows=108565086
               Output: name, arr_field_1, arr_field_2, arr_field_3,
arr_field_4, arr_field_5, arr_field_6
               Buffers: shared hit=2317 read=1515081
 Planning Time: 0.196 ms
 Execution Time: 897276.109 ms
(16 rows)

Time: 897285.808 ms (14:57.286)

testing=> \d+ bad_groups_1
                                     Table "name_stuff.bad_groups_1"
 Column |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage
| Stats target | Description
 name   | character varying(254) |           |          |         | extended
|              |

testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name) from bad_groups_1;
  count  |  count
 745,024 | 745,023
(1 row)

Time: 899.273 ms

testing=> select name from bad_groups_1 group by name having count(*) > 1;
(1 row)

Time: 337.663 ms


Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Tom Lane
PG Bug reporting form <> writes:
> I have a large table which I'm running a query on, grouping on a single
> field, and returning only that 1 field, filtered with a HAVING clause. The
> results that I'm getting back however contain a duplicate entry for one of
> the returned values, which I believe should never be able to happen.

That seems quite weird.  What LC_COLLATE/LC_CTYPE settings are you using?

            regards, tom lane

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
All the lc_* settings are en-US, and server_encoding is UTF8.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane <> 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:17 PM
To: David Raymond <>
Subject: Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

PG Bug reporting form <> writes:
> I have a large table which I'm running a query on, grouping on a single
> field, and returning only that 1 field, filtered with a HAVING clause. The
> results that I'm getting back however contain a duplicate entry for one of
> the returned values, which I believe should never be able to happen.

That seems quite weird.  What LC_COLLATE/LC_CTYPE settings are you using?

            regards, tom lane

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
Looking possibly like indexing is part of the issue at the moment.

When I added an array_agg(id_1) in the group by, one of the 'DK' groups had 9, one had 16.

I wrote a script to scan the text dump and counted 25 records with the "name" field value of 'DK'

After the restore which includes the indexes, "count(*) from big_table where name = 'DK';" uses the index which starts
with"name" and returns 9.
Dropping that index and running it again returns 25.

I re-created the index...
create index on big_table (name, id_1, id_2);

...and count(*) goes back to returning 9 again.

and group by sees those 9 as one group and the other 16 as a different group.

Will get back to this sometime tomorrow as my brain has now melted.

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Peter Geoghegan
On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 2:49 PM David Raymond <> wrote:
> I re-created the index...
> create index on big_table (name, id_1, id_2);
> ...and count(*) goes back to returning 9 again.
> and group by sees those 9 as one group and the other 16 as a different group.

You should try running contrib/amcheck, which should be able to confirm
index corruption, and give you a specific complaint. You may then be
able to inspect the exact index page with the problem using
contrib/pageinspect. Something like this ought to do it on Postgres

SELECT bt_index_check('my_index', true);

If that doesn't show any errors, then perhaps try this:

SELECT bt_index_parent_check('my_index', true);

Let us know what you see.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> Looking possibly like indexing is part of the issue at the
 David> moment.

Your original EXPLAIN didn't show any index scans being used...?

I can think of a possible explanation if there's some other value in the
big table which, due to some collation bug, is not consistently being
compared as < 'DK' or > 'DK'.

Unfortunately, we have two code paths for comparison, and one of them
can't easily be exercised directly from SQL, since it is only used for
sorts (and therefore also index builds).

Can you try these queries:

set enable_indexscan=off;
set enable_bitmapscan=off;

select count(*) c0,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') < 0) c1_lt,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') = 0) c1_eq,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') > 0) c1_gt,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) > 0) c2_lt,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) = 0) c2_eq,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) < 0) c2_gt
  from big_table;

with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
              from big_table)
select name from sd
 where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
   and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
   and name <> 'DK';

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
psql output for those two queries, along with explain output, pasted below.

testing=> set enable_indexscan = off;
Time: 0.265 ms
testing=> set enable_bitmapscan = off;
Time: 0.236 ms
testing=> select count(*) c0,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') < 0) c1_lt,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') = 0) c1_eq,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') > 0) c1_gt,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) > 0) c2_lt,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) = 0) c2_eq,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) < 0) c2_gt
testing->   from big_table;
     c0      |   c1_lt    | c1_eq |   c1_gt    |   c2_lt    | c2_eq |   c2_gt
 108,565,086 | 27,900,023 |    25 | 80,665,038 | 27,900,023 |    25 | 80,665,038
(1 row)

Time: 311710.895 ms (05:11.711)
testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary) select count(*) c0,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') < 0) c1_lt,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') = 0) c1_eq,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') > 0) c1_gt,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) > 0) c2_lt,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) = 0) c2_eq,
testing->        count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) < 0) c2_gt
testing->   from big_table;


