Thread: Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

"Daniel Verite"

When FETCH_COUNT is set, queries combined in a single request don't work
as expected:

 \set FETCH_COUNT 10
 select pg_sleep(2) \; select 1;

No result is displayed, the pg_sleep(2) is not run, and no error
is shown. That's disconcerting.

The sequence that is sent under the hood is:

    select pg_sleep(2) ; select 1;
#3 CLOSE _psql_cursor

The root problem is in deciding that a statement can be run
through a cursor if the query text starts with "select" or "values"
(in is_select_command() in common.c), but not knowing about multiple
queries in the buffer, which are not compatible with the cursor thing.

When sending #2, psql expects the PQexec("DECLARE...") to yield a
PGRES_COMMAND_OK, but it gets a PGRES_TUPLES_OK instead. Given
that, it abandons the cursor, rollbacks the transaction (if
it opened it), and clears out the results of the second select
without displaying them.

If there was already a transaction open, the problem is worse because
it doesn't rollback and we're silently missing an SQL statement that
was possibly meant to change the state of the data, as in
 BEGIN; SELECT compute_something() \; select get_results(); END;

Does anyone have thoughts about how to fix this?
ATM I don't see a plausible fix that does not involve the parser
to store the information that it's a multiple-query command and pass
it down somehow to is_select_command().
Or a more modern approach could be to give up on the
cursor-based method in favor of  PQsetSingleRowMode().
That might be too big a change for a bug fix though,

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

Bonjour Daniel,

> When FETCH_COUNT is set, queries combined in a single request don't work
> as expected:
> \set FETCH_COUNT 10
> select pg_sleep(2) \; select 1;
> No result is displayed, the pg_sleep(2) is not run, and no error
> is shown. That's disconcerting.


> Does anyone have thoughts about how to fix this?

> ATM I don't see a plausible fix that does not involve the parser
> to store the information that it's a multiple-query command and pass
> it down somehow to is_select_command().

The lexer (not parser) is called by psql to know where the query stops 
(i.e. waiting for ";"), so it could indeed know whether there are several 

I added some stuff to extract embedded "\;" for pgbench "\cset", which has 
been removed though, but it is easy to add back a detection of "\;", and 
also to detect select. If the position of the last select is known, the 
cursor can be declared in the right place, which would also solve the 

> Or a more modern approach could be to give up on the cursor-based method 
> in favor of PQsetSingleRowMode().

Hmmm. I'm not sure that row count is available under this mode? ISTM that 
the FETCH_COUNT stuff should really batch fetching result by this amount.
I'm not sure of the 1 by 1 row approach.


Re: Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

"Daniel Verite"
    Fabien COELHO wrote:

> I added some stuff to extract embedded "\;" for pgbench "\cset", which has
> been removed though, but it is easy to add back a detection of "\;", and
> also to detect select. If the position of the last select is known, the
> cursor can be declared in the right place, which would also solve the
> problem.

Thanks, I'll extract the necessary bits from your patch.
I don't plan to go as far as injecting a DECLARE CURSOR inside
the query, but rather just forbid the use of the cursor in
the combined-queries case.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

Tom Lane
"Daniel Verite" <> writes:
>     Fabien COELHO wrote:
>> I added some stuff to extract embedded "\;" for pgbench "\cset", which has 
>> been removed though, but it is easy to add back a detection of "\;", and 
>> also to detect select. If the position of the last select is known, the 
>> cursor can be declared in the right place, which would also solve the 
>> problem.

> Thanks, I'll extract the necessary bits from your patch.
> I don't plan to go as far as injecting a DECLARE CURSOR inside
> the query, but rather just forbid the use of the cursor in
> the combined-queries case.

Keep in mind that a large part of the reason why the \cset patch got
bounced was exactly that its detection of \; was impossibly ugly
and broken.  Don't expect another patch using the same logic to
get looked on more favorably.

I'm not really sure how far we should go to try to make this case "work".
To my mind, use of \; in this way represents an intentional defeat of
psql's algorithms for deciding where end-of-query is.  If that ends up
in behavior you don't like, ISTM that's your fault not psql's.

