Thread: RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Raymond Martin
Hi Fabien,
Thank you for your time. Apologies for not being more specific about my testing methodology.

> > PGSS not loaded: 0.18ms
> This means 0.0018 ms latency per transaction, which seems rather fast, on my laptop I have typically 0.0XX ms...

This actually means 0.18 milliseconds. I agree that this is a bit high, so I instead created an Ubuntu VM to get
resultsthat would align with yours.  

> I could not reproduce these results on my ubuntu laptop. Could you be more precise about the test? Did you use
pgbench?Did it run in parallel? What options were used? What is the test script? 

I did not use pgbench. It is important to call pg_stat_statements_reset before every query. This simulates a user that
isperforming distinct and non-repeated queries on their database. If you use prepared statements or the same set of
querieseach time, you would remove the contention on the pgss query text file.  
I re-tested this on an Ubuntu machine with 4cores and 14GB ram. I did not run it in parallel. I used a python script
thatimplements the follow logic:  
    - select pg_stat_statements_reset() -- this is important because we are making pgss treat the 'select 1' like a new
querywhich it has not cached into pgss_hash.  
    - time 'select 1'
Repeat 100 times for each configuration.

Here are my Ubuntu results:
  pgss unloaded
  Mean: 0.076
  Standard Deviation: 0.038

  Mean: 0.099
  Standard Deviation: 0.040

  Mean: 0.098
  Standard Deviation: 0.107

  pgss.track=none + patch
  Mean: 0.078
  Standard Deviation: 0.042

The results are less noticeable, but I still see about a 20% performance improvement here.

> There I have an impact of 10% in these ideal testing conditions wrt latency where the DB does basically nothing, thus
whichwould not warrant to disable pg_stat_statements given the great service this extension brings to performance

I agree that pg_stat_statements should not be disabled based on these performance results.

> Note that this does not mean that the patch should not be applied, it looks like an oversight, but really I do not
havethe performance degradation you are suggesting. 

I appreciate your input and I want to come up with a canonical test that makes this contention more obvious.
Unfortunately, it is difficult because the criteria that causes this slow down (large query sizes and distinct
non-repeatedqueries) are difficult to reproduce with pgbench. I would be open to any suggestions here.  

So even though the performance gains in this specific scenario are not as great, do you still think it would make sense
tosubmit a patch like this?  

Raymond Martin
Azure Database for PostgreSQL

RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

legrand legrand
my test case:

drop table a;
create table a ();

i int;
for i in 1..20
execute 'alter table a add column a'||i::text||' int';
end loop;

select  pg_stat_statements_reset();
set pg_stat_statements.track='none';

i int;
j int;
for j in 1..20
for i in 1..20
execute 'select a'||i::text||',a'||j::text||' from a where 1=2';
end loop;
end loop;

Sent from:

RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Hello Raymond,

>> Note that this does not mean that the patch should not be applied, it 
>> looks like an oversight, but really I do not have the performance 
>> degradation you are suggesting.
> I appreciate your input and I want to come up with a canonical test that 
> makes this contention more obvious. Unfortunately, it is difficult 
> because the criteria that causes this slow down (large query sizes and 
> distinct non-repeated queries) are difficult to reproduce with pgbench. 
> I would be open to any suggestions here.
> So even though the performance gains in this specific scenario are not 
> as great, do you still think it would make sense to submit a patch like 
> this?

Sure, it definitely makes sense to reduce the overhead when the extension 
is disabled. I wanted to understand the source of performance issue, and 
your explanations where not enough for reproducing it.


RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Raymond Martin
Hi Fabien,

> Sure, it definitely makes sense to reduce the overhead when the extension is disabled. I wanted to understand the
sourceof performance issue, and your explanations where not enough for reproducing it. 
Thanks again Fabien. I am attaching the patch to this email in the hope of getting it approved during the next commit
I will continue trying to find a simple performance test to exemplify the performance degradation that I have seen with
morecomplex workloads.  

Raymond Martin
Azure Database for PostgreSQL


RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

legrand legrand

it seems that your patch is not readable.
If you want it to be included in a commitfest, you should add it by yourself

Not sure that there is any room left in pg12 commitfest.


Sent from:

Re: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Christoph Berg
Re: Raymond Martin 2019-04-01 <>
> Thanks again Fabien. I am attaching the patch to this email in the hope of getting it approved during the next commit


you sent the patch as UTF-16, could you re-send it as plain ascii?