 Finalize Aggregate  (cost=4119436.80..4119436.81 rows=1 width=56) (actual time=315815.338..315815.338 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: count(*), count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp((name)::text, 'DK'::text) < 0)), count(*) FILTER (WHERE
(bttextcmp((name)::text,'DK'::text) = 0)), count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp((name)::text, 'DK'::text) > 0)), count(*)
FILTER(WHERE (bttextcmp('DK'::text, (name)::text) > 0)), count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp('DK'::text, (name)::text) =
0)),count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp('DK'::text, (name)::text) < 0))
   Buffers: shared hit=258 read=1517140
   ->  Gather  (cost=4119436.55..4119436.76 rows=2 width=56) (actual time=315814.594..315834.986 rows=3 loops=1)
         Output: (PARTIAL count(*)), (PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp((name)::text, 'DK'::text) < 0))),
(PARTIALcount(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp((name)::text, 'DK'::text) = 0))), (PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE
(bttextcmp((name)::text,'DK'::text) > 0))), (PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp('DK'::text, (name)::text) >
0))),(PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp('DK'::text, (name)::text) = 0))), (PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE
(bttextcmp('DK'::text,(name)::text) < 0)))
         Workers Planned: 2
         Workers Launched: 2
         Buffers: shared hit=258 read=1517140
         ->  Partial Aggregate  (cost=4118436.55..4118436.56 rows=1 width=56) (actual time=315571.326..315571.326
               Output: PARTIAL count(*), PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp((name)::text, 'DK'::text) < 0)),
PARTIALcount(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp((name)::text, 'DK'::text) = 0)), PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE
(bttextcmp((name)::text,'DK'::text) > 0)), PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp('DK'::text, (name)::text) > 0)),
PARTIALcount(*) FILTER (WHERE (bttextcmp('DK'::text, (name)::text) = 0)), PARTIAL count(*) FILTER (WHERE
(bttextcmp('DK'::text,(name)::text) < 0))
               Buffers: shared hit=258 read=1517140
               Worker 0: actual time=315491.284..315491.284 rows=1 loops=1
                 Buffers: shared hit=80 read=324165
               Worker 1: actual time=315411.542..315411.542 rows=1 loops=1
                 Buffers: shared hit=81 read=592546
               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on name_stuff.big_table  (cost=0.00..1969752.53 rows=45235453 width=22) (actual
time=8.834..245716.269rows=36188362 loops=3)
                     Output: id_1, field_2, name, field_4, field_5, field_6, field_7, field_8, arr_field_1,
arr_field_2,arr_field_3, arr_field_4, arr_field_5, arr_field_6, field_15, field_16, id_2
                     Buffers: shared hit=258 read=1517140
                     Worker 0: actual time=13.873..213354.668 rows=23076339 loops=1
                       Buffers: shared hit=80 read=324165
                     Worker 1: actual time=0.232..260652.945 rows=42461913 loops=1
                       Buffers: shared hit=81 read=592546
 Planning Time: 1.746 ms
 Execution Time: 315835.098 ms
(24 rows)

Time: 315860.795 ms (05:15.861)
testing=> with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
testing(>               from big_table)
testing-> select name from sd
testing->  where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
testing->    and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
testing->    and name <> 'DK';
 Dk'bus Marine
 Dk's Auto's
 Dk's Bar & Grill
 Dk's Barbers & Stylist
 Dk's Beach Boutique
 Dk's Cabinets & Countertops
 Dk's Cleaning Service
 Dk's Clothing
 Dk's Communications
 Dk's Dancewear & Fitnesswear
 Dk's Dancewear Boutique
 Dk's Discount Dance & Fitnesswear
 DK's Drywall Service
 Dk's Family Five Star Trophies
 DK's Family Five Star Trophies
 Dk's Food Mart
 Dk'S Group Pte. Ltd.
 Dk's Hair Designs
 Dk's Hair Happenings
 Dk's Hair Supply
 Dk's Home Decor
 DK's Informática
 Dk's Janitorial
 DK's Liquors
 Dk's Market
 Dk's Moda Masculina
 Dk's Nails And Spa
 DK's Pawn Shop
 Dk's Pet Grooming
 DK's Quality Service
 DK's Restoration
 Dk's Sports Center
 Dk's Statuary
 Dk's Style Hut
 Dk's Temiskaming Shore Taxi
 Dk's Towing
 DK's Travel
 DK'Z Car Wash
(41 rows)

Time: 848889.096 ms (14:08.889)
testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary) with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order
byname) rnum
testing(>               from big_table)
testing-> select name from sd
testing->  where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
testing->    and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
testing->    and name <> 'DK';
                                                                          QUERY PLAN

 CTE Scan on sd  (cost=30560557.18..33546097.10 rows=540111 width=516) (actual time=794958.814..805397.008 rows=41
   Filter: ((sd.rnum >= $1) AND (sd.rnum <= $2) AND (( <> 'DK'::text))
   Rows Removed by Filter: 108565045
   Buffers: shared hit=386 read=1517012, temp read=3202642 written=2621799
   CTE sd
     ->  WindowAgg  (cost=23772525.03..25672414.07 rows=108565088 width=30) (actual time=668354.380..753149.449
           Output:, row_number() OVER (?)
           Buffers: shared hit=386 read=1517012, temp read=2035717 written=2038337
           ->  Sort  (cost=23772525.03..24043937.75 rows=108565088 width=22) (actual time=668354.361..724059.209
                 Sort Key:
                 Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 3453888kB
                 Buffers: shared hit=386 read=1517012, temp read=2035717 written=2038337
                 ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.big_table  (cost=0.00..2603048.88 rows=108565088 width=22) (actual
time=18.886..106731.751rows=108565086 loops=1)
                       Buffers: shared hit=386 read=1517012
   InitPlan 2 (returns $1)
     ->  Aggregate  (cost=2444071.54..2444071.55 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=111513.923..111513.923 rows=1 loops=1)
           Output: min(sd_1.rnum)
           Buffers: temp read=431506 written=583461
           ->  CTE Scan on sd sd_1  (cost=0.00..2442714.48 rows=542825 width=8) (actual time=28796.843..111513.916
                 Output:, sd_1.rnum
                 Filter: (( = 'DK'::text)
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 108565061
                 Buffers: temp read=431506 written=583461
   InitPlan 3 (returns $2)
     ->  Aggregate  (cost=2444071.54..2444071.55 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=12135.464..12135.464 rows=1 loops=1)
           Output: max(sd_2.rnum)
           Buffers: temp read=583462
           ->  CTE Scan on sd sd_2  (cost=0.00..2442714.48 rows=542825 width=8) (actual time=2785.283..12135.457
                 Output:, sd_2.rnum
                 Filter: (( = 'DK'::text)
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 108565061
                 Buffers: temp read=583462
 Planning Time: 0.159 ms
 Execution Time: 807095.184 ms
(37 rows)

Time: 807103.763 ms (13:27.104)

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Gierth <> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 1:41 AM
To: David Raymond <>
Cc: Tom Lane <>;
Subject: Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> Looking possibly like indexing is part of the issue at the
 David> moment.

