Thread: Re: License Question

Re: License Question

Federico Di Gregorio
On 30/05/18 20:04, Jamie Specter wrote:
> Hello -
> Big fan of psycopg2!
> I would love to use it in an Apache-licensed project but unfortunately, 
> LGPL licenses are not compatible with Apache 2.0.

Hi Jamie,

first of all, changing a license is a big task. While there is still 
only my name as the copyright holder (I was the original author after 
all) I don't feel like it is possible to change the license without the 
permission of at least all the major contributors to the project.

Also, as Daniele explained, we're pretty happy with the LGPL3.

To better understand your request:

1) By "Apache project" do you mean an official project of the Apache 
Foundation or just a project released under the Apache license?

2) Can you provide a detailed description of your use case? Is it a 
library, an application? What is/are its license(s)? Which langguages it 
uses? Right now I don't see an use case that really NEEDS a different 
license for psycopg.


Federico Di Gregorio               
DNDG srl                                        
   We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the
    time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.    -- D.E.Knuth