Thread: WARNING: could not write block 27094490 of base/56972584/56980980

WARNING: could not write block 27094490 of base/56972584/56980980

Naveen Kumar
Hello Experts,

What could be the reason for bellow error?  

Not allowing to do any operation on other databases in the cluster. Not even allowing to connect to database and  We are not seeing this error on secondary node. 

WARNING:  could not write block 27094490 of base/56972584/56980980
DETAIL:  Multiple failures --- write error might be permanent.
ERROR:  could not open file "base/56972584/56980980.69" (target block 27094490): previous segment is only 6449 blocks
CONTEXT:  writing block 27094490 of relation base/56972584/56980980

Thanks & Regards,
Naveen M