Your original EXPLAIN didn't show any index scans being used...?

I can think of a possible explanation if there's some other value in the
big table which, due to some collation bug, is not consistently being
compared as < 'DK' or > 'DK'.

Unfortunately, we have two code paths for comparison, and one of them
can't easily be exercised directly from SQL, since it is only used for
sorts (and therefore also index builds).

Can you try these queries:

set enable_indexscan=off;
set enable_bitmapscan=off;

select count(*) c0,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') < 0) c1_lt,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') = 0) c1_eq,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp(name,'DK') > 0) c1_gt,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) > 0) c2_lt,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) = 0) c2_eq,
       count(*) filter (where bttextcmp('DK',name) < 0) c2_gt
  from big_table;

with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
              from big_table)
select name from sd
 where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
   and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
   and name <> 'DK';

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David>      c0      |   c1_lt    | c1_eq |   c1_gt    |   c2_lt    | c2_eq |   c2_gt
 David> -------------+------------+-------+------------+------------+-------+------------
 David>  108,565,086 | 27,900,023 |    25 | 80,665,038 | 27,900,023 |    25 | 80,665,038
 David> (1 row)

Well those counts look consistent to me.

But this is all kinds of messed up:

 David> testing=> with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
 David> testing(>               from big_table)
 David> testing-> select name from sd
 David> testing-> where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
 David> testing-> and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
 David> testing-> and name <> 'DK';
 David>                name
 David> -----------------------------------
 David>  Dk'bus Marine
 David>  Dk's Auto's
 David>  Dk's Bar & Grill
 David>  Dk's Barbers & Stylist
 David>  Dk's Beach Boutique
 David>  Dk's Cabinets & Countertops
 David>  Dk's Cleaning Service
 David>  Dk's Clothing
 David>  Dk's Communications
 David>  Dk's Dancewear & Fitnesswear
 David>  Dk's Dancewear Boutique
 David>  Dk's Discount Dance & Fitnesswear
 David>  DK's Drywall Service
 David>  Dk's Family Five Star Trophies
 David>  DK's Family Five Star Trophies
 David>  Dk's Food Mart
 David>  Dk'S Group Pte. Ltd.
 David>  Dk's Hair Designs
 David>  Dk's Hair Happenings
 David>  Dk's Hair Supply
 David>  Dk's Home Decor
 David>  DK's Informática
 David>  Dk's Janitorial
 David>  DK's Liquors
 David>  Dk's Market
 David>  Dk's Moda Masculina
 David>  Dk's Nails And Spa
 David>  DK's Pawn Shop
 David>  Dk's Pet Grooming
 David>  DK's Quality Service
 David>  DK's Restoration
 David>  Dk's Sports Center
 David>  Dk's Statuary
 David>  Dk's Style Hut
 David>  Dk's Temiskaming Shore Taxi
 David>  Dk's Towing
 David>  DK's Travel
 David>  Dk'Style
 David>  DK'Z Car Wash
 David>  Dk-
 David> (41 rows)

Let's see some more data from that. Do this query:

with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
              from big_table)
select rnum, name, encode(convert_to(name, 'SQL_ASCII'),'escape'),
       name < 'DK' as lt, name = 'DK' as eq, name > 'DK' as gt
  from sd
 where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
   and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK');

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
Here's what it's reporting for an error:

testing=# select bt_index_check('big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx', true);
ERROR:  high key invariant violated for index "big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx"
DETAIL:  Index tid=(86990,140) points to heap tid=(139313,57) page lsn=0/0.
Time: 65695.359 ms (01:05.695)
testing=# select bt_index_parent_check('big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx', true);
ERROR:  down-link lower bound invariant violated for index "big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx"
DETAIL:  Parent block=43131 child index tid=(43197,9) parent page lsn=0/0.
Time: 1697.205 ms (00:01.697)

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Geoghegan <> 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 7:34 PM
To: David Raymond <>
Cc: Tom Lane <>;
Subject: Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 2:49 PM David Raymond <> wrote:
> I re-created the index...
> create index on big_table (name, id_1, id_2);
> ...and count(*) goes back to returning 9 again.
> and group by sees those 9 as one group and the other 16 as a different group.

You should try running contrib/amcheck, which should be able to confirm
index corruption, and give you a specific complaint. You may then be
able to inspect the exact index page with the problem using
contrib/pageinspect. Something like this ought to do it on Postgres

SELECT bt_index_check('my_index', true);

If that doesn't show any errors, then perhaps try this:

SELECT bt_index_parent_check('my_index', true);

Let us know what you see.

Peter Geoghegan

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> Here's what it's reporting for an error:

 David> testing=# select bt_index_check('big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx', true);
 David> ERROR:  high key invariant violated for index "big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx"
 David> DETAIL:  Index tid=(86990,140) points to heap tid=(139313,57) page lsn=0/0.
 David> Time: 65695.359 ms (01:05.695)
 David> testing=# select bt_index_parent_check('big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx', true);
 David> ERROR:  down-link lower bound invariant violated for index "big_table_name_id_1_id_2_idx"
 David> DETAIL:  Parent block=43131 child index tid=(43197,9) parent page lsn=0/0.
 David> Time: 1697.205 ms (00:01.697)
 David> testing=#

Based on the other response, it looks like something is fundamentally
broken with regard to sorting this dataset, and since btree index build
works by sorting, the index corruption is probably just another symptom
of the real problem rather than a cause in itself.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
"But this is all kinds of messed up"
Sounds about right :)

Output below.

