Thread: BUG #15136: gin index not used when using column with a where clause

BUG #15136: gin index not used when using column with a where clause

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      15136
Logged by:          Improve query planner
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.6.0
Operating system:   Windows 10

Index defined as:
CREATE INDEX product_en_idx
  ON product USING GIN (lexeme)
  WHERE language = 'en' :: REGCONFIG;

Column product.lexeme is of type tsvector, and product.language is

The following query doesn't use this index:
select count(*) from product p 
where p.lexeme @@ plainto_tsquery(p.language, 'text') and p.language =

But this one does:
select count(*) from product p 
where p.lexeme @@ plainto_tsquery('en'::regconfig, 'text') and p.language =

As language is restricted in the 'where' clause, both queries should use the