Thread: SUM and MAX over different periods - months over several years?

SUM and MAX over different periods - months over several years?

Paul Linehan
I have a tricky piece of SQL that's bothering me.

I have a table called illness - it's oncology so these are all tumours.

Let's say we have cervical and lung and some months we might have more
lung tumours than cervical and other months it's vice versa!

We record them as follows (full DDL and DML at end of post)

nature_of_illness VARCHAR(25), created_at TIMESTAMP (UTC) - these
dates and times are essentially random - tests can be returned by
international labs at any time of the day or night.

Now, what I want is to find which illness was reported most in a given
month and in a given year.

The records returned should look like

nature_of_illness year      month      count (count has to be the MAX
out of all illnesses for a given month)
lung                    2017       January     53 - i.e. in January
2017, the most reported illness was lung tumours of which there were
cervix                 2017       February    45

I have an added constraint - this must work using "old" SQL - i.e.
with MySQL 5.6 as well as PostgreSQL 10 - no Windows/Analytics
functions &c.

I have got this far:

-- SELECT DISTINCT(i_data), il_mc) -- commented out pieces show other
failed attempts!
-- (
  -- c_month,  -- just provides a number - how do I convert an ::int
(say 1) to 'January'
    WHEN c_month = 1 THEN 'January'
    WHEN c_month = 2 THEN 'February'
    -- then March... &c...
  END AS the_month,
  -- SELECT to_char(to_timestamp (c_month::text, 'MM'), 'TMmon') --
tried variants of this, want better than CASE
  MAX(month_count) AS il_mc
  SELECT nature_of_illness as illness,
    EXTRACT(YEAR  FROM created_at) AS c_year,
    EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at) AS c_month,
    COUNT(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at)) AS month_count
   FROM illness
) t1
GROUP BY c_year, c_month
ORDER BY c_year, c_month

which gives (sample data DML below)

c_year     the_month     il_mc
2017     January     1
2017     February     3
2018     January     5
2018     February     3

These figures are correct with the sample data.

What I'm finding difficult is to include the most common illness name
text for a given month! And what do I do in the case of ties (as for
January 2017 in sample data)? I imagine that my ties scenario will
require Analytic functions? DENSE_RANK or similar? I'd be grateful for
a non-Analytic solution and an Analytic one. Any discussion,
references, URLs or other helpful data most appreciated - I really
want to grasp what's going on here! I think I need to JOIN on my
derived table(s) but can't figure it!

If anything extra is required, please let me know!



DDL and DML -------------------------

CREATE table illness (nature_of_illness VARCHAR(25), created_at TIMESTAMP);

INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2018-01-03 15:45:40');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2018-01-03 15:45:40');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2018-01-03 15:45:40');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2018-01-03 15:45:40');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2018-01-03 15:45:40');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2018-01-03 17:50:32');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2018-02-03 17:50:32');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2018-02-03 17:50:32');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2018-02-03 17:50:32');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2018-02-03 17:50:32');

INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2017-01-03 15:45:40'); -- one
of each for Jan 2017
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2017-01-03 17:50:32'); -- one
of each for Jan 2017 - dealing with ties?
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2017-02-03 17:50:32');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2017-02-03 17:50:32');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Lung',   '2017-02-03 17:50:32');
INSERT INTO illness VALUES ('Cervix', '2017-02-03 17:50:32');

Re: SUM and MAX over different periods - months over several years?

"David G. Johnston"
On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 7:25 AM, Paul Linehan <> wrote:
Now, what I want is to find which illness was reported most in a given
month and in a given year.

Basically, you want to computed an ordered listing of all illnesses counts grouped by year-month, then return the first one of them (in the case of ties are you expecting to return two records or one)?

SELECT DISTINCT ON (year, month) year, month, count_of_illness, illness
SELECT year, month, count(*) AS count_of_illness, illness
FROM ...
GROUP BY year, month
) grp

This will return exactly one record, "the first" for each year/month combination in your data.  First is determined by the sort in the subquery.

If you need to return multiple records in the case of ties you either, more of less, self-join on (year, month, count) or use something like dense_rank() OVER (partition by year, month order by count_of_illness desc) to assign a rank of 1 to all highest count items and then add a "where dense_rank = 1" filter to the query.

David J.

Re: SUM and MAX over different periods - months over several years?

Paul Linehan
Hi, and thanks for taking the time to reply

I used this (helped by your original query):

  t3.c_year AS "Year",
  t3.c_month AS "Month",
  t3.il_mc AS  "Tumour count",
  t4.ill_nat AS "Type" FROM
  SELECT c_year, c_month, il_mc FROM
    MAX(month_count) AS il_mc
      SELECT nature_of_illness as illness,
        EXTRACT(YEAR  FROM created_at) AS c_year,
        EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at) AS c_month,
        COUNT(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at)) AS month_count
      FROM illness
      GROUP BY illness, c_year, c_month
      ORDER BY c_year, c_month
    ) AS t1
  GROUP BY c_year, c_month
  ) AS t2
) AS t3
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM created_at) AS t_year,
  EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at) AS t_month,
  nature_of_illness AS ill_nat,
  COUNT(nature_of_illness) AS ill_cnt
FROM illness
GROUP BY t_year, t_month, nature_of_illness
ORDER BY t_year, t_month, nature_of_illness
) AS t4
ON t3.c_year = t4.t_year
AND t3.c_month = t4.t_month
AND t3.il_mc = t4.ill_cnt

and got this as a result:

  t3.c_year AS "Year",
  t3.c_month AS "Month",
  t3.il_mc AS  "Tumour count",
  t4.ill_nat AS "Type" FROM
  SELECT c_year, c_month, il_mc FROM
    MAX(month_count) AS il_mc
      SELECT nature_of_illness as illness,
        EXTRACT(YEAR  FROM created_at) AS c_year,
        EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at) AS c_month,
        COUNT(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at)) AS month_count
      FROM illness
      GROUP BY illness, c_year, c_month
      ORDER BY c_year, c_month
    ) AS t1
  GROUP BY c_year, c_month
  ) AS t2
) AS t3
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM created_at) AS t_year,
  EXTRACT(MONTH FROM created_at) AS t_month,
  nature_of_illness AS ill_nat,
  COUNT(nature_of_illness) AS ill_cnt
FROM illness
GROUP BY t_year, t_month, nature_of_illness
ORDER BY t_year, t_month, nature_of_illness
) AS t4
ON t3.c_year = t4.t_year
AND t3.c_month = t4.t_month
AND t3.il_mc = t4.ill_cnt

> This will return exactly one record, "the first" for each year/month
> combination in your data.  First is determined by the sort in the subquery.

Not what I required - there's no point in having ties randomly returning.

> If you need to return multiple records in the case of ties you either, more
> of less, self-join on (year, month, count) or use something like
> dense_rank() OVER (partition by year, month order by count_of_illness desc)
> to assign a rank of 1 to all highest count items and then add a "where
> dense_rank = 1" filter to the query.

Can't use DENSE_RANK() - MySQL 5.6 doesn't support it :-(

Thanks again for your help!



> David J.