Thread: Partitioning with foreign tables.

Partitioning with foreign tables.

Günce Kaya


I have a question about partitioning with FDW and I have some confusion about using constraints. I would like to share with you.

I generated a partitioned table(students_fdw) has two partition tables(students_p1,students_p2) on Postgres 10 in remote side. You can see which constraint partitioned table has.

Remote side:

[pg10] # \d+ students_fdw

                                      Table "public.students_fdw"

Column |       Type        | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats

target | Description



id     | integer           |           | not null |         | plain    |     


name   | character varying |           | not null |         | extended |     


Partition key: RANGE (id)

Partitions: students_p1 FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (100),

           students_p2 FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (200)

Internal server database side;

I generated a foreign table(students_fdw).

I created a new partitioned table which is called students_local. Students_fdw foreign table is going to be a partition table of  students_local table.

artemis=# create table students_local (id integer, name character varying) partition by range(id);


After generating students_local table as partitioned table, I ATTACH foreign table(students_fdw)which is also a partitioned table in remote. Students_fdw table become a partition table of students_local table. The constraint in here is id should be between 1 to 10 because of following script.

artemis=# alter table students_local attach partition students_fdw for values from (1) to (10);


After creating partitioned table and attaching a foreign table as a partition table to it, I checked If it works well.

artemis=# select * from students_local limit 1;

id  |           name             


100 | 28fb8f3a34d5c125d31de5e44735ec40

(1 row)

Then I inserted a row like id=1. It worked.

artemis=# insert into students_fdw values(1,'a name');


Then I tried to insert another row for id=11. Insert statement also worked. But I think the insert statement should not work because I’ve gave a constraint as id between 1 to 10 for partitioned table that is in local.

artemis=# insert into students_fdw values(11,'another name');


I checked row counts if there is a row number greater than 1.

artemis=# select id from students_fdw group by id having count(*)>1;





(2 rows)

After all, I tried to insert another row like id=200 (the foreign table has a constraint in remote side like id can not be inserted if id>=200 because this foreign table is a partitioned table in remote side and we should care about constraints on it.)

I tried to insert a row for id=200(this is out of constraint for partitioned table in foreign server) in local. Of course, I couldn’t do it.

artemis=# insert into students_fdw values(200,'another name');

ERROR:  no partition of relation "students_fdw" found for row

DETAIL:  Partition key of the failing row contains (id) = (200).

CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: INSERT INTO public.students_fdw(id, name) VALUES ($1, $2)

Then I’ve got an error. I could not insert this row because of partitioned table constraint which is for foreign table.

I couldn’t insert a row where id=200. But I think I should not insert a row where id=11 because of constraints of partitioned table in local.

if constraint doesn’t match even if foreign table’s constraint is matched, I should not insert row but I could insert a row out of constraints on partitioned table(studensts_local) which is in internal server database.

If I insert a row to partitioned table which is in local, a partitioned table’s constraints should work. If I add a constraint on a partitioned table, I should be make sure I can not insert a row which is out of partitioned table’s constraints. But I could. I think, partitioned table’s constraints should work with regard to environment. If I work on local, constraints work for local tables and should not consider other environment’s constraints.

If constraints don’t work in locally, why am I add a constraint to a partitioned table when foreign table which is going to be part of partitioned table?

Probably, there is some proper explanation for this case but the situation made me confused. And I would like to heard the real reason for this.



Re: Partitioning with foreign tables.

Günce Kaya

If I insert a row to partitioned table which is in local, a partitioned table’s constraints should work. If I add a constraint on a partitioned table, I should be make sure I can not insert a row which is out of partitioned table’s constraints. But I could. I think, partitioned table’s constraints should work with regard to environment. If I work on local, constraints work for local tables and should not consider other environment’s constraints.

To be more clear, I would like to add EXPLAIN ANALYZE script.

artemis=# explain (analyze,verbose) insert into students values(2,'another name');
                                               QUERY PLAN                            
 Insert on public.students  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=36) (actual time=1.536..1.53
9 rows=0 loops=1)
   Remote SQL: INSERT INTO public.students(id, name) VALUES ($1, $2)
   ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=36) (actual time=0.005..0.013 rows=1 loop
         Output: 2, 'another name'::character varying
 Planning time: 0.063 ms
 Execution time: 2.877 ms
(6 rows)

We use push-down for INSERT statement but I think constraints should be checked before sending SQL statements then INSERT statements should be perform.

If it's nature, why do we require to add unused constraint for FDW side only?

Gunce Kaya