Thread: Google Season of Docs 2019 - Starter

Google Season of Docs 2019 - Starter

Evangelos Karatarakis

I am interested in participating in GSoD 2019 and more specifically I am interested in working on the project of impooving the Introductory Tutorial for beginners PostgreSQL and in databases. I have a practical and theoretical backround in PostgreSQL due to previous work. Thus I am not in lack of prior knowledge which is needed. Besides, I am about to get my degree as an Electrical and Computer Engineer in a while. On the other hand I am a starter in the field of Technical Writing but I am willing to engage with this profession. For this reason I consider GSoD and this project idea a great opportunity for me. Do you think is a good idea for me to work on a proposal since I am a starter Technical Writer? I am looking forward for your opinion.

Thank you in advance. Regards.
Evangelos Karatarakis
Electrical and Computer Engineering Student
Technical University of Crete

Re: Google Season of Docs 2019 - Starter

Stephen Frost

* Evangelos Karatarakis ( wrote:
> I am interested in participating in GSoD 2019 and more specifically I am
> interested in working on the project of impooving the Introductory Tutorial
> for beginners PostgreSQL and in databases. I have a practical and
> theoretical backround in PostgreSQL due to previous work. Thus I am not in
> lack of prior knowledge which is needed. Besides, I am about to get my
> degree as an Electrical and Computer Engineer in a while. On the other hand
> I am a starter in the field of Technical Writing but I am willing to engage
> with this profession. For this reason I consider GSoD and this project idea
> a great opportunity for me. Do you think is a good idea for me to work on a
> proposal since I am a starter Technical Writer? I am looking forward for
> your opinion.

This is covered here, I believe:


"Technical writers are technical writers worldwide who’re accepted to
take part in this year’s Season of Docs. Applicants should be able to
demonstrate prior technical writing experience by submitting role
descriptions and work samples. See the technical writer guide and

This program isn't intended, as I understand the above to say, as a
starter for technical writers.  I recommend you ask Google directly
regarding your interest in the program.


