Thread: Trying to work on a feature.

Trying to work on a feature.

Rahul Soshte
I am new to the codebase of pgAdmin4 and I am trying to work on this Feature.

which appends .sql to files when using the feature "Save" or "Save As"

Which files or folders I should be mostly grasping or looking at ?

Re: Trying to work on a feature.

Joao De Almeida Pereira
Hello Rahul,

This issues looks like it is located in the file pgadmin/tools/sqleditor/ in the function save_file
Maybe around the code:
# generate full path of file
file_path = unquote(file_data['file_name'])
if hasattr(str, 'decode'):
file_path = unquote(
Sorry if this seams obvious, but we would advise you to:
1 - Extract the function content of save_file to it's own file, something like pgadmin/tools/sqleditor/utils/
2 - Leave in file a shell function like 
@blueprint.route('/save_file/', methods=["PUT", "POST"], endpoint='save_file')
def save_file():
This function retrieves file_name and data from request.
and then save the data to the file
file_data = json.loads(, encoding='utf-8')

save_query_to_file = SaveQueryToFile()

return make_json_response(
'status': True,
3 - Create some tests around the current behavior of the function, similar to the ones you can find in pgadmin/tools/sqleditor/utils/tests/*
4 - Create some tests to ensure if no extension is provided that it would add a default one and implement this new behavior

And you should be set to go

Victoria & Joao

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 2:29 PM Rahul Soshte <> wrote:
I am new to the codebase of pgAdmin4 and I am trying to work on this Feature.

which appends .sql to files when using the feature "Save" or "Save As"

Which files or folders I should be mostly grasping or looking at ?