Thread: InfluxDB fdw 0.1 released

InfluxDB fdw 0.1 released

Mototaka Kanematsu
We have just released version 0.1 of the Foreign Data Wrapper for InfluxDB.

This release can work with PostgreSQL 9.6, 10 and 11.
This release supports following features :

   -  WHERE clauses including timestamp, interval and now functions are pushed down
   -  Simple aggregation without GROUP BY are pushed down


   - INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are not supported.
   - Result sets have different number of rows depending on specified target list.
   - Complex boolean conditions not allowed in InfluxDB like WHERE b = (a = true) may cause error.
   - Conditions including NULL may cause error.

This is developed by Toshiba Software Engineering & Technology Center.
Please see the repository for details.

Source repository :

Best Regards,
Mototaka Kanematsu