Thread: pgwatch2 monitoring dashboards

pgwatch2 monitoring dashboards


Hi Good Morning Teams,

We are trying to configure pgwatch2 to monitor our postgress database named cemtore ( version 10.3).

We have installed the pgwatch2 docker container from GitHub and followed the steps under the section 'Steps to configure your database for monitoring'  for monitoring statements and CPU loads etc,  that are provided through the helper functions.

All the steps - 1.Creation of the pgwatch2 role 2. Creation of  all the helper functions as the superuser cemtore   were completed.

                          3. Added our database (cemtore) in the pgwatch2 admin interface for monitoring using the pgwatch2 role

But, pgwatch2monitoring dashboards  do not show us the statement activities or CPU load etc  - and the pgwatch2 log shows errors that it can not access the helper functions - for e.g, [cemtore:stat_statements_calls]: pq: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist etc.

However, when we use the superuser cemtore for monitoring in the admin interface, instead of pgwatch2, everything shows up.

We are using postgress 10.3 – do we need to grant any extra access privileges ,for e.g granting pg_monitor role to pgwatch2  to monitor using pgwatch2 ? 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks and regards,

Bikram Majumdar

Sr Software Developer/DBA, Aqsacom Inc.

c. 1.972.365.3737





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