Thread: Discussion: Fast DB/Schema/Table disk size check in Postgresql

Discussion: Fast DB/Schema/Table disk size check in Postgresql

Hubert Zhang
Hi all,

For very large databases, the dbsize function `pg_database_size_name()` etc. could be quite slow, since it needs to call `stat()` system call on every file in the target database.

We proposed a new solution to accelerate these dbsize functions which check the disk usage of database/schema/table. The new functions avoid to call `stat()` system call, and instead store the disk usage of database objects in user tables(called diskquota.xxx_size, xxx could be db/schema/table). Checking the size of database 'postgres' could be converted to the SQL query `select size from diskquota.db_size where name = `postgres``.

To keep the diskquota.table_size up-to-date, we follow a passive way which let a separate background worker process to refresh the model periodically with a user defined delay. Compare with active way, which updates the table size on-the-fly in executor, our method will not harm the OLTP performance, all the table size update are done asynchronously. The background worker process needs to detect the table size change, maintain the table size model, and flush the table size into user table. Luckily, the first two parts are already be solved in Diskquota extension.

We have introduced the diskquota extension in past. (link to diskquota wiki )  Diskquota is an extension to control the disk usage for database objects like schemas or roles. DBA could set the quota limit for a schema or a role on a database. Then diskquota worker process will maintain the diskquota model, which includes the current disk usage of each schema or role in the database and the blacklist of schema and role whose quota limit is reached. Loading data into tables, whose schema or role is in diskquota blacklist, will be cancelled.

To support fast disk size check function, diskquota worker process need to just add some logics to flush the diskquota model into user table diskquota.table_size with less code change. Here is the algorithm change: (for origin diskquota algorithm to refresh diskquota model refer to diskquota design)

The change to the original diskquota algorithm is described in bold font below(detail link):

  1. Fetch the latest user defined quota limit by reading table 'diskquota.quota_config'.
  2. Get active table list(table_oid and size) from Active Tables shared memory. Table size is calculated by pg_total_relation_size(table_oid). At diskquota model initialization stage (e.g. after restart database), it will firstly read table size from table diskquota.table_size to rebuild the table_size_map, schema_size_map and role_size_map directly. If table diskquota.table_size is empty, then all the tables will be treated as active tables. Quota Size Checker will fetch the table size of all the tables directly.
  3. Traverse user tables in pg_class:
    1. If table is in active table list, calculate the delta of table size change, update the corresponding table_size_map, namespace_size_map and role_size_map, update tables diskquota.table_size, diskquota.schema_size and diskquota.role_size in current database.
    2. If table's schema change, move the quota from old schema to new schema in namespace_size_map, update table diskquota.schema_size in current database.
    3. If table's owner change, move the quota from old owner to new owner in role_size_map, update table diskquota.role_size in current database.
    4. Mark table is existed(not dropped) in table_size_map.
  4. Traverse table_size_map and detect 'dropped' tables in step 3.4. Reduce the quota from corresponding namespace_size_map and role_size_map. update tables diskquota.table_size, diskquota.schema_size and diskquota.role_size in current database.
  5. Traverse namespace in pg_namespace:
    1. remove the dropped namespace from namespace_size_map.
    2. compare the quota usage and quota limit for each namespace, put the out-of-quota namespace into blacklist.
    3. update table diskquota.schema_size in current database.
  6. Traverse role in pg_role:
    1. remove the dropped role from role_size_map.
    2. compare the quota usage and quota limit for each role, put the out-of-quota role into blacklist.
    3. update table diskquota.role_size in current database.

Any comment on fast disk size check function is appreciate.
BTW,  diskquota extension need to add some hook functions in Postgres. We update our patch in commitfest/21/1883. There is no reviewer yet. Please help to review this patch if you are interest in diskquota extension. Thanks in advance!


Hubert Zhang

Re: Discussion: Fast DB/Schema/Table disk size check in Postgresql

Stephen Frost

* Hubert Zhang ( wrote:
> For very large databases, the dbsize function `pg_database_size_name()`
> etc. could be quite slow, since it needs to call `stat()` system call on
> every file in the target database.

I agree, it'd be nice to improve this.

> We proposed a new solution to accelerate these dbsize functions which check
> the disk usage of database/schema/table. The new functions avoid to call
> `stat()` system call, and instead store the disk usage of database objects
> in user tables(called diskquota.xxx_size, xxx could be db/schema/table).
> Checking the size of database 'postgres' could be converted to the SQL
> query `select size from diskquota.db_size where name = `postgres``.

This seems like an awful lot of work though.

I'd ask a different question- why do we need to stat() every file?

In the largest portion of the system, when it comes to tables, indexes,
and such, if there's a file 'X.1', you can be pretty darn sure that 'X'
is 1GB in size.  If there's a file 'X.245' then you can know that
there's 245 files (X, X.1, X.2, X.3 ... X.244) that are 1GB in size.

Maybe we should teach pg_database_size_name() about that?




Re: Discussion: Fast DB/Schema/Table disk size check in Postgresql

Hubert Zhang
Thanks Stephen.
In the largest portion of the system, when it comes to tables, indexes,
and such, if there's a file 'X.1', you can be pretty darn sure that 'X'
is 1GB in size.  If there's a file 'X.245' then you can know that
there's 245 files (X, X.1, X.2, X.3 ... X.244) that are 1GB in size.
Good idea. We could just add your logic in db_dir_size(). to teach both pg_database_size_name() and pg_database_size_oid().
'X' maybe larger than 1GB with custom configuration.
So the size of the table could be calculated with two stats: size(X.245) + 245*size(X)

On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 3:52 AM Stephen Frost <> wrote:

* Hubert Zhang ( wrote:
> For very large databases, the dbsize function `pg_database_size_name()`
> etc. could be quite slow, since it needs to call `stat()` system call on
> every file in the target database.

I agree, it'd be nice to improve this.

> We proposed a new solution to accelerate these dbsize functions which check
> the disk usage of database/schema/table. The new functions avoid to call
> `stat()` system call, and instead store the disk usage of database objects
> in user tables(called diskquota.xxx_size, xxx could be db/schema/table).
> Checking the size of database 'postgres' could be converted to the SQL
> query `select size from diskquota.db_size where name = `postgres``.

This seems like an awful lot of work though.

I'd ask a different question- why do we need to stat() every file?

In the largest portion of the system, when it comes to tables, indexes,
and such, if there's a file 'X.1', you can be pretty darn sure that 'X'
is 1GB in size.  If there's a file 'X.245' then you can know that
there's 245 files (X, X.1, X.2, X.3 ... X.244) that are 1GB in size.

Maybe we should teach pg_database_size_name() about that?




Hubert Zhang