As asked earlier it's Windows 10, all the lc_* settings are "en-US", and the server encoding is UTF8.
Throughout the table there are records with pretty much every notation alphabet. Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic,
Hebrew,Japanese, Mandarin, etc. etc. Which "shouldn't" matter, but I figured I'd mention it.

testing=> set enable_indexscan = off;
Time: 0.536 ms
testing=> set enable_bitmapscan = off;
Time: 0.225 ms
testing=> with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
testing(>               from big_table)
testing-> select rnum, name, encode(convert_to(name, 'SQL_ASCII'),'escape'),
testing->        name < 'DK' as lt, name = 'DK' as eq, name > 'DK' as gt
testing->   from sd
testing->  where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
testing->    and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK');
    rnum    |               name                |              encode               | lt | eq | gt
 27,900,023 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,024 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,025 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,026 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,027 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,028 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,029 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,030 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,031 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,032 | Dk'bus Marine                     | Dk'bus Marine                     | f  | f  | t
 27,900,033 | Dk's Auto's                       | Dk's Auto's                       | f  | f  | t
 27,900,034 | Dk's Bar & Grill                  | Dk's Bar & Grill                  | f  | f  | t
 27,900,035 | Dk's Barbers & Stylist            | Dk's Barbers & Stylist            | f  | f  | t
 27,900,036 | Dk's Beach Boutique               | Dk's Beach Boutique               | f  | f  | t
 27,900,037 | Dk's Cabinets & Countertops       | Dk's Cabinets & Countertops       | f  | f  | t
 27,900,038 | Dk's Cleaning Service             | Dk's Cleaning Service             | f  | f  | t
 27,900,039 | Dk's Clothing                     | Dk's Clothing                     | f  | f  | t
 27,900,040 | Dk's Communications               | Dk's Communications               | f  | f  | t
 27,900,041 | Dk's Dancewear & Fitnesswear      | Dk's Dancewear & Fitnesswear      | f  | f  | t
 27,900,042 | Dk's Dancewear Boutique           | Dk's Dancewear Boutique           | f  | f  | t
 27,900,043 | Dk's Discount Dance & Fitnesswear | Dk's Discount Dance & Fitnesswear | f  | f  | t
 27,900,044 | DK's Drywall Service              | DK's Drywall Service              | f  | f  | t
 27,900,045 | DK'S DUSTBUSTERS                  | DK'S DUSTBUSTERS                  | f  | f  | t
 27,900,046 | Dk's Family Five Star Trophies    | Dk's Family Five Star Trophies    | f  | f  | t
 27,900,047 | DK's Family Five Star Trophies    | DK's Family Five Star Trophies    | f  | f  | t
 27,900,048 | Dk's Food Mart                    | Dk's Food Mart                    | f  | f  | t
 27,900,049 | Dk'S Group Pte. Ltd.              | Dk'S Group Pte. Ltd.              | f  | f  | t
 27,900,050 | Dk's Hair Designs                 | Dk's Hair Designs                 | f  | f  | t
 27,900,051 | Dk's Hair Happenings              | Dk's Hair Happenings              | f  | f  | t
 27,900,052 | Dk's Hair Supply                  | Dk's Hair Supply                  | f  | f  | t
 27,900,053 | Dk's Home Decor                   | Dk's Home Decor                   | f  | f  | t
 27,900,054 | DK's Informática                  | DK's Inform\303\241tica           | f  | f  | t
 27,900,055 | Dk's Janitorial                   | Dk's Janitorial                   | f  | f  | t
 27,900,056 | DK's Liquors                      | DK's Liquors                      | f  | f  | t
 27,900,057 | Dk's Market                       | Dk's Market                       | f  | f  | t
 27,900,058 | Dk's Moda Masculina               | Dk's Moda Masculina               | f  | f  | t
 27,900,059 | Dk's Nails And Spa                | Dk's Nails And Spa                | f  | f  | t
 27,900,060 | DK's Pawn Shop                    | DK's Pawn Shop                    | f  | f  | t
 27,900,061 | Dk's Pet Grooming                 | Dk's Pet Grooming                 | f  | f  | t
 27,900,062 | DK's Quality Service              | DK's Quality Service              | f  | f  | t
 27,900,063 | DK's Restoration                  | DK's Restoration                  | f  | f  | t
 27,900,064 | Dk's Sports Center                | Dk's Sports Center                | f  | f  | t
 27,900,065 | Dk's Statuary                     | Dk's Statuary                     | f  | f  | t
 27,900,066 | Dk's Style Hut                    | Dk's Style Hut                    | f  | f  | t
 27,900,067 | Dk's Temiskaming Shore Taxi       | Dk's Temiskaming Shore Taxi       | f  | f  | t
 27,900,068 | Dk's Towing                       | Dk's Towing                       | f  | f  | t
 27,900,069 | DK's Travel                       | DK's Travel                       | f  | f  | t
 27,900,070 | Dk'Style                          | Dk'Style                          | f  | f  | t
 27,900,071 | DK'Z Car Wash                     | DK'Z Car Wash                     | f  | f  | t
 27,900,072 | Dk-                               | Dk-                               | t  | f  | f
 27,900,073 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,074 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,075 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,076 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,077 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,078 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,079 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,080 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,081 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,082 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,083 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,084 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,085 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,086 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,087 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
 27,900,088 | DK                                | DK                                | f  | t  | f
(66 rows)

Time: 821796.036 ms (13:41.796)

testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary)
testing-> with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
testing(>               from big_table)
testing-> select rnum, name, encode(convert_to(name, 'SQL_ASCII'),'escape'),
testing->        name < 'DK' as lt, name = 'DK' as eq, name > 'DK' as gt
testing->   from sd
testing->  where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
testing->    and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK');
                                                                                             QUERY PLAN