Re: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Robert Haas
On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 5:37 AM Christoph Berg <> wrote:
> Re: Raymond Martin 2019-04-01 <>
> > Thanks again Fabien. I am attaching the patch to this email in the hope of getting it approved during the next
> you sent the patch as UTF-16, could you re-send it as plain ascii?

One thing that needs some thought here is what happens if the value of
pgss_enabled() changes.  For example we don't want a situation where
if the value changes from off to on between one stage of processing
and another, the server crashes.

I don't know whether that's a risk here or not; it's just something to
think about.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

legrand legrand
Robert Haas wrote
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 5:37 AM Christoph Berg <

> myon@

> > wrote:
>> Re: Raymond Martin 2019-04-01 <

> BN8PR21MB121708579A3782866DF1F745B1550@.outlook

> >
>> > Thanks again Fabien. I am attaching the patch to this email in the hope
>> of getting it approved during the next commit fest.
>> you sent the patch as UTF-16, could you re-send it as plain ascii?
> One thing that needs some thought here is what happens if the value of
> pgss_enabled() changes.  For example we don't want a situation where
> if the value changes from off to on between one stage of processing
> and another, the server crashes.
> I don't know whether that's a risk here or not; it's just something to
> think about.
> -- 
> Robert Haas
> EnterpriseDB:
> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Hi, here is a simple test where I commented that line
in pgss_post_parse_analyze
   to force return; (as if pgss_enabled() was disabled)
but kept pgss_enabled() every where else 

    /* Safety check... */
//    if (!pgss || !pgss_hash || !pgss_enabled())

This works without crash as you can see here after:

postgres=# select pg_stat_statements_reset();

(1 row)

postgres=# show pg_stat_statements.track;
(1 row)

postgres=# create table a(id int);

postgres=# select * from a where id=1;
(0 rows)

postgres=# select queryid,query,calls from pg_stat_statements;
       queryid       |             query             | calls
 1033669194118974675 | show pg_stat_statements.track |     1
 3022461129400094363 | create table a(id int)        |     1
(2 rows)


Sent from:

RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Raymond Martin
Hi Christoph,

> you sent the patch as UTF-16, could you re-send it as plain ascii?

Apologies. I re-attached the plain ascii version.

Raymond Martin
Azure Database for PostgreSQL


RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Raymond Martin
From: Robert Haas
>> One thing that needs some thought here is what happens if the value of
>> pgss_enabled() changes.  For example we don't want a situation where
>> if the value changes from off to on between one stage of processing
>> and another, the server crashes.
>> I don't know whether that's a risk here or not; it's just something to
>> think about.
This is definitely an important consideration for this change. A hook could
have the implicit assumption that a query ID is always generated.

From: PAscal
> Hi, here is a simple test where I commented that line in pgss_post_parse_analyze
>  to force return; (as if pgss_enabled() was disabled) but kept pgss_enabled() every where else
>    /* Safety check... */
> //    if (!pgss || !pgss_hash || !pgss_enabled())
>        return;
> This works without crash as you can see here after:

In theory, the rest of the hooks look solid.
As mentioned above, I think the major concern would be a hook that depends
on a variable generated in pgss_post_parse_analyze. Two hooks
(pgss_ExecutorStart, pgss_ExecutorEnd) depend on the query ID
generated from pgss_post_parse_analyze. Fortunately, both of these
functions already check for query ID before doing work.

I really appreciate you putting this change into practice.
Great to see your results align with mine.
Thanks Pascal!!!

Raymond Martin
Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Re: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Raymond Martin
Apologies, but I had already created a commit here: . 
Any preference on which to keep?

Raymond Martin

RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Hello Raymond,

>> Sure, it definitely makes sense to reduce the overhead when the extension is disabled. I wanted to understand the
sourceof performance issue, and your explanations where not enough for reproducing it.
> Thanks again Fabien. I am attaching the patch to this email in the hope of getting it approved during the next commit
> I will continue trying to find a simple performance test to exemplify the performance degradation that I have seen
withmore complex workloads.

Patch applies and compiles cleanly. Global and local make check ok.

The patch adds an early exit in one of the hook when pgss is not enabled 
on a given query. This seems to be a long time oversight of some earlier 
additions which only had some (small or large depending) performance 

About the comment "...and" -> "... and" (add a space)

Otherwise all is well.


Re: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Jeff Davis
On Wed, 2019-04-03 at 23:20 +0000, Raymond Martin wrote:
> Hi Christoph, 
> > you sent the patch as UTF-16, could you re-send it as plain ascii?
> Apologies. I re-attached the plain ascii version. 

Committed. Thanks!

    Jeff Davis