Thread: [ANNOUNCE] pg_probackup 2.0.25 released

[ANNOUNCE] pg_probackup 2.0.25 released

Grigory Smolkin
PostgreSQL Professional are proud to announce the release of 
pg_probackup 2.0.25.

pg_probackup is a utility to manage backup and recovery of PostgreSQL 
database cluster. It is designed to perform periodic full and 
incremental page-level backups of the PostgreSQL instance that enable 
you to restore the server in case of a failure.

Installation instructions:

Packages for PG11 are now available.

Changes since 2.0.24:

   * Bugfix: changing log-level-file and log-level-console via 
set-config command now works correctly
   * Bugfix: WAL files crc comparison done by archive-push is now works 
correctly for compressed WAL segments, previously it`s was always giving 
   * Impromevent: PG_STOP_BACKUP_TIMEOUT now governed by 
'--archive-timeout' option
   * Impromevent: CRC-32c now used to calculate crc for data and WAL 
files, previously a slower CRC-32 was used
   * Impromevent: stale replica can be backuped without false-positive 
WAL timeouts
   * Impromevent: for PG >= 10 pg_stop_backup() now called without 
wait_for_archive flag
   * Impromevent: minor fixes for Windows build

Grigory Smolkin
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company