Thread: BUG #15179: Related to copy command
The following bug has been logged on the website: Bug reference: 15179 Logged by: Vaishali Kulkarni Email address: PostgreSQL version: 9.5.12 Operating system: linux-gnu Description: Copy command on AWS takes 5 minutes to copy 80mb data but takes 20 minutes on Google cloud server, what should I check to fix this issue?
2018-04-30 8:09 GMT+02:00 PG Bug reporting form <>:
Probably .. it is not PostgreSQL bug, but you are hit some Google cloud limit (maybe some throttling)The following bug has been logged on the website:
Bug reference: 15179
Logged by: Vaishali Kulkarni
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.5.12
Operating system: linux-gnu
Copy command on AWS takes 5 minutes to copy 80mb data but takes 20 minutes
on Google cloud server, what should I check to fix this issue?
Generally - cloud services without explicitly dedicated databases support has bad performance.
You can check:
1. available memory
2. CPU speed (you can run some CPU benchmark)
3. IO speed (there are some benchmarks like bonie++).