Thread: New vs old values collision in UPDATE RETURNING docs

New vs old values collision in UPDATE RETURNING docs

PG Doc comments form
The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


What we have in doc:
[ RETURNING * | output_expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] [, ...] ]
output_expression: An expression to be computed and returned by the UPDATE
command after each row is updated.
What we have in the wild (Pg8..11):
* when using field names, expression represents NEW values after update;
* when using sub-selects or joined table references, expression represents
OLD values before update.

POC code:
create temporary table test(id int primary key, status text not null);

insert into test(id, status) values(1, 'initial');

update test t set status='new'
where id=1
returning id,
    status as new_status,
    (select status from test where as old_status;

Thus that "after each row is updated" sentence is rather confusing.
