Thread: pgAdmin 4 v4.5 released

pgAdmin 4 v4.5 released

Akshay Joshi
The pgAdmin Development Team are pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 4.5.
This release of pgAdmin 4 includes over 5 bug fixes. For more details please see the release notes at:

pgAdmin is the leading Open Source graphical management tool for
PostgreSQL. For more information, please see:

Notable changes in this release include:

* Ensure that pgAdmin4 should work properly with psycopg2 v2.8.
* Fixed 'Change Password' issue for SCRAM authentication.
* Ensure that two consecutive SELECT statements should work properly.
* Relabel the Save button on the datagrid text editor to avoid confusion with the actual Save button that updates the database.

Builds for Windows and macOS are available now, along with a Python Wheel,
Docker Container and source code tarball from:

RPM and DEB packages are expected to be available on the
repositories within the next few days.

Note: Users of the Python Wheel should uninstall and then reinstall instead of upgrading it.

Akshay Joshi
pgAdmin Project