Thread: How to include/reference a common bit of code in a function

How to include/reference a common bit of code in a function

Hi all,

I have a function that has multiple UNION ALLs. As part of the WHERE condition I need to test if any one of 31 columns is true. So right now I have my function looking something like:

Insert into Table A (column 1, ... column n) (
SELECT (column 1, ...column n) from Table B
WHERE ( column  A OR column B OR ...repeated 31 times) = true
AND Condition 1
AND Condition 2
AND Condition 3


SELECT (column 1, ...column n) from Table C
WHERE ( column  A OR column B OR ...repeated 31 times) = true
AND Condition 4
AND Condition 5
AND Condition 6


SELECT (column 1, ...column n) from Table D
WHERE ( column  A OR column B OR ...repeated 31 times) = true
AND Condition 7
AND Condition 8
AND Condition 9

UNION ALL repeated about 10 times.


My question is there anyway that I can substitute the list of 31 of OR columns (always the same 31 column names) in my WHERE clause  with a "shortcut" so my code is shorter and cleaner. I need to create additional functions for other tables that use the same 31 ORs, so trying to find an easy way to reference this list of ORs across all my functions. Note, the additional WHERE clauses differ for each of the Unions, so I have them numbered 1,2,3 for the first SELECT, 4,5,6 for the second SELECT etc. 

The above is a representation of the function and I have simplified it so I could highlight attention on the above question. 



Re: How to include/reference a common bit of code in a function

Laurenz Albe
Date: wrote:
> I have a function that has multiple UNION ALLs. As part of the WHERE condition I
> need to test if any one of 31 columns is true. So right now I have my function looking something like:
> Insert into Table A (column 1, ... column n) (
> SELECT (column 1, ...column n) from Table B
> WHERE ( column  A OR column B OR ...repeated 31 times) = true
> [...]
> My question is there anyway that I can substitute the list of 31 of OR columns
> (always the same 31 column names) in my WHERE clause  with a "shortcut" so my code
> is shorter and cleaner. I need to create additional functions for other tables that
> use the same 31 ORs, so trying to find an easy way to reference this list of ORs
> across all my functions. Note, the additional WHERE clauses differ for each of the
> Unions, so I have them numbered 1,2,3 for the first SELECT, 4,5,6 for the second SELECT etc. 

It would be shorter to write

   WHERE TRUE IN (columnA, columnB, ...)

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec |