Thread: Java's org.postgresql.util.PSQLState is missing common PostgreSQLError Codes

Java's org.postgresql.util.PSQLState is missing common PostgreSQLError Codes

"David Kremer"
(resending to avoid HTML formatting)

In my Java API server, I am using SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation mode, so I'm specially handling the error code of
"40001serialization_failure", which can occur often. I'm getting the error code String using SQLException's

Therefore I was surprised to see that the Java enum org.postgresql.util.PSQLState does not include this error code.

PSQLState code:
PSQLState documentation:[]

The 40001 serialization_failure error is listed here:[]

It seems like this should be added to the pgjdbc Java enum. Is there a reason it's not in there?

Re: Java's org.postgresql.util.PSQLState is missing common PostgreSQLError Codes

Jorge Solórzano
org.postgresql.util.PSQLState it's more used for "internal" type-safe
checks of SQLState in the driver than to be used externally, it never
has a complete list of all available error codes of PostgreSQL,
SQLException returns a String representation, not the enum used in

But if you need the enum you can send a PR.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 10:11 PM David Kremer <> wrote:
> (resending to avoid HTML formatting)
> In my Java API server, I am using SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation mode, so I'm specially handling the error code
of"40001 serialization_failure", which can occur often. I'm getting the error code String using SQLException's
> Therefore I was surprised to see that the Java enum org.postgresql.util.PSQLState does not include this error code.
> PSQLState code:
> PSQLState documentation:[]
> The 40001 serialization_failure error is listed here:[]
> It seems like this should be added to the pgjdbc Java enum. Is there a reason it's not in there?