Thread: the menu "view/edit data / all rows" strange thing

the menu "view/edit data / all rows" strange thing

Daniel Vos
Hi all,

I use pgadmin 4.11 on windows 10 ( firefox or opera -> same thing),
with all tables of more than 1000 rows,
if I use the contextual menu  "view / edit data / all rows", the grid
result show 1000 rows.
if I refresh de query all rows showed


Re: the menu "view/edit data / all rows" strange thing

Aditya Toshniwal
Hi Daniel,

This will be fixed in upcoming release.

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 5:29 PM Daniel Vos <> wrote:
Hi all,

I use pgadmin 4.11 on windows 10 ( firefox or opera -> same thing),
with all tables of more than 1000 rows,
if I use the contextual menu  "view / edit data / all rows", the grid
result show 1000 rows.
if I refresh de query all rows showed


Thanks and Regards,
Aditya Toshniwal
Software Engineer | EnterpriseDB India | Pune
"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"

Re: the menu "view/edit data / all rows" strange thing

Dave Page

On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 17:08, Roberto Tagliaferri - Tosnet srl <> wrote:
I reopen this old post: i  see 1000 rows everytime
If i select no limits i see at bottom of the window
Total rows: 1000 of 2065 Query complete 00:00:02.006

Yes, meaning the query returned 2065 rows, and pgAdmin has so far retrieved the first batch of 1000.

If you scroll to the end of the results, it'll automatically fetch the next 1000 and add them to the grid.

if i select 1000 rows of limit
Total rows: 1000 of 1000 Query complete 00:00:00.482

Makes sense - you've set the limit to the same as the size of the batches that are retrieved.

no limits is.. without limits :)

Il 12/08/19 07:42, Aditya Toshniwal ha scritto:
Hi Daniel,

This will be fixed in upcoming release.

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 5:29 PM Daniel Vos <> wrote:
Hi all,

I use pgadmin 4.11 on windows 10 ( firefox or opera -> same thing),
with all tables of more than 1000 rows,
if I use the contextual menu  "view / edit data / all rows", the grid
result show 1000 rows.
if I refresh de query all rows showed


Thanks and Regards,
Aditya Toshniwal
Software Engineer | EnterpriseDB India | Pune
"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"

Roberto Tagliaferri
Amministrazione di sistema | TosNet s.r.l. Internet Service Provider
Via F.lli Giachetti, 28/3
59100 Prato (PO)
Office:+39 0574 875 100
Mobile:+39 329 591 3899

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