 CTE Scan on sd  (cost=30560557.18..33281469.69 rows=542825 width=559) (actual time=886056.646..898585.621 rows=66
   Output: sd.rnum,, encode(convert_to((, 'SQL_ASCII'::name), 'escape'::text), (( <
'DK'::text),(( = 'DK'::text), (( > 'DK'::text)
   Filter: ((sd.rnum >= $1) AND (sd.rnum <= $2))
   Rows Removed by Filter: 108565020
   Buffers: shared hit=482 read=1516916, temp read=3200588 written=2619846
   CTE sd
     ->  WindowAgg  (cost=23772525.03..25672414.07 rows=108565088 width=30) (actual time=719781.561..832442.189
           Output:, row_number() OVER (?)
           Buffers: shared hit=482 read=1516916, temp read=2033663 written=2036384
           ->  Sort  (cost=23772525.03..24043937.75 rows=108565088 width=22) (actual time=719781.549..793477.044
                 Sort Key:
                 Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 3453888kB
                 Buffers: shared hit=482 read=1516916, temp read=2033663 written=2036384
                 ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.big_table  (cost=0.00..2603048.88 rows=108565088 width=22) (actual
time=0.010..105238.261rows=108565086 loops=1)
                       Buffers: shared hit=482 read=1516916
   InitPlan 2 (returns $1)
     ->  Aggregate  (cost=2444071.54..2444071.55 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=148300.335..148300.336 rows=1 loops=1)
           Output: min(sd_1.rnum)
           Buffers: temp read=431489 written=583461
           ->  CTE Scan on sd sd_1  (cost=0.00..2442714.48 rows=542825 width=8) (actual time=34105.882..148300.327
                 Output:, sd_1.rnum
                 Filter: (( = 'DK'::text)
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 108565061
                 Buffers: temp read=431489 written=583461
   InitPlan 3 (returns $2)
     ->  Aggregate  (cost=2444071.54..2444071.55 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=14707.032..14707.032 rows=1 loops=1)
           Output: max(sd_2.rnum)
           Buffers: temp read=583462
           ->  CTE Scan on sd sd_2  (cost=0.00..2442714.48 rows=542825 width=8) (actual time=3729.712..14707.025
                 Output:, sd_2.rnum
                 Filter: (( = 'DK'::text)
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 108565061
                 Buffers: temp read=583462
 Planning Time: 0.099 ms
 Execution Time: 899881.036 ms
(37 rows)

Time: 899900.240 ms (14:59.900)

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Gierth <> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 11:21 AM
To: David Raymond <>
Cc: Tom Lane <>;
Subject: Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

But this is all kinds of messed up:


Let's see some more data from that. Do this query:

with sd as (select name, row_number() over (order by name) rnum
              from big_table)
select rnum, name, encode(convert_to(name, 'SQL_ASCII'),'escape'),
       name < 'DK' as lt, name = 'DK' as eq, name > 'DK' as gt
  from sd
 where rnum >= (select min(rnum) from sd where name='DK')
   and rnum <= (select max(rnum) from sd where name='DK');

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
I checked for other places where there was weirdness going on and there are more.

testing=> create temp table weird as with foo as (select name from big_table group by name) select name from foo group
byname having count(*) > 1;
Time: 700304.130 ms (11:40.304)

Hilariously enough 'DK' isn't in these 23.

Did initdb let me pick a locale that doesn't actually exist?

I'm beginning to feel like I need an exorcist.

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> I checked for other places where there was weirdness going on
 David> and there are more.

You could try something like,

select name, lname
  from (select name, lag(name) over (order by name) as lname
          from big_table) s
 where name < lname;

That should show all cases where the sort order was inconsistent with
the < operator (which obviously should never happen).

However, there's not much more I can do to help with this, since I don't
use Windows myself and have no useful access to any Windows system. You
might try and cut down the data to the smallest set that shows
inconsistencies using the above; particularly relevant is whether the
problem only shows up for external merge sorts or whether it happens for
in-memory sorts too.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
As an update, I've currently got a dump that consistently shows weirdness when loaded. It's just the "name" field, has
1.3million records, is 15 MB zipped, and has things garbled enough that I don't mind sending it.

How small does it need to be before it's good to send to someone?

Output after re-loading the table:

testing=> \d+ weird_grouping
                                    Table "name_stuff.weird_grouping"
 Column |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 name   | character varying(254) |           | not null |         | extended |              |

testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name) from weird_grouping;
   count   |   count
 1,297,265 | 1,176,103
(1 row)

Time: 7616.186 ms (00:07.616)

testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary) select count(*), count(distinct name) from
                                                                QUERY PLAN

 Aggregate  (cost=10187.10..10187.11 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=7805.463..7805.463 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: count(*), count(DISTINCT name)
   Buffers: shared hit=2080 read=6236, temp read=5484 written=5506
   ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..9563.40 rows=124740 width=516) (actual time=0.031..128.203
         Output: name
         Buffers: shared hit=2080 read=6236
 Planning Time: 0.027 ms
 Execution Time: 7805.483 ms
(8 rows)

Time: 7805.822 ms (00:07.806)

testing=> with foo as (select name from weird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name having
count(*)> 1;
(0 rows)

Time: 1950.401 ms (00:01.950)

testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary) with foo as (select name from weird_grouping
groupby name) select name from foo group by name having count(*) > 1;
                                                                    QUERY PLAN

 HashAggregate  (cost=9882.25..9884.75 rows=67 width=516) (actual time=1466.738..1466.738 rows=0 loops=1)
   Group Key:
   Filter: (count(*) > 1)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 1176101
   Buffers: shared hit=2144 read=6172, temp written=4533
   CTE foo
     ->  HashAggregate  (cost=9875.25..9877.25 rows=200 width=516) (actual time=494.343..734.005 rows=1176101 loops=1)
           Group Key:
           Buffers: shared hit=2144 read=6172
           ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..9563.40 rows=124740 width=516) (actual
time=0.283..120.898rows=1297265 loops=1)
                 Buffers: shared hit=2144 read=6172
   ->  CTE Scan on foo  (cost=0.00..4.00 rows=200 width=516) (actual time=494.346..1035.185 rows=1176101 loops=1)
         Buffers: shared hit=2144 read=6172, temp written=4533
 Planning Time: 0.464 ms
 Execution Time: 2230.238 ms
(19 rows)

