Thread: Errors creating partitioned tables from existing using (LIKE ) after renaming table constraints
) after renaming table constraints

Dear team,


I am using PostGreSQL 11.1, I compiled from source on openSuSE Tumbleweed.

ousa_new=# SELECT version() ;
PostgreSQL 11.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (SUSE Linux) 8.2.1 20181025 [gcc-8-branch revision 265488], 64-bit

I imported a table definition from another database using:


pg_dump -d ousa -t knowledge_vectors -s | psql ousa_new


The table inherits from a hierarchy and I imported those parent tables first. I want to test partitioning so in the new db, I renamed the table and all its indexes and constraints so I can create a new table partitioned table based on this design using (like <table>).


ousa_new=# \d+ knowledge_vectors_old

Table "public.knowledge_vectors_old"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description


entry_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | |

revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain | |

entered_by | text | | not null | "current_user"() | extended | |

revised_by | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

source_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

object_id | bigint | | not null | | plain | |

description | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

vectors | tsvector | | not null | | extended | |


"knowledgevectorsold_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledgevectorsold_vector_idx" gin (vectors), tablespace "pgindex"

Check constraints:

"knowledgevectors_vectors_ck" CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector)

Foreign-key constraints:

"knowledgevectorsold_objectid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES knowledge(object_id)


knowledgevectors_revision_tr BEFORE UPDATE ON knowledge_vectors_old FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE revised()

Inherits: ousa_objects



ousa_new=# alter table knowledge_vectors_old rename constraint knowledgevectors_vectors_ck to knowledgevectorsold_vectors_ck ;



ousa_new=# \d+ knowledge_vectors_old

Table "public.knowledge_vectors_old"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description


entry_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | |

revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain | |

entered_by | text | | not null | "current_user"() | extended | |

revised_by | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

source_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

object_id | bigint | | not null | | plain | |

description | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

vectors | tsvector | | not null | | extended | |


"knowledgevectorsold_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledgevectorsold_vector_idx" gin (vectors), tablespace "pgindex"

Check constraints:

"knowledgevectorsold_vectors_ck" CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector)

Foreign-key constraints:

"knowledgevectorsold_objectid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES knowledge(object_id)


knowledgevectors_revision_tr BEFORE UPDATE ON knowledge_vectors_old FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE revised()

Inherits: ousa_objects


On my attempt to create the new partitioned table using like, I get error that the constraint by the old name doesn't exist:


ousa_new=# create table knowledge_vectors (like knowledge_vectors_old INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ;

ERROR: constraint "knowledgevectors_vectors_ck" for table "knowledge_vectors_old" does not exist


Only after I dropped the new constraint and recreated it, did the create table (like <table>) work.


Ousa_new=# alter table knowledge_vectors_old drop constraint knowledgevectorsold_vectors_ck ;



ousa_new=# alter table knowledge_vectors_old add constraint knowledgevectorsold_vectors_ck CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector) ;



ousa_new=# \d+ knowledge_vectors_old

Table "public.knowledge_vectors_old"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description


entry_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | |

revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain | |

entered_by | text | | not null | "current_user"() | extended | |

revised_by | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

source_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

object_id | bigint | | not null | | plain | |

description | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

vectors | tsvector | | not null | | extended | |


"knowledgevectorsold_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledgevectorsold_vector_idx" gin (vectors), tablespace "pgindex"

Check constraints:

"knowledgevectorsold_vectors_ck" CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector)

Foreign-key constraints:

"knowledgevectorsold_objectid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES knowledge(object_id)


knowledgevectors_revision_tr BEFORE UPDATE ON knowledge_vectors_old FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE revised()

Inherits: ousa_objects



ousa_new=# create table knowledge_vectors (like knowledge_vectors_old INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ;



ousa_new=# \d+ knowledge_vectors

Table "public.knowledge_vectors"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description


entry_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | |

revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain | |

entered_by | text | | not null | "current_user"() | extended | |

revised_by | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

source_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

object_id | bigint | | not null | | plain | |

description | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

vectors | tsvector | | not null | | extended | |

Partition key: RANGE (object_id)


"knowledge_vectors_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledge_vectors_vectors_idx" gin (vectors), tablespace "pgindex"

Check constraints:

"knowledgevectorsold_vectors_ck" CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector)

Number of partitions: 0



The original table is:


ousa# \d+ knowledge_vectors

Table "public.knowledge_vectors"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description


entry_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | |

revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain | |

entered_by | text | | not null | "current_user"() | extended | |

revised_by | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

source_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

object_id | bigint | | not null | | plain | |

description | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

vectors | tsvector | | not null | | extended | |


"knowledgevectors_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledgevectors_vector_idx" gin (vectors), tablespace "pgindex"

