Thread: Re: BUG #14835: Postgres crashed

Re: BUG #14835: Postgres crashed

Markus Waldegger

Hello Nicola,

Weh have same the issues as you described on one of our databases .
It started with CentOS 6.8 and Postgres 9.5 - after upgrade to CentOS 6.9 ans Postgres 9.6 still same issues.

Did you find the cause or a fix for your crashes?

The database with issues is a poduction system. i've tried to trigger the chrash on a cloned system with no luck to reproduce.

Our Backtrace vom log:

2018-03-12 10:37:01.761 CET - OrderManagerServer (PID: 15382)@ LOG:  duration: 5207.109 ms  statement: WITH RECURSIVE sub2 AS ( WITH RECURSIVE sub AS ( SELECT id, order_entry_fk FROM order_entry WHERE (order_entry.ORDER_STATUS_FK <> 'CA' AND (order_entry.effective_when_begin < Cast( To_Timestamp('2018-03-12 23:59:59.000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') AS TIMESTAMP) AND order_entry.effective_when_end >= Cast( To_Timestamp('2018-03-12 00:00:00.000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') AS TIMESTAMP) )) UNION ALL SELECT, parent.order_entry_fk FROM order_entry AS parent JOIN sub AS child ON ( = child.order_entry_fk) ) SELECT id, 1 AS level, CAST(id AS varchar) AS levelpath FROM order_entry WHERE order_entry_fk IS NULL AND id IN (SELECT id FROM sub WHERE sub.order_entry_fk IS NULL  )UNION ALL SELECT, parent.level + 1 AS level, parent.levelpath || '.' || AS levelpath FROM order_entry AS child JOIN sub2 AS parent ON  (child.order_entry_fk = )SELECT (SELECT Count(*) FROM order_additional_info WHERE AS order_additional_info_cnt, (SELECT Count(*) FROM orderer WHERE AS orderer_cnt, LEVEL,, order_entry.external_id, order_entry.order_entry_fk , order_entry.order_status_fk , order_entry.service_location_fk, COALESCE(To_Char(order_entry.effective_when_begin, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), '00000000000000') AS effective_when_begin, COALESCE(To_Char(order_entry.effective_when_end, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), '00000000000000') AS effective_when_end, order_entry.modality_fk, order_entry.description , order_entry.code , order_entry.accession_number, order_entry.study_instance_uid , order_entry.series_instance_uid , order_entry.img_cnt, (SELECT domain FROM order_root WHERE AS domain, (SELECT link_patient_visit_fk FROM order_root WHERE AS link_patient_visit_fk, CASE WHEN (order_entry.ORDER_STATUS_FK <> 'CA' AND (order_entry.effective_when_begin < Cast( To_Timestamp('2018-03-12 23:59:59.000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') AS TIMESTAMP) AND order_entry.effective_when_end >= Cast( To_Timestamp('2018-03-12 00:00:00.000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') AS TIMESTAMP) )) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS exact_entry_match FROM sub2 JOIN order_entry ON = ORDER BY levelpath
*** glibc detected *** postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x000000000429f510 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecHashJoin+0x5a2)[0x5e1962]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecProcNode+0x208)[0x5ce388]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecScan+0x187)[0x5d56b7]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecProcNode+0x118)[0x5ce298]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecRecursiveUnion+0xad)[0x5ea09d]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecProcNode+0x188)[0x5ce308]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT[0x5ec3cc]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecScan+0x187)[0x5d56b7]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecProcNode+0xe8)[0x5ce268]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecHashJoin+0x2ad)[0x5e166d]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecProcNode+0x208)[0x5ce388]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecSort+0xf9)[0x5eba59]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(ExecProcNode+0x1e8)[0x5ce368]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(standard_ExecutorRun+0x18a)[0x5cbe7a]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT[0x6e2fa7]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(PortalRun+0x188)[0x6e4178]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT[0x6e0ea1]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(PostgresMain+0xdcc)[0x6e256c]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(PostmasterMain+0x1875)[0x6823e5]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT(main+0x7a8)[0x609fe8]
postgres: synedra liaimdb SELECT[0x46c039]
======= Memory map: ========
00400000-00a14000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 684782                             /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgres
00c14000-00c21000 rw-p 00614000 fd:00 684782                             /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgres
00c21000-00c72000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
01f46000-01fab000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
01fab000-06b98000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30a7800000-30a7820000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262157                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a7a1f000-30a7a21000 r--p 0001f000 fd:00 262157                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a7a21000-30a7a22000 rw-p 00021000 fd:00 262157                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a7a22000-30a7a23000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30a7c00000-30a7d8a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262181                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a7d8a000-30a7f8a000 ---p 0018a000 fd:00 262181                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a7f8a000-30a7f8e000 r--p 0018a000 fd:00 262181                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a7f8e000-30a7f90000 rw-p 0018e000 fd:00 262181                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a7f90000-30a7f94000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30a8000000-30a8002000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262322                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8002000-30a8202000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 262322                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8202000-30a8203000 r--p 00002000 fd:00 262322                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8203000-30a8204000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 