Thread: Standard uuid vs. custom data type uuid_v1

Standard uuid vs. custom data type uuid_v1

Ancoron Luciferis

I have finally found some time to implement a custom data type optimized
for version 1 UUID's (timestamp, clock sequence, node):

Some tests (using a few millions of rows) have shown the following
results (when used as a primary key):

COPY ... FROM: ~7.8x faster (from file - SSD)
COPY ... TO  : ~1.5x faster (no where clause, sequential output)

The best thing is that for INSERT's there is a very high chance of
hitting the B-Tree "fastpath" because of the timestamp being the most
significant part of the data type, which tends to be increasing.

This also results in much lower "bloat", where the standard "uuid" type
easily goes beyond 30%, the "uuid_v1" should be between 10 and 20%.

Additionally, it also reveals the massive performance degrade I saw in
my tests for standard UUID's:

Initial 200 million rows: ~ 80k rows / second
Additional 17 million rows: ~26k rows / second

...and the new data type:
Initial 200 million rows: ~ 623k rows / second
Additional 17 million rows: ~618k rows / second

The data type also has functions to extract the three parts and has an
additional set of operators to compare it to timestamps for time-series

Other test results which are of interest:

ANALYZE: essentially equal with uuid_v1 to be just slightly faster
VACUUM: ~4-5x faster
REINDEX: only slightly faster (~10-20%)

I think there's also something from it for a faster standard UUID
implementation as a char array is not very compute friendly and
conversion from or to strings (in/out) can be optimized.



Latest test results:

Re: Standard uuid vs. custom data type uuid_v1

Tomas Vondra
On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 11:26:23AM +0200, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>I have finally found some time to implement a custom data type optimized
>for version 1 UUID's (timestamp, clock sequence, node):
>Some tests (using a few millions of rows) have shown the following
>results (when used as a primary key):
>COPY ... FROM: ~7.8x faster (from file - SSD)
>COPY ... TO  : ~1.5x faster (no where clause, sequential output)
>The best thing is that for INSERT's there is a very high chance of
>hitting the B-Tree "fastpath" because of the timestamp being the most
>significant part of the data type, which tends to be increasing.
>This also results in much lower "bloat", where the standard "uuid" type
>easily goes beyond 30%, the "uuid_v1" should be between 10 and 20%.
>Additionally, it also reveals the massive performance degrade I saw in
>my tests for standard UUID's:
>Initial 200 million rows: ~ 80k rows / second
>Additional 17 million rows: ~26k rows / second
>...and the new data type:
>Initial 200 million rows: ~ 623k rows / second
>Additional 17 million rows: ~618k rows / second

Presumably, the new data type is sorted in a way that eliminates/reduces
random I/O against the index. But maybe that's not the case - hard to
say, because the linked results don't say how the data files were
generated ...


Tomas Vondra        
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services 

Re: Standard uuid vs. custom data type uuid_v1

Ancoron Luciferis
On 27/07/2019 15:47, Tomas Vondra wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 11:26:23AM +0200, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have finally found some time to implement a custom data type optimized
>> for version 1 UUID's (timestamp, clock sequence, node):
>> Some tests (using a few millions of rows) have shown the following
>> results (when used as a primary key):
>> COPY ... FROM: ~7.8x faster (from file - SSD)
>> COPY ... TO  : ~1.5x faster (no where clause, sequential output)
>> The best thing is that for INSERT's there is a very high chance of
>> hitting the B-Tree "fastpath" because of the timestamp being the most
>> significant part of the data type, which tends to be increasing.
>> This also results in much lower "bloat", where the standard "uuid" type
>> easily goes beyond 30%, the "uuid_v1" should be between 10 and 20%.
>> Additionally, it also reveals the massive performance degrade I saw in
>> my tests for standard UUID's:
>> Initial 200 million rows: ~ 80k rows / second
>> Additional 17 million rows: ~26k rows / second
>> ...and the new data type:
>> Initial 200 million rows: ~ 623k rows / second
>> Additional 17 million rows: ~618k rows / second
> Presumably, the new data type is sorted in a way that eliminates/reduces
> random I/O against the index. But maybe that's not the case - hard to
> say, because the linked results don't say how the data files were
> generated ...

Yes, by definition, version 1 UUID's contain the timestamp and when used
in applications, that is usually the "current" timestamp when an entry
gets prepared for storage. As a result, for testing I've simulated 9
nodes with increasing timestamps, which then results in very similar
behavior to sequentially increasing values.

The calculation for the above numbers has been based on "\timing" in
logged psql test sessions (so the little client overhead is included in
calculation). Internal behavior has also been tracked with Linux "perf
record" and flamegraph'd.

Test data has been generated by the following Java (Maven) project:

...with arguments:

mvn clean test \
    -Duuids=217000000 \ # number of UUID's
    -Duuid.skip.v1=false \ # generate V1 UUID's and serial
    -Dnodes=9 \ # how many nodes to simulate
    -Duuid.historic=true \ # enable historic mode (not "now")
    -Dinterval_days=365 # range of days to generate

...which will generate V1 UUID's into a file
"target/uuids.v1.historic.txt" as follows:

0048f198-9266-11e8-90d8-e03f496e733b yes, they are ever-increasing from a timestamp-perspective, which
is what I was intending to optimize for in the first iteration.

I'll do some more testing with slight time offsets between the nodes to
simulate behavior when some nodes generate time a few seconds behind others.

I might re-implement the UUID test data generator in Python as that
would be far more usable for others.

