Thread: PGAdmin4 debugger - unable to call ltree functions

PGAdmin4 debugger - unable to call ltree functions

"Ian Bell"

I have recently started working with the PGAdmin4 debugger and have encountered a particular problem when testing my own functions that, in turn, call functions from the ltree module.   The sample code below successfully runs in  PSQL.  However, it fails when run in the PGAdmin4 debugger.   Specifically, the debugger generates the following error message when it executes the first call to ‘text2ltree’:


ERROR: syntax error at position 0

CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT exists ( select 1 from TableLtree where MyPath = text2ltree( MyArg ) )"

PL/pgSQL function testltree(text) line 5 at IF


I have successfully been able to use the debugger to walk through many of my test functions providing they only use standard SQL variables.   However, I am unable to debug code that calls the ltree functions. 


Is this a problem/bug with the debugger or am I doing something wrong?  If I am doing something wrong then can you tell me what it is?


Thank you,





Sample Code in a SQL file:


create extension if not exists ltree;

create extension if not exists pldbgapi;


create table if not exists TableLtree(

     ID int

          primary key generated by default as identity,

     MyPath ltree







create or replace function TestLtree(

     MyArg text


returns void

as $$


     status boolean;


     if exists ( select 1 from TableLtree where MyPath = text2ltree( MyArg ) ) then

           status := true;


           status := false;

     end if;


     if status = false then

           insert into TableLtree( MyPath ) values ( text2ltree( MyArg ) );

     end if;   


$$ language plpgsql;






select * from TestLtree( 'a.b.c' );



Re: PGAdmin4 debugger - unable to call ltree functions

Tom Lane
"Ian Bell" <> writes:
> I have recently started working with the PGAdmin4 debugger and have
> encountered a particular problem when testing my own functions that, in
> turn, call functions from the ltree module.   The sample code below
> successfully runs in  PSQL.  However, it fails when run in the PGAdmin4
> debugger.   Specifically, the debugger generates the following error message
> when it executes the first call to 'text2ltree':

> ERROR: syntax error at position 0 
> CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT exists ( select 1 from TableLtree where
> MyPath = text2ltree( MyArg ) )" 
> PL/pgSQL function testltree(text) line 5 at IF

Hm, I have no idea what's going on there, but maybe you could get some
insight by looking at what shows up in the postmaster log file --- that
might be more verbose than what PGAdmin is showing you.

Also, you could likely get more help on the pgadmin mailing list than

            regards, tom lane