262322                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8400000-30a8417000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262183                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8417000-30a8617000 ---p 00017000 fd:00 262183                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8617000-30a8618000 r--p 00017000 fd:00 262183                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8618000-30a8619000 rw-p 00018000 fd:00 262183                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8619000-30a861d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30a8800000-30a8807000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262287                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8807000-30a8a06000 ---p 00007000 fd:00 262287                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8a06000-30a8a07000 r--p 00006000 fd:00 262287                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8a07000-30a8a08000 rw-p 00007000 fd:00 262287                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8c00000-30a8c0c000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262360                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8c0c000-30a8e0c000 ---p 0000c000 fd:00 262360                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8e0c000-30a8e0d000 r--p 0000c000 fd:00 262360                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a8e0d000-30a8e0e000 rw-p 0000d000 fd:00 262360                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9000000-30a9015000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262334                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9015000-30a9214000 ---p 00015000 fd:00 262334                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9214000-30a9215000 r--p 00014000 fd:00 262334                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9215000-30a9216000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 262334                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9400000-30a941d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262336                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a941d000-30a961c000 ---p 0001d000 fd:00 262336                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a961c000-30a961d000 r--p 0001c000 fd:00 262336                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a961d000-30a961e000 rw-p 0001d000 fd:00 262336                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a961e000-30a961f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30a9c00000-30a9c16000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262236                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9c16000-30a9e16000 ---p 00016000 fd:00 262236                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9e16000-30a9e17000 r--p 00016000 fd:00 262236                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9e17000-30a9e18000 rw-p 00017000 fd:00 262236                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30a9e18000-30a9e1a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30aa000000-30aa018000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262349                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aa018000-30aa217000 ---p 00018000 fd:00 262349                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aa217000-30aa219000 r--p 00017000 fd:00 262349                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aa219000-30aa224000 rw-p 00019000 fd:00 262349                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aa800000-30aa803000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263010                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aa803000-30aaa02000 ---p 00003000 fd:00 263010                         /lib64/ (deleted)
0                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aaa03000-30aaa04000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 263010                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aac00000-30aad3a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 679793                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30aad3a000-30aaf39000 ---p 0013a000 fd:00 679793                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30aaf39000-30aaf3f000 r--p 00139000 fd:00 679793                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30aaf3f000-30aaf41000 rw-p 0013f000 fd:00 679793                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30aaf41000-30aaf43000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30ab000000-30ab004000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263009                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab004000-30ab203000 ---p 00004000 fd:00 263009                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab203000-30ab204000 r--p 00003000 fd:00 263009                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab204000-30ab205000 rw-p 00004000 fd:00 263009                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab400000-30ab439000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262256                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab439000-30ab639000 ---p 00039000 fd:00 262256                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab639000-30ab63a000 r--p 00039000 fd:00 262256                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab63a000-30ab63c000 rw-p 0003a000 fd:00 262256                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ab63c000-30ab63e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30ab800000-30ab826000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 659562                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ab826000-30aba25000 ---p 00026000 fd:00 659562                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30aba25000-30aba2c000 r--p 00025000 fd:00 659562                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30aba2c000-30aba2d000 rw-p 0002c000 fd:00 659562                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ac400000-30ac402000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262351                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ac402000-30ac601000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 