Thread: The default timezone is being shown as UCT instead of UTC

The default timezone is being shown as UCT instead of UTC

Kumar Harsh
Package: postgresql-11
Version: 11.3.1

The postgres system has the default timezone set to 'UCT'
instead of 'UTC'. This bug was introduced in version 9.6.12,
and hasn't been fixed as of the latest stable version (11.3.1).

Reproducible example:

Run psql, and then:

psql (11.3 (Debian 11.3-1.pgdg90+1))

Type "help" for help.

postgres=# show timezone;
show timezone;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-
TimeZone | UCT

This issue was originally reported already in the
Github docker repository here:

I suggest that the default timezone be made 'UTC' like it was
before (and like is expected).

I am running the postgres server insider a docker container
on Windows Subsystem for Linux, but this happens in other
pure debian linux systems too.
Please see the Github issue linked above for more details.