Time: 2231.291 ms (00:02.231)

testing=> analyze verbose weird_grouping;
INFO:  analyzing "name_stuff.weird_grouping"
INFO:  "weird_grouping": scanned 8316 of 8316 pages, containing 1297265 live rows and 0 dead rows; 30000 rows in
sample,1297265 estimated total rows
Time: 474.963 ms

testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name) from weird_grouping;
   count   |   count
 1,297,265 | 1,176,103
(1 row)

Time: 7449.983 ms (00:07.450)

testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary) select count(*), count(distinct name) from
                                                                 QUERY PLAN

 Aggregate  (cost=27774.98..27774.99 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=7754.578..7754.578 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: count(*), count(DISTINCT name)
   Buffers: shared hit=2240 read=6076, temp read=5484 written=5506
   ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=0.036..102.144
         Output: name
         Buffers: shared hit=2240 read=6076
 Planning Time: 0.031 ms
 Execution Time: 7754.598 ms
(8 rows)

Time: 7754.902 ms (00:07.755)

testing=> with foo as (select name from weird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name having
count(*)> 1;
(2 rows)

Time: 9561.382 ms (00:09.561)

testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, buffers, timing, summary) with foo as (select name from weird_grouping
groupby name) select name from foo group by name having count(*) > 1;
                                                                        QUERY PLAN

 HashAggregate  (cost=209783.95..209786.45 rows=67 width=516) (actual time=8591.210..8686.132 rows=2 loops=1)
   Group Key:
   Filter: (count(*) > 1)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 1176099
   Buffers: shared hit=2304 read=6012, temp read=7800 written=12363
   CTE foo
     ->  Group  (cost=179613.72..186100.05 rows=947356 width=20) (actual time=6416.900..7842.634 rows=1176103 loops=1)
           Group Key:
           Buffers: shared hit=2304 read=6012, temp read=7800 written=7830
           ->  Sort  (cost=179613.72..182856.89 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=6416.899..7665.158 rows=1297265
                 Sort Key:
                 Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 39048kB
                 Buffers: shared hit=2304 read=6012, temp read=7800 written=7830
                 ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual
time=0.294..137.486rows=1297265 loops=1)
                       Buffers: shared hit=2304 read=6012
   ->  CTE Scan on foo  (cost=0.00..18947.12 rows=947356 width=516) (actual time=6416.902..8105.771 rows=1176103
         Buffers: shared hit=2304 read=6012, temp read=7800 written=12363
 Planning Time: 0.258 ms
 Execution Time: 10305.891 ms
(24 rows)

Time: 10306.990 ms (00:10.307)


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Gierth <> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 3:27 PM
To: David Raymond <>
Subject: Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> I checked for other places where there was weirdness going on
 David> and there are more.

You could try something like,

select name, lname
  from (select name, lag(name) over (order by name) as lname
          from big_table) s
 where name < lname;

That should show all cases where the sort order was inconsistent with
the < operator (which obviously should never happen).

However, there's not much more I can do to help with this, since I don't
use Windows myself and have no useful access to any Windows system. You
might try and cut down the data to the smallest set that shows
inconsistencies using the above; particularly relevant is whether the
problem only shows up for external merge sorts or whether it happens for
in-memory sorts too.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> As an update, I've currently got a dump that consistently shows
 David> weirdness when loaded. It's just the "name" field, has 1.3
 David> million records, is 15 MB zipped, and has things garbled enough
 David> that I don't mind sending it.
 David> How small does it need to be before it's good to send to
 David> someone?

That's small enough for me, though since I don't use Windows all I'll be
able to do is check if you're exposing some general PG bug. If not I'll
see if I can find someone to test on Windows.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
Downloaded and installed 12.0, created a nice shiny new cluster, and confirmed that it's still doing it. Now in 12 you
haveto force it to materialize the CTE, which was why I had used a CTE in 11 in the first place.

testing=> select version();
 PostgreSQL 12.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit
(1 row)

Time: 0.148 ms
testing=> \d+ weird_grouping
                                    Table "name_stuff.weird_grouping"
 Column |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 name   | character varying(254) |           | not null |         | extended |              |
Access method: heap

testing=> analyze verbose weird_grouping;
INFO:  analyzing "name_stuff.weird_grouping"
INFO:  "weird_grouping": scanned 8316 of 8316 pages, containing 1297265 live rows and 0 dead rows; 30000 rows in
sample,1297265 estimated total rows
Time: 206.577 ms
testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name) from weird_grouping;
   count   |   count
 1,297,265 | 1,176,103
(1 row)

Time: 6729.011 ms (00:06.729)
testing=> with foo as (select name from weird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name having
count(*)> 1;
(0 rows)

Time: 7289.128 ms (00:07.289)
testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, settings, buffers, timing, summary) with foo as (select name from
weird_groupinggroup by name) select name from foo group by name having count(*) > 1;
                                                                       QUERY PLAN

 GroupAggregate  (cost=179613.72..200268.04 rows=67 width=20) (actual time=6203.868..6203.868 rows=0 loops=1)
   Group Key:
   Filter: (count(*) > 1)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 1176103
   Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852, temp read=7800 written=7830
   ->  Group  (cost=179613.72..186100.05 rows=944366 width=20) (actual time=4769.781..5985.111 rows=1176103 loops=1)
         Group Key:
         Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852, temp read=7800 written=7830
         ->  Sort  (cost=179613.72..182856.89 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=4769.779..5844.350 rows=1297265
               Sort Key:
               Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 39048kB
               Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852, temp read=7800 written=7830
               ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual
time=0.059..102.772rows=1297265 loops=1)
                     Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852
 Settings: search_path = 'name_stuff'
 Planning Time: 0.048 ms
 Execution Time: 7115.761 ms
(21 rows)