262351                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ac601000-30ac602000 r--p 00001000 fd:00 262351                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ac602000-30ac603000 rw-p 00002000 fd:00 262351                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ac800000-30ac807000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262354                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ac807000-30aca07000 ---p 00007000 fd:00 262354                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aca07000-30aca08000 r--p 00007000 fd:00 262354                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aca08000-30aca09000 rw-p 00008000 fd:00 262354                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aca09000-30aca37000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30ad000000-30ad028000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 679812                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad028000-30ad227000 ---p 00028000 fd:00 679812                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad227000-30ad22b000 r--p 00027000 fd:00 679812                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad22b000-30ad22c000 rw-p 0002b000 fd:00 679812                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad400000-30ad447000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 661533                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad447000-30ad647000 ---p 00047000 fd:00 661533                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad647000-30ad64b000 r--p 00047000 fd:00 661533                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad64b000-30ad64c000 rw-p 0004b000 fd:00 661533                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30ad64c000-30ad64d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30adc00000-30add49000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 659737                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30add49000-30adf48000 ---p 00149000 fd:00 659737                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30adf48000-30adf52000 rw-p 00148000 fd:00 659737                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30adf52000-30adf53000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30ae800000-30ae803000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263020                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30ae803000-30aea02000 ---p 00003000 fd:00 263020                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aea02000-30aea03000 r--p 00002000 fd:00 263020                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30aea03000-30aea04000 rw-p 00003000 fd:00 263020                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30af400000-30af419000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 679813                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30af419000-30af618000 ---p 00019000 fd:00 679813                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30af618000-30af619000 r--p 00018000 fd:00 679813                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30af619000-30af61a000 rw-p 00019000 fd:00 679813                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b0000000-30b000e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262275                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b000e000-30b020d000 ---p 0000e000 fd:00 262275                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b020d000-30b020e000 r--p 0000d000 fd:00 262275                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b020e000-30b020f000 rw-p 0000e000 fd:00 262275                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0400000-30b04dc000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263021                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b04dc000-30b06db000 ---p 000dc000 fd:00 263021                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b06db000-30b06e5000 r--p 000db000 fd:00 263021                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b06e5000-30b06e7000 rw-p 000e5000 fd:00 263021                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0800000-30b080a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263018                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b080a000-30b0a09000 ---p 0000a000 fd:00 263018                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0a09000-30b0a0a000 r--p 00009000 fd:00 263018                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0a0a000-30b0a0b000 rw-p 0000a000 fd:00 263018                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0c00000-30b0c29000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263019                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0c29000-30b0e29000 ---p 00029000 fd:00 263019                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0e29000-30b0e2a000 r--p 00029000 fd:00 263019                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0e2a000-30b0e2b000 rw-p 0002a000 fd:00 263019                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b0e2b000-30b0e2c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30b1000000-30b1002000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263017                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1002000-30b1201000 ---p 00002000 fd:00 263017                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1201000-30b1202000 r--p 00001000 fd:00 263017                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1202000-30b1203000 rw-p 00002000 fd:00 263017                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1400000-30b144e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263016                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b144e000-30b164d000 ---p 0004e000 fd:00 263016                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b164d000-30b164f000 r--p 0004d000 fd:00 263016                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b164f000-30b1651000 rw-p 0004f000 fd:00 263016                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1800000-30b1841000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263022                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1841000-30b1a41000 ---p 00041000 fd:00 263022                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1a41000-30b1a42000 r--p 00041000 fd:00 263022                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b1a42000-30b1a44000 rw-p 00042000 fd:00 263022                         /lib64/ (deleted)
