Thread: Incorect path

Incorect path

PG Doc comments form
The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


At it is
$ cd ..../src/tutorial
$ make
$ cd ..../tutorial
$ psql -s mydb

The four dots are not valid, either remove two of them or replace all four
with proper path such as ../..

Re: Incorect path

"David G. Johnston"
On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 8:25 AM PG Doc comments form
<> wrote:
> At it is
> written:
> $ cd ..../src/tutorial

> The four dots are not valid, either remove two of them or replace all four
> with proper path such as ../..

Your solutions are equally invalid even if they can be executed -
likely with a different error than what you are seeing now.

The current command is symbolic in nature since where in the local
filesystem tree src/tutorial exists is unknown.

If this is "fixed" at all, so that it is a valid and useful command,
the change would be to simply make src/tutorial a relative path:

cd src/tutorial

I personally find no confusion with the existing code, which points
out that the where you cd to requires being in the right initial
location, but would accept a purely relative path.

I would not accept randomly adding relative ancestor navigation since
the only reason it is being suggested is due to misunderstanding the
intent of the original.

David J.