Having said that, I did like the idea of maybe going over to
PQsetSingleRowMode instead of using an explicit cursor.  That
would represent a net decrease of cruftiness here, instead of
layering more cruft on top of what's already a mighty ugly hack.

However ... that'd require using PQsendQuery, which means that the
case at hand with \; would result in a server error rather than
surprising client-side behavior.  Is that an acceptable outcome?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

Hello Tom,

> Keep in mind that a large part of the reason why the \cset patch got
> bounced was exactly that its detection of \; was impossibly ugly
> and broken.  Don't expect another patch using the same logic to
> get looked on more favorably.

Although I do not claim that my implementation was very good, I must admit 
that I'm not sure why there would be an issue if the lexer API is made 
aware of the position of embedded \;, if this information is useful for a 

> I'm not really sure how far we should go to try to make this case "work".
> To my mind, use of \; in this way represents an intentional defeat of
> psql's algorithms for deciding where end-of-query is.

I do not understand: the lexer knows where all queries ends, it just does 
not say so currently?

> If that ends up in behavior you don't like, ISTM that's your fault not 
> psql's.

ISTM that the user is not responsible for non orthogonal features provided 
by psql or pgbench (we implemented this great feature, but not in all 

> Having said that, I did like the idea of maybe going over to
> PQsetSingleRowMode instead of using an explicit cursor.  That
> would represent a net decrease of cruftiness here, instead of
> layering more cruft on top of what's already a mighty ugly hack.

Possibly, but, without having looked precisely at the implementation, I'm 
afraid that it would result in more messages. Maybe I'm wrong. Also, I'm 
ensure how returning new pg results for each row (as I understood the mode 
from the doc) would interact with \;, i.e. how to know whether the current 
query has changed. Maybe all this has simple answer.

> However ... that'd require using PQsendQuery, which means that the
> case at hand with \; would result in a server error rather than
> surprising client-side behavior.  Is that an acceptable outcome?

I've sent a patch to replace the existing PQexec by PQsendQuery for a not 
directly related feature, see


Re: Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

"Daniel Verite"
    Tom Lane wrote:

> Keep in mind that a large part of the reason why the \cset patch got
> bounced was exactly that its detection of \; was impossibly ugly
> and broken.  Don't expect another patch using the same logic to
> get looked on more favorably.

Looking at the end of the discussion about \cset, it seems what
you were against was not much how the detection was done rather
than how and why it was used thereafter.

In the case of the present bug, we just need to know whether there
are any \; query separators in the command string.
If yes, then SendQuery() doesn't get to use the cursor technique to
avoid any risk with that command string, despite FETCH_COUNT>0.

PFA a simple POC patch implementing this.

> Having said that, I did like the idea of maybe going over to
> PQsetSingleRowMode instead of using an explicit cursor.  That
> would represent a net decrease of cruftiness here, instead of
> layering more cruft on top of what's already a mighty ugly hack.

It would also work with queries that start with a CTE, and queries
like (UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE.. RETURNING), that the current way
with the cursor cannot handle. But that looks like a project for PG13,
whereas a fix like the attached could be backpatched.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite


Re: Trouble with FETCH_COUNT and combined queries in psql

>> Keep in mind that a large part of the reason why the \cset patch got
>> bounced was exactly that its detection of \; was impossibly ugly
>> and broken.  Don't expect another patch using the same logic to
>> get looked on more favorably.
> Looking at the end of the discussion about \cset, it seems what
> you were against was not much how the detection was done rather
> than how and why it was used thereafter.
> In the case of the present bug, we just need to know whether there
> are any \; query separators in the command string.
> If yes, then SendQuery() doesn't get to use the cursor technique to
> avoid any risk with that command string, despite FETCH_COUNT>0.
> PFA a simple POC patch implementing this.

Indeed it does not look that bad.

Note a side effect of simply counting: "SELECT 1 \; ;" is detected as 
compound, but internal misplaced optimization would result in only one 
result as the empty one is removed, so the cursor trick would work.

In some earlier version, not sure whether I sent it, I tried to keep their 
position with some int array and detect empty queries, which was a lot of 
(ugly) efforts.