30b2400000-30b25ba000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 664067                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b25ba000-30b27ba000 ---p 001ba000 fd:00 664067                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b27ba000-30b27d5000 r--p 001ba000 fd:00 664067                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b27d5000-30b27e1000 rw-p 001d5000 fd:00 664067                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b27e1000-30b27e5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
30b4400000-30b4462000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 667811                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b4462000-30b4662000 ---p 00062000 fd:00 667811                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b4662000-30b4666000 r--p 00062000 fd:00 667811                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
30b4666000-30b466c000 rw-p 00066000 fd:00 667811                         /usr/lib64/ (deleted)
3857a00000-3857a16000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 263069                         /lib64/
3857a16000-3857c15000 ---p 00016000 fd:00 263069                         /lib64/
3857c15000-3857c16000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 263069                         /lib64/
7f2f68000000-7f2f68021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f2f68021000-7f2f6c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0
7f2f6debf000-7f2f6dee8000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 684796                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f2f6dee8000-7f2f6e0e7000 ---p 00029000 fd:00 684796                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f2f6e0e7000-7f2f6e0ea000 rw-p 00028000 fd:00 684796                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f2f6e0ea000-7f2f6e16b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f2f6e18c000-7f2f6e18d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 684809                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f2f6e18d000-7f2f6e38c000 ---p 00001000 fd:00 684809                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f2f6e38c000-7f2f6e38d000 rw-p 00000000 fd:00 684809                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f2f6e38d000-7f2f6e5ce000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f2f6e5ce000-7f2f6e5db000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262182                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f2f6e5db000-7f2f6e7da000 ---p 0000d000 fd:00 262182                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f2f6e7da000-7f2f6e7db000 r--p 0000c000 fd:00 262182                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f2f6e7db000-7f2f6e7dc000 rw-p 0000d000 fd:00 262182                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f2f6e7e1000-7f2f6e7e2000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f2f6e7e2000-7f2f6e7e9000 r--s 00000000 fd:00 794259                     /usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
7f2f6e7e9000-7f3006c25000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 306667661                  /dev/zero (deleted)
7f3006c25000-7f3006c2d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 684965                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f3006c2d000-7f3006e2c000 ---p 00008000 fd:00 684965                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f3006e2c000-7f3006e2d000 rw-p 00007000 fd:00 684965                     /usr/pgsql-9.6/lib/
7f3006e2d000-7f300ccc2000 r--p 00000000 fd:00 684156                     /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive (deleted)
7f300ccc2000-7f300ccd0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f300ccd0000-7f300cd53000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 262257                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f300cd53000-7f300cf52000 ---p 00083000 fd:00 262257                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f300cf52000-7f300cf53000 r--p 00082000 fd:00 262257                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f300cf53000-7f300cf54000 rw-p 00083000 fd:00 262257                     /lib64/ (deleted)
7f300cf54000-7f300cf57000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f300cf57000-7f300cf63000 rw-s 00000000 00:10 306667664                  /dev/shm/PostgreSQL.1024409285
7f300cf63000-7f300cf64000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 18907136                   /SYSV0052e2c1 (deleted)
7f300cf64000-7f300cf65000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7ffefba0c000-7ffefba21000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
7ffefbada000-7ffefbadb000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
2018-03-12 10:37:03.412 CET - @: LOG:  server process (PID 2750) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
2018-03-12 10:37:03.412 CET - @: DETAIL:  Failed process was running: WITH RECURSIVE sub2 AS ( WITH RECURSIVE sub AS ( SELECT id, order_entry_fk FROM order_entry WHERE (order_entry.ORDER_STATUS_FK <> 'CA' AND (order_entry.effective_when_begin < Cast( To_Timestamp('2018-03-12 23:59:59.000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') AS TIMESTAMP) AND order_entry.effective_when_end >= Cast( To_Timestamp('2018-03-12 00:00:00.000','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') AS TIMESTAMP) )) UNION ALL SELECT, parent.order_entry_fk FROM order_entry AS parent JOIN sub AS child ON ( = child.order_entry_fk) ) SELECT id, 1 AS level, CAST(id AS varchar) AS levelpath FROM order_entry WHERE order_entry_fk IS NULL AND id IN (SELECT id FROM sub WHERE sub.order_entry_fk IS NULL  )UNION ALL SELECT, parent.level + 1 AS level, parent.levelpath || '.' || AS levelpath FROM order_entry AS child JOIN sub2 AS parent ON  (child.order_entry_fk = )SELECT (SELECT Count(*) FROM order_additional_info WHERE AS order_additional_info_cnt, (SELECT Count(*) FROM or
2018-03-12 10:37:03.412 CET - @: LOG:  terminating any other active server processes