Time: 7116.170 ms (00:07.116)
testing=> with foo as materialized (select name from weird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name
havingcount(*) > 1;
(2 rows)

Time: 8850.833 ms (00:08.851)
testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, settings, buffers, timing, summary) with foo as materialized (select name
fromweird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name having count(*) > 1;
                                                                        QUERY PLAN

 HashAggregate  (cost=209709.20..209711.70 rows=67 width=516) (actual time=6676.811..6768.094 rows=2 loops=1)
   Group Key:
   Filter: (count(*) > 1)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 1176099
   Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=12363
   CTE foo
     ->  Group  (cost=179613.72..186100.05 rows=944366 width=20) (actual time=4774.681..6004.725 rows=1176103 loops=1)
           Group Key:
           Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=7830
           ->  Sort  (cost=179613.72..182856.89 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=4774.678..5860.270 rows=1297265
                 Sort Key:
                 Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 39048kB
                 Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=7830
                 ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual
time=0.065..101.141rows=1297265 loops=1)
                       Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788
   ->  CTE Scan on foo  (cost=0.00..18887.32 rows=944366 width=516) (actual time=4774.683..6228.002 rows=1176103
         Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=12363
 Settings: search_path = 'name_stuff'
 Planning Time: 0.054 ms
 Execution Time: 8786.597 ms
(25 rows)

Time: 8787.011 ms (00:08.787)

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Gierth <> 
Sent: Sunday, October 6, 2019 10:29 AM
To: David Raymond <>
Subject: Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> As an update, I've currently got a dump that consistently shows
 David> weirdness when loaded. It's just the "name" field, has 1.3
 David> million records, is 15 MB zipped, and has things garbled enough
 David> that I don't mind sending it.
 David> How small does it need to be before it's good to send to
 David> someone?

That's small enough for me, though since I don't use Windows all I'll be
able to do is check if you're exposing some general PG bug. If not I'll
see if I can find someone to test on Windows.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "David" == David Raymond <> writes:

 David> As an update, I've currently got a dump that consistently shows
 David> weirdness when loaded. It's just the "name" field, has 1.3
 David> million records, is 15 MB zipped, and has things garbled enough
 David> that I don't mind sending it. How small does it need to be
 David> before it's good to send to someone?

I got your file, and I put it up here if others want to test this:

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce any issue (as expected), and the
Windows guy who tested it for me also wasn't able to reproduce it. :-(

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

Re: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

Tomas Vondra

On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 06:29:04PM +0000, David Raymond wrote:
>Downloaded and installed 12.0, created a nice shiny new cluster, and
>confirmed that it's still doing it. Now in 12 you have to force it to
>materialize the CTE, which was why I had used a CTE in 11 in the first

I've tried running this on a 12.0 cluster too (on Linux though), using
the data set linked by Andrew, and I haven't observed any duplicate rows
either. I do have some observations, though ...

>testing=> select version();
>                          version
> PostgreSQL 12.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit
>(1 row)
>Time: 0.148 ms
>testing=> \d+ weird_grouping
>                                    Table "name_stuff.weird_grouping"
> Column |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description
> name   | character varying(254) |           | not null |         | extended |              |
>Access method: heap
>testing=> analyze verbose weird_grouping;
>INFO:  analyzing "name_stuff.weird_grouping"
>INFO:  "weird_grouping": scanned 8316 of 8316 pages, containing 1297265 live rows and 0 dead rows; 30000 rows in
sample,1297265 estimated total rows
>Time: 206.577 ms
>testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name) from weird_grouping;
>   count   |   count
> 1,297,265 | 1,176,103
>(1 row)

I do get this:

  count  |  count
 1297265 | 1176101
(1 row)

>Time: 6729.011 ms (00:06.729)
>testing=> with foo as (select name from weird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name having
count(*)> 1;
> name
>(0 rows)
>Time: 7289.128 ms (00:07.289)
>testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, settings, buffers, timing, summary) with foo as (select name from
weird_groupinggroup by name) select name from foo group by name having count(*) > 1;
>                                                                       QUERY PLAN

> GroupAggregate  (cost=179613.72..200268.04 rows=67 width=20) (actual time=6203.868..6203.868 rows=0 loops=1)
>   Output:
>   Group Key:
>   Filter: (count(*) > 1)
>   Rows Removed by Filter: 1176103
>   Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852, temp read=7800 written=7830
>   ->  Group  (cost=179613.72..186100.05 rows=944366 width=20) (actual time=4769.781..5985.111 rows=1176103 loops=1)
>         Output:
>         Group Key:
>         Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852, temp read=7800 written=7830
>         ->  Sort  (cost=179613.72..182856.89 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=4769.779..5844.350 rows=1297265
>               Output:
>               Sort Key:
>               Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 39048kB
>               Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852, temp read=7800 written=7830
>               ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual
time=0.059..102.772rows=1297265 loops=1)
>                     Output:
>                     Buffers: shared hit=2464 read=5852
> Settings: search_path = 'name_stuff'
> Planning Time: 0.048 ms
> Execution Time: 7115.761 ms
>(21 rows)

I'd like to point this may not be actually correct either. It does not
produce any rows, i.e. it does not see any "duplicate groups", but it
does this:

  ->  Group  (cost=179613.72..186100.05 rows=944366 width=20) (actual time=4769.781..5985.111 rows=1176103 loops=1)

Notice that it has 1176103 groups, but is that actually correct? On my
machine I only see 1176101 groups, and the difference (2) would match
the DCL and DELTA duplicates with the next query.