Check constraints:

"knowledgevectors_vectors_ck" CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector)


knowledgevectors_revision_tr BEFORE UPDATE ON knowledge_vectors FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE revised()

Inherits: ousa_objects




) after renaming table constraints
Amit Langote

On 2018/12/13 5:00, Stuart wrote:
> ousa_new=# \d+ knowledge_vectors_old
>                                                     Table "public.knowledge_vectors_old"
>     Column     |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |            Default             | Storage  |
Statstarget | Description
>  entry_date    | timestamp(3) with time zone |           | not null | now()                          | plain    |
>  revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone |           |          | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain    |
>  entered_by    | text                        |           | not null | "current_user"()               | extended |
>  revised_by    | text                        |           |          | ''::text                       | extended |
>  source_id     | bigint                      |           |          |                                | plain    |
>  object_id     | bigint                      |           | not null |                                | plain    |
>  description   | text                        |           |          | ''::text                       | extended |
>  vectors       | tsvector                    |           | not null |                                | extended |
> Indexes:
>     "knowledgevectorsold_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"
>     "knowledgevectorsold_vector_idx" gin (vectors), tablespace "pgindex"
> Check constraints:
>     "knowledgevectors_vectors_ck" CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector)
> Foreign-key constraints:
>     "knowledgevectorsold_objectid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES knowledge(object_id)
> Triggers:
>     knowledgevectors_revision_tr BEFORE UPDATE ON knowledge_vectors_old FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE revised()
> Inherits: ousa_objects
> ousa_new=# alter table knowledge_vectors_old rename constraint knowledgevectors_vectors_ck to

> ousa_new=# create table knowledge_vectors (like knowledge_vectors_old INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id
> ERROR:  constraint "knowledgevectors_vectors_ck" for table "knowledge_vectors_old" does not exist
> Only after I dropped the new constraint and recreated it, did the create table (like <table>) work.

Thanks for the report.

There is a bug here, but it's not of CREATE TABLE.  It is rather of ALTER
TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT, which fails to reflect the changed constraint
name in the target table's relation info cache.  Here is another
reproducer of this behavior:

create table foo (a int, constraint check_a check (a > 0));
alter table foo rename CONSTRAINT check_a to check_a_gt_zero;
-- in the same session
create table bar (like foo including all);
ERROR:  constraint "check_a" for table "foo" does not exist

What might be worse is that if you specify INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS (not
ALL), it proceeds with creating the constraint with the outdated name:

create table bar (like foo including constraints);
\d bar
                Table ""
 Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default
 a      │ integer │           │          │
Check constraints:
    "check_a" CHECK (a > 0)

What's happening here is that when the ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT is
followed by CREATE TABLE (LIKE .. INCLUDING ALL) in the same session, the
latter is referring to *stale* information about constraints of the source
table.  You said it works correctly after you drop and re-create the
constraint, but that's only because ALTER TABLE DROP/ADD CONSTRAINT will
correctly invalidate the cached information, so that subsequent CREATE
TABLE sees the correct information from the updated cache.  The way to fix
it is to teach ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT to reset the cached information.

Attached a patch which does that.  With the patch:

create table foo (a int, constraint check_a check (a > 0));
alter table foo rename CONSTRAINT check_a to check_a_gt_zero;
create table bar (like foo including all);
\d bar
                Table ""
 Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default
 a      │ integer │           │          │
Check constraints:
    "check_a_gt_zero" CHECK (a > 0)

-- INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS works correctly too
drop table bar;
create table bar (like foo including constraints);
\d bar
                Table ""
 Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default
 a      │ integer │           │          │
Check constraints:
    "check_a_gt_zero" CHECK (a > 0)



