Thread: re-skinning the

re-skinning the

Dave Cramer
I'm have someone who can work on the jdbc site and the idea is to make it look more or less like the current site.

Does anyone have an objections or other ideas ?

Dave Cramer

Re: re-skinning the

Gavin Flower
On 05/09/2018 23:24, Dave Cramer wrote:
> I'm have someone who can work on the jdbc site and the idea is to make 
> it look more or less like the current 
> <> site.
> Does anyone have an objections or other ideas ?
> Dave Cramer

Hi Dave,

I personally don't like the look of  - Found most of 
my objections was due to the fact I was viewing it enlarged, as I needed 
to with the old layout.  Now I viewed it at the normal size it looks 
better, but it would look much better if headings were not in all upper 
case (IMnsHO!).

I have a 42" monitor, but I seldom display a browser to take up the 
whole screen, even when I had much smaller monitors.

Just looked at

With the size of browser displayed, I instantly saw all I needed to know 
about the latest JDBC driver without scrolling, but with the main site I 
find the large picture of the elephants distracting.

The JDBC site could do with a little bit of imagery to attract people 
attention, but not going overboard like the main site. Probably more 
important to increase the size of the fonts.  I can read the fonts as 
is, but I find it more comfortable when I get my Palemoon browser to 
increase the size of what is displayed twice, using  <Ctrl>+.

I value a web site by how easy it is to find out what I want to know, 
rather than how trendy it looks.  PLEASE put Functionality ahead of Fashion!

Years ago, I used to use GNOME 2 as my desktop environment, but it 
caught the Apple disease and became a 'Triumph of Fashion over 
Functionality'.  I fled from GNOME 3, and now use the Mate desktop 

Oh, and if you ever specifically cater for mobile phone displays, please 
don't ruin the desktop experience by trying to have the same look and 
feel for both mobile & desktop (Firefox suffers a bit from that)!