>Time: 7116.170 ms (00:07.116)
>testing=> with foo as materialized (select name from weird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name
havingcount(*) > 1;
> name
>(2 rows)
>Time: 8850.833 ms (00:08.851)
>testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, settings, buffers, timing, summary) with foo as materialized (select name
fromweird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name having count(*) > 1;
>                                                                        QUERY PLAN

> HashAggregate  (cost=209709.20..209711.70 rows=67 width=516) (actual time=6676.811..6768.094 rows=2 loops=1)
>   Output:
>   Group Key:
>   Filter: (count(*) > 1)
>   Rows Removed by Filter: 1176099
>   Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=12363
>   CTE foo
>     ->  Group  (cost=179613.72..186100.05 rows=944366 width=20) (actual time=4774.681..6004.725 rows=1176103
>           Output:
>           Group Key:
>           Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=7830
>           ->  Sort  (cost=179613.72..182856.89 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=4774.678..5860.270 rows=1297265
>                 Output:
>                 Sort Key:
>                 Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 39048kB
>                 Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=7830
>                 ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual
time=0.065..101.141rows=1297265 loops=1)
>                       Output:
>                       Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788
>   ->  CTE Scan on foo  (cost=0.00..18887.32 rows=944366 width=516) (actual time=4774.683..6228.002 rows=1176103
>         Output:
>         Buffers: shared hit=2528 read=5788, temp read=7800 written=12363
> Settings: search_path = 'name_stuff'
> Planning Time: 0.054 ms
> Execution Time: 8786.597 ms
>(25 rows)
>Time: 8787.011 ms (00:08.787)

Can you try running this with enable_hashagg = off? That should give you
another Sort on the CTE Scan, and a GroupAggregate at the top. I wonder
if that makes the issue go away ...


Tomas Vondra        
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

RE: BUG #16031: Group by returns duplicate groups

David Raymond
" Can you try running this with enable_hashagg = off? That should give you another Sort on the CTE Scan, and a
GroupAggregateat the top. I wonder if that makes the issue go away ..."

Here's what I get for that. And extra weirdness below:

testing=> set enable_hashagg = off;
Time: 0.241 ms
testing=> with foo as materialized (select name from weird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name
havingcount(*) > 1;
(0 rows)

Time: 10423.486 ms (00:10.423)
testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, settings, buffers, timing, summary) with foo as materialized (select name
fromweird_grouping group by name) select name from foo group by name having count(*) > 1;
                                                                        QUERY PLAN

 GroupAggregate  (cost=737694.91..744780.15 rows=67 width=516) (actual time=7650.411..7650.411 rows=0 loops=1)
   Group Key:
   Filter: (count(*) > 1)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 1176103
   Buffers: shared hit=160 read=8156, temp read=14645 written=19235
   CTE foo
     ->  Group  (cost=179613.72..186100.05 rows=944366 width=20) (actual time=4811.449..6027.355 rows=1176103 loops=1)
           Group Key:
           Buffers: shared hit=160 read=8156, temp read=7800 written=7830
           ->  Sort  (cost=179613.72..182856.89 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=4811.447..5884.667 rows=1297265
                 Sort Key:
                 Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 39048kB
                 Buffers: shared hit=160 read=8156, temp read=7800 written=7830
                 ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual
time=0.058..117.833rows=1297265 loops=1)
                       Buffers: shared hit=160 read=8156
   ->  Sort  (cost=551594.86..553955.78 rows=944366 width=516) (actual time=6915.562..7418.978 rows=1176103 loops=1)
         Sort Key:
         Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 36368kB
         Buffers: shared hit=160 read=8156, temp read=14645 written=19235
         ->  CTE Scan on foo  (cost=0.00..18887.32 rows=944366 width=516) (actual time=4811.451..6243.160 rows=1176103
               Buffers: shared hit=160 read=8156, temp read=7800 written=12363
 Settings: enable_hashagg = 'off', search_path = 'name_stuff'
 Planning Time: 0.064 ms
 Execution Time: 10175.478 ms
(30 rows)

Time: 10175.906 ms (00:10.176)

But now here's another weird bit:

testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name) from weird_grouping;
   count   |   count
 1,297,265 | 1,176,103
(1 row)

Time: 6866.369 ms (00:06.866)
testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, settings, buffers, timing, summary) select count(*), count(distinct name)
                                                                 QUERY PLAN

 Aggregate  (cost=27774.98..27774.99 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=6642.856..6642.856 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: count(*), count(DISTINCT name)
   Buffers: shared hit=928 read=7388, temp read=5484 written=5506
   ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=0.072..110.798
         Output: name
         Buffers: shared hit=928 read=7388
 Settings: search_path = 'name_stuff'
 Planning Time: 0.030 ms
 Execution Time: 6642.875 ms
(9 rows)

Time: 6643.181 ms (00:06.643)
testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name collate "C") from weird_grouping;
   count   |   count
 1,297,265 | 1,176,101
(1 row)

Time: 1655.202 ms (00:01.655)
testing=> explain (analyze, verbose, costs, settings, buffers, timing, summary) select count(*), count(distinct name
collate"C") from weird_grouping;
                                                                 QUERY PLAN

 Aggregate  (cost=27774.98..27774.99 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=1788.276..1788.277 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: count(*), count(DISTINCT (name)::character varying(254))
   Buffers: shared hit=992 read=7324, temp read=5484 written=5506
   ->  Seq Scan on name_stuff.weird_grouping  (cost=0.00..21288.65 rows=1297265 width=20) (actual time=0.059..112.815
         Output: name
         Buffers: shared hit=992 read=7324
 Settings: search_path = 'name_stuff'
 Planning Time: 0.030 ms
 Execution Time: 1788.295 ms
(9 rows)

Time: 1788.596 ms (00:01.789)
testing=> show lc_collate;
(1 row)

Time: 0.122 ms
testing=> show server_encoding;
(1 row)

Time: 0.082 ms
testing=> select count(*), count(distinct name collate "en-US") from weird_grouping;
ERROR:  collation "en-US" for encoding "UTF8" does not exist
LINE 1: select count(*), count(distinct name collate "en-US") from w...
Time: 5.759 ms