Thread: Re: Import/Export failure due to UTF-8 error in pgAdmin4 but not in pgAdmin3


On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 3:29 PM Nanina Tron <> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for trying. Yes the backup included the invalid data, but we've just found the problem.
> The 'special' characters in the data are handled just fine, but not if they are present in the column names.
> So does pgAdmin handle both data differently or is it Postgres? I thought if the db is encoded UTF8 the this wouldn't
bea problem.

It depends on what part of pgAdmin we're talking about. The
import/export tool hands off the task to psql - it will only try to
look at column names to let you select a subset if you choose. Other
areas will touch the data as well.

That said, with your dump loaded into a SQL_ASCII database, we do seem
to get a failure when trying to reverse engineer the columns. I'll ask
one of the devs to look into that.

Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake

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The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company