best regards from austria

Re: BUG #14835: Postgres crashed

Michael Paquier
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 02:44:36PM +0100, Markus Waldegger wrote:
> We have same the issues as you described on one of our databases .
> It started with CentOS 6.8 and Postgres 9.5 - after upgrade to CentOS 6.9
> ans Postgres 9.6 still same issues.

What is the exact minor version that you are using here?  You may want
to make sure first that you have upgraded up to 9.6.8, which is the last
one in date.

> Did you find the cause or a fix for your crashes?

Without a self-contained test case, it is quite hard to estimate if this
is an issue with PostgreSQL or something related to another library, so
it seems to me that we are still at the same point as before.

Be sure as well to keep your system libraries like glibc up to date.


Re: BUG #14835: Postgres crashed

Nicola Contu
Hey Markus,
If I recall fine, I solved it updating the server with yum and hacking some code in php.
Try to see if you have any update with yum check-update --quiet and see if you can install them.

Otherwise as suggested by Michael, you may want to upgrade to 9.6.8 or 10.3


2018-03-14 2:03 GMT+01:00 Michael Paquier <>:
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 02:44:36PM +0100, Markus Waldegger wrote:
> We have same the issues as you described on one of our databases .
> It started with CentOS 6.8 and Postgres 9.5 - after upgrade to CentOS 6.9
> ans Postgres 9.6 still same issues.

What is the exact minor version that you are using here?  You may want
to make sure first that you have upgraded up to 9.6.8, which is the last
one in date.

> Did you find the cause or a fix for your crashes?

Without a self-contained test case, it is quite hard to estimate if this
is an issue with PostgreSQL or something related to another library, so
it seems to me that we are still at the same point as before.

Be sure as well to keep your system libraries like glibc up to date.

Re: BUG #14835: Postgres crashed

Nicola Contu
Also, we migrated to Centos 7. That may be an idea as well for you.

2018-03-14 9:48 GMT+01:00 Nicola Contu <>:
Hey Markus,
If I recall fine, I solved it updating the server with yum and hacking some code in php.
Try to see if you have any update with yum check-update --quiet and see if you can install them.

Otherwise as suggested by Michael, you may want to upgrade to 9.6.8 or 10.3


2018-03-14 2:03 GMT+01:00 Michael Paquier <>:
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 02:44:36PM +0100, Markus Waldegger wrote:
> We have same the issues as you described on one of our databases .
> It started with CentOS 6.8 and Postgres 9.5 - after upgrade to CentOS 6.9
> ans Postgres 9.6 still same issues.

What is the exact minor version that you are using here?  You may want
to make sure first that you have upgraded up to 9.6.8, which is the last
one in date.

> Did you find the cause or a fix for your crashes?

Without a self-contained test case, it is quite hard to estimate if this
is an issue with PostgreSQL or something related to another library, so
it seems to me that we are still at the same point as before.

Be sure as well to keep your system libraries like glibc up to date.