Thread: Lost Data Connection
I have been successfully using the following PostgreSQL connection string in multiple Excel 2010 vba applications running on 64 bit Windows 7 systems. I have moved to a Window 10 system and my application will randomly lose its connection to the DSN. It may take 5000 calls one time and then 400 calls the next. I am using a Unicode driver. I wrote a sample program that makes the same call in a loop. The code will randomly fail on Window 10 and run flawlessly on Window 7. Both systems are running psqlODBC version 10.01.0000.
Sub GetWarehousingDollars()
Dim i, k As Integer Dim sConn As String Dim sSql As String Dim oQt As QueryTable Dim sLastJob As String Dim iJump As Long
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
iMaxParts = 5000
sConn = sConn &
"DATABASE=epace;;PWD=test1234;PORT=5432;UID=epace_read;SSLmode=disable;ReadOnly=0;" Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Worksheets("Work").Activate Cells.Select Selection.ClearContents iJump = 1 For i = 1 To iMaxParts sLastJob = sPartUsage(i, 8) ' Last Job
sSql = ""
sSql = "SELECT job.ccmasterid,estimateactivity.cost, estimateactivity.markup,estimateactivity.hours,estimatequantity.quantityordered,estimate.lastjob,estimate.customerid,estimate.entrydate,jobpart.esmasterid,jobpart.ccjobpart, "
sSql = sSql & "jobpart.ccqtyordered,job.ccdatesetup,estimateactivity.unitlabel "
sSql = sSql & "FROM ( ( ( ( ( public.estimatequantity estimatequantity INNER JOIN public.estimatepart estimatepart ON "
sSql = sSql & "estimatequantity.estimatepartid=estimatepart.estimatepartid ) INNER JOIN public.estimate estimate ON estimatepart.estimate=estimate.estimateid ) "
sSql = sSql & "INNER JOIN public.estimatestatus estimatestatus ON ) INNER JOIN public.jobpart jobpart ON "
sSql = sSql & "estimate.estimatenumber=jobpart.esmasterid ) INNER JOIN public.job job ON jobpart.ccmasterid=job.ccmasterid ) INNER JOIN "
sSql = sSql & "public.estimateactivity estimateactivity ON estimatequantity.estimatequantityid = estimateactivity.estimatequantityid "
sSql = sSql & "WHERE ((job.ccmasterid = '37712')) AND ((estimatestatus.sequence = 7)) AND ((estimateactivity.activitycodeid = '70515')) AND "
sSql = sSql & " ((estimateactivity.unitlabel LIKE '%Warehous%')) AND ((estimatequantity.quantityordered = jobpart.ccqtyordered)) "
sSql = sSql & "ORDER BY job.ccmasterid, estimatequantity.quantityordered"
' MsgBox sSql Set oQt = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add( _ Connection:=sConn, _ Destination:=Range("a" & iJump), _ Sql:=sSql)
oQt.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
iJump = iJump + 2
End Sub
Steven D. Haley
VP IT and Process Development
Yunker Industries, Inc.│310 O’Connor Drive│Elkhorn, WI 53121│Direct 262-741-5523│Main 262-249-5220│