Thread: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais

I am not able to install postgresql11 under a fresh RHEL8.

The repos have been installed using

They are enabled:

  # yum --quiet repolist pgdg1*
  repo id                  repo name                                 status
  pgdg10                   PostgreSQL 10 8 - x86_64                  239
  pgdg11                   PostgreSQL 11 8 - x86_64                  104

Packages are known by the repository:

  # yum --quiet repoquery --repo pgdg11 postgresql11-server*

But they are unknown from local cache:

  # yum search postgresql11-server
  Updating Subscription Management repositories.
  Last metadata expiration check: 0:23:08 ago on Fri May 17 00:23:20 2019.
  No matches found.

If I try to groupinstall:

  # yum groupinstall postgresqldbserver11
  Updating Subscription Management repositories.
  Last metadata expiration check: 0:24:27 ago on Fri May 17 00:23:20 2019.
  No match for group package "postgresql11"
  No match for group package "postgresql11-contrib"
  No match for group package "postgresql11-server"
  Dependencies resolved.
   Package               Arch       Version               Repository  Size
  Installing group/module packages:
   postgresql11-libs     x86_64     11.3-1PGDG.rhel8      pgdg11     385 k

If I yum install using direct URL, it obviously works and pull
postgresql11-libs as dependency:

  # yum install $PGDG_URL/postgresql11-11.3-1PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm

Any clue? Some issue with the provided package list?


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Devrim Gündüz

On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 00:57 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> I am not able to install postgresql11 under a fresh RHEL8.

Yeah, I saw it yesterday, too :( I built the new packages. Testing them ATM,
will release very soon.

Check the repo in 1,5 hours, please.

Devrim Gündüz
Open Source Solution Architect, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
Hi Devrim,

On Fri, 17 May 2019 08:56:44 +0300
Devrim Gündüz <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 00:57 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> > I am not able to install postgresql11 under a fresh RHEL8.
> Yeah, I saw it yesterday, too :( I built the new packages. Testing them ATM,
> will release very soon.


> Check the repo in 1,5 hours, please.

I suppose I'll have to be a bit more patient, or maybe your publication get
stuck somewhere in the middle?

  Cannot download
  Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors
  were tried.

  Cannot download
  Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors
  were tried.

Plus, lots of packages for other releases are still missing from package
lists :/

Let me know if I can do anything to help.


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Devrim Gündüz

On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 10:40 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> I suppose I'll have to be a bit more patient, or maybe your publication get
> stuck somewhere in the middle?

Yeah. The repoview command  fails because of some customization that I made on
the previous build server and missing on the new one. I'll keep you updated.

Devrim Gündüz
Open Source Solution Architect, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
On Fri, 17 May 2019 13:00:18 +0300
Devrim Gündüz <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 10:40 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> > I suppose I'll have to be a bit more patient, or maybe your publication get
> > stuck somewhere in the middle?
> Yeah. The repoview command  fails because of some customization that I made on
> the previous build server and missing on the new one. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks! Good luck.

Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Devrim Gündüz

On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 10:40 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> I suppose I'll have to be a bit more patient, or maybe your publication get
> stuck somewhere in the middle?

They should be in the repo now.

Devrim Gündüz
Open Source Solution Architect, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
On Fri, 17 May 2019 14:35:08 +0300
Devrim Gündüz <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, 2019-05-17 at 10:40 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> > I suppose I'll have to be a bit more patient, or maybe your publication get
> > stuck somewhere in the middle?
> They should be in the repo now.

No more luck:

  [root@srv1 ~]# yum install postgresql11 postgresql11-server \
    postgresql11-contrib resource-agents-paf
  Updating Subscription Management repositories.
  Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:49 ago on Fri May 17 16:33:48 2019.
  No match for argument: postgresql11
  No match for argument: postgresql11-server
  No match for argument: postgresql11-contrib
  No match for argument: resource-agents-paf
  Error: Unable to find a match

  [root@srv1 ~]# yum search postgresql11
  Updating Subscription Management repositories.
  Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:57 ago on Fri May 17 16:33:48 2019.
  Name Matched: postgresql11
  postgresql11-tcl.x86_64 : A Tcl client library for PostgreSQL
  postgresql11-libs.x86_64 : The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL
  clients postgresql11-odbc.x86_64 : PostgreSQL ODBC driver
  postgresql11-devel.x86_64 : PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
  postgresql11-llvmjit.x86_64 : Just-in-time compilation support for PostgreSQL
  postgresql11-plpython.x86_64 : The Python procedural language for PostgreSQL

Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
Just to keep the list up to date, an issue has been opened there:

So far, the best workaround I found is to disable the module "postgresql"
from the official appstream distribution:

  [root@localhost ~]# yum -qy module enable postgresql
  [root@localhost ~]# yum -q info postgresql11-server|grep ^Name
  Error: No matching Packages to list
  [root@localhost ~]# yum -qy module disable postgresql
  [root@localhost ~]# yum -q info postgresql11-server|grep ^Name
  Name         : postgresql11-server


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 12:44:30 +0200
Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais <> wrote:

> Just to keep the list up to date, an issue has been opened there:

For you information, Ken Gaillot adviced me to file a bug on the RH bug tracker
system. So here it is:


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Devrim Gündüz

On Fri, 2019-06-07 at 10:50 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> For you information, Ken Gaillot adviced me to file a bug on the RH bug
> tracker
> system. So here it is:

I committed the fix that is mentioned here:;a=commit;h=b94a8ca9b0c9fffb0d9d230161f1b4a0da8b60d3

I am not releasing the updated packages, until I get some feedback from some
people. I tested this on RHEL 6,7,8 and Fedora 29,30 . RHEL 6 and 7 did not
complain, which is good.

Still, more eyes will be better.

Devrim Gündüz
Open Source Solution Architect, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR


Re: Unable to install pgsql under RHEL8

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais

On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 14:32:53 -0400
Devrim Gündüz <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2019-06-07 at 10:50 +0200, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> > For you information, Ken Gaillot adviced me to file a bug on the RH bug
> > tracker
> > system. So here it is:
> >
> >
> I committed the fix that is mentioned here:
> I am not releasing the updated packages, until I get some feedback from some
> people.

Well, I'm really on the fence in regard with this fix. PGDG packages are not
hotfixes :/

In the past, PGDG repo was requiring to exclude some distro packages to work
correctly. Maybe the best fix for RHEL 8 is to require to disable the
postgresql module ?

Moreover, I believe the best plan is in fact to provide modules from the pgdg
repo itself. But this is a total different story, much bigger project

> I tested this on RHEL 6,7,8 and Fedora 29,30 . RHEL 6 and 7 did not
> complain, which is good.

normal, they are probably ignoring this parameter as it is related to modules.
EL 6 and 7 are not aware of modules.