Re: Errors creating partitioned tables from existing using (LIKE

On 2018 Zvita 13, China 12:03:35 +03 Amit Langote wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2018/12/13 5:00, Stuart wrote:
> > ousa_new=# \d+ knowledge_vectors_old
> >
> >                                                     Table
> >                                                     "public.knowledge_vec
> >                                                     tors_old"
> >
> >     Column     |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |
> >           Default             | Storage  | Stats target | Description>
> > ---------------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+-----
> > ---------------------------+----------+--------------+------------->
> >  entry_date    | timestamp(3) with time zone |           | not null |
> >  now()                          | plain    |              | revision_date
> >  | timestamp(3) with time zone |           |          | NULL::timestamp
> >  with time zone | plain    |              | entered_by    | text
> >                |           | not null | "current_user"()               |
> >  extended |              | revised_by    | text                        |
> >           |          | ''::text                       | extended |
> >        | source_id     | bigint                      |           |
> >    |                                | plain    |              | object_id
> >      | bigint                      |           | not null |
> >                   | plain    |              | description   | text
> >                  |           |          | ''::text
> >  | extended |              | vectors       | tsvector
> >  |           | not null |                                | extended |
> >           |>
> > Indexes:
> >     "knowledgevectorsold_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace
> >     "pgindex" "knowledgevectorsold_vector_idx" gin (vectors), tablespace
> >     "pgindex">
> > Check constraints:
> >     "knowledgevectors_vectors_ck" CHECK (vectors <> ''::tsvector)
> >
> > Foreign-key constraints:
> >     "knowledgevectorsold_objectid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES
> >     knowledge(object_id)>
> > Triggers:
> >     knowledgevectors_revision_tr BEFORE UPDATE ON knowledge_vectors_old
> > Inherits: ousa_objects
> >
> > ousa_new=# alter table knowledge_vectors_old rename constraint
> > knowledgevectors_vectors_ck to knowledgevectorsold_vectors_ck ; ALTER
> >
> > ousa_new=# create table knowledge_vectors (like knowledge_vectors_old
> > INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ; ERROR:  constraint
> > "knowledgevectors_vectors_ck" for table "knowledge_vectors_old" does not
> > exist
> >
> > Only after I dropped the new constraint and recreated it, did the create
> > table (like <table>) work.
> Thanks for the report.
> There is a bug here, but it's not of CREATE TABLE.  It is rather of ALTER
> TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT, which fails to reflect the changed constraint
> name in the target table's relation info cache.  Here is another
> reproducer of this behavior:
> create table foo (a int, constraint check_a check (a > 0));
> alter table foo rename CONSTRAINT check_a to check_a_gt_zero;
> -- in the same session
> create table bar (like foo including all);
> ERROR:  constraint "check_a" for table "foo" does not exist
> What might be worse is that if you specify INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS (not
> ALL), it proceeds with creating the constraint with the outdated name:
> create table bar (like foo including constraints);
> \d bar
>                 Table ""
>  Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default
> ────────┼─────────┼───────────┼──────────┼─────────
>  a      │ integer │           │          │
> Check constraints:
>     "check_a" CHECK (a > 0)
> What's happening here is that when the ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT is
> followed by CREATE TABLE (LIKE .. INCLUDING ALL) in the same session, the
> latter is referring to *stale* information about constraints of the source
> table.  You said it works correctly after you drop and re-create the
> constraint, but that's only because ALTER TABLE DROP/ADD CONSTRAINT will
> correctly invalidate the cached information, so that subsequent CREATE
> TABLE sees the correct information from the updated cache.  The way to fix
> it is to teach ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT to reset the cached
> information.
> Attached a patch which does that.  With the patch:
> create table foo (a int, constraint check_a check (a > 0));
> alter table foo rename CONSTRAINT check_a to check_a_gt_zero;
> create table bar (like foo including all);
> \d bar
>                 Table ""
>  Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default
> ────────┼─────────┼───────────┼──────────┼─────────
>  a      │ integer │           │          │
> Check constraints:
>     "check_a_gt_zero" CHECK (a > 0)
> -- INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS works correctly too
> drop table bar;
> create table bar (like foo including constraints);
> \d bar
>                 Table ""
>  Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default
> ────────┼─────────┼───────────┼──────────┼─────────
>  a      │ integer │           │          │
> Check constraints:
>     "check_a_gt_zero" CHECK (a > 0)
> Thanks,
> Amit

Thanks Amit.

) after renaming table constraints
Michael Paquier
On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 06:03:35PM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
> What's happening here is that when the ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT is
> followed by CREATE TABLE (LIKE .. INCLUDING ALL) in the same session, the
> latter is referring to *stale* information about constraints of the source
> table.  You said it works correctly after you drop and re-create the
> constraint, but that's only because ALTER TABLE DROP/ADD CONSTRAINT will
> correctly invalidate the cached information, so that subsequent CREATE
> TABLE sees the correct information from the updated cache.  The way to fix
> it is to teach ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT to reset the cached
> information.

This analysis looks right to me, and that's indeed a bug.  And as far as
I can see this is reproducible down to 9.4.  I cannot check your patch
in details today unfortunately, but I'll try to look at that in the next
couple of days and see if there are any surrounding issues.

) after renaming table constraints
Amit Langote
On 2018/12/14 9:20, Michael Paquier wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 06:03:35PM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
>> What's happening here is that when the ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT is
>> followed by CREATE TABLE (LIKE .. INCLUDING ALL) in the same session, the
>> latter is referring to *stale* information about constraints of the source
>> table.  You said it works correctly after you drop and re-create the
>> constraint, but that's only because ALTER TABLE DROP/ADD CONSTRAINT will
>> correctly invalidate the cached information, so that subsequent CREATE
>> TABLE sees the correct information from the updated cache.  The way to fix
>> it is to teach ALTER TABLE RENAME CONSTRAINT to reset the cached
>> information.
> This analysis looks right to me, and that's indeed a bug.  And as far as
> I can see this is reproducible down to 9.4.  I cannot check your patch
> in details today unfortunately, but I'll try to look at that in the next
> couple of days and see if there are any surrounding issues.

