Thread: pgmetrics 1.4 released

pgmetrics 1.4 released

Mahadevan Ramachandran
Hello All,

We're happy to announce the release of v1.4 of pgmetrics. This release includes:

* Collect and report table partition and inheritance information
* Collect and report logical replication publications and subscriptions
* Collect and report the type (btree, hash etc) of indexes
* More table and index attributes: column count, tablespace etc.
* Now usable as a Go(lang) library, thanks to Siddharth Karandikar

You can get the latest release from GitHub [1].

Thanks to all the people who pitched in with bug reports, suggestions and
patches! Keep it coming!

About pgmetrics

pgmetrics is an open-source, zero-dependency, single-binary tool that can
collect a lot of information and statistics from a running PostgreSQL server
and display it in easy-to-read text format or export it as JSON for scripting.

Learn more at, or see a sample report here [2].

pgmetrics is an open-source project of RapidLoop [3].