Thank you for looking.  I noticed that the previously posted patch doesn't
apply as is to branches before 11, so here are the patches that apply to
9.4 to 10 branches.


) after renaming table constraints
Michael Paquier
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 11:19:16AM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
> Thank you for looking.  I noticed that the previously posted patch doesn't
> apply as is to branches before 11, so here are the patches that apply to
> 9.4 to 10 branches.

When renaming an attribute, renameatt_internal is in charge of
invalidating the cache by using CacheInvalidateHeapTuple when running
the catalog update in CatalogTupleUpdate.

For constraint renames, we may finish by using RenameConstraintById or
RenameRelationInternal.  And here the constraint is removed by OID where
a invalidation happens for the constraint, but not its parent relation.
In short I agree with your fix and its position, still I think that we
should add a comment why the invalidation needs to happen, with
something simple, like "Invalidate relcache so as others can see the new
constraint name".

I'll try to get that committed tomorrow and back-patched appropriately.

) after renaming table constraints
Amit Langote

Thanks for reviewing.

On 2018/12/16 16:27, Michael Paquier wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 11:19:16AM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
>> Thank you for looking.  I noticed that the previously posted patch doesn't
>> apply as is to branches before 11, so here are the patches that apply to
>> 9.4 to 10 branches.
> When renaming an attribute, renameatt_internal is in charge of
> invalidating the cache by using CacheInvalidateHeapTuple when running
> the catalog update in CatalogTupleUpdate.
> For constraint renames, we may finish by using RenameConstraintById or
> RenameRelationInternal.  And here the constraint is removed by OID where
> a invalidation happens for the constraint, but not its parent relation.
> In short I agree with your fix and its position, still I think that we
> should add a comment why the invalidation needs to happen, with
> something simple, like "Invalidate relcache so as others can see the new
> constraint name".

Yeah, a comment is indeed needed.

> I'll try to get that committed tomorrow and back-patched appropriately.

Thank you for adding the comment and committing. :)


) after renaming table constraints
Michael Paquier
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 10:41:07AM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
> On 2018/12/16 16:27, Michael Paquier wrote:
>> I'll try to get that committed tomorrow and back-patched appropriately.
> Thank you for adding the comment and committing. :)

Done just a few moments ago.  I have also added a test with a primary
key rename which does not matter as long as LIKE INCLUDE INDEXES is
involved but that felt safer in the long-run.

) after renaming table constraints
Michael Paquier
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 10:51:10AM +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
> Done just a few moments ago.  I have also added a test with a primary
> key rename which does not matter as long as LIKE INCLUDE INDEXES is
> involved but that felt safer in the long-run.

Buildfarm member prion is complaining on that:

It seems that the call to relation_close should happen after
CacheInvalidateRelcache.  Damn..

) after renaming table constraints
Amit Langote
On 2018/12/17 11:06, Michael Paquier wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 10:51:10AM +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
>> Done just a few moments ago.  I have also added a test with a primary
>> key rename which does not matter as long as LIKE INCLUDE INDEXES is
>> involved but that felt safer in the long-run.
> Buildfarm member prion is complaining on that:
> It seems that the call to relation_close should happen after
> CacheInvalidateRelcache.  Damn..

What a blunder!  Sorry. :(


) after renaming table constraints
Michael Paquier
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 11:20:14AM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
> On 2018/12/17 11:06, Michael Paquier wrote:
>> It seems that the call to relation_close should happen after
>> CacheInvalidateRelcache.  Damn..

That was the issue and this is actually exactly like what has been fixed
in 8082bea2.

> What a blunder!  Sorry. :(

No problem.  I have committed a fix after reproducing the failure
manually and checking the fix.  This should cool down prion now.

) after renaming table constraints
Amit Langote
On 2018/12/17 12:52, Michael Paquier wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 11:20:14AM +0900, Amit Langote wrote:
>> On 2018/12/17 11:06, Michael Paquier wrote:
>>> It seems that the call to relation_close should happen after
>>> CacheInvalidateRelcache.  Damn..
> That was the issue and this is actually exactly like what has been fixed
> in 8082bea2.
>> What a blunder!  Sorry. :(
> No problem.  I have committed a fix after reproducing the failure
> manually and checking the fix.  This should cool down prion now.